
2018年8月19日 星期日

Unit 4 @ Cloze & Writing Practice

Unit 4  The Master of Mysteries
Alfred Hitchcock may be the most famous movie director ever. His movies are so popular because they __1__ strong feelings in people who see the movies. Viewers often scream, laugh, shudder, or even close their eyes during different scenes. Hitchcock was an expert __2__ making viewers and characters feel anxious. His characters often get __3__ in perilous situations that they don’t understand. During these scenes, Hitchcock lets viewers know __4__ the danger is. The audience wants to warn the characters __5__, but the characters can’t take any notice of the warnings. In most __6__ movies, dangerous things happen in dark, scary places. But in Hitchcock movies, bad things usually happen in __7__, “safe” places. For example, in the movie The Birds, a woman calmly sits in a park near a school. She doesn’t know that birds are trying __8__ her town. She sees one black bird sit on a jungle gym. The next time she looks, thousands of birds have gathered around her. Soon the birds attack her and the school children. Another part of Hitchcock’s style is to put something __9__ into a scary scene. He knew that people often laugh when they are scared. The funny parts in the movies add to the __10__ that the audience feel while watching.
(   ) 1. (A) find out                   (B) bring out            (C) carry with          (D) die with
(   ) 2. (A) in                      (B) of                       (C) with                         (D) for
(   ) 3. (A) exhausted         (B) known               (C) relieved              (D) caught
(   ) 4. (A) that                         (B) how                          (C) what                  (D) why
(   ) 5. (A) to care about     (B) to watch out             (C) watching out            (D) taking care
(   ) 6. (A) suspense           (B) blue                          (C) action                (D) war
(   ) 7. (A) dim                         (B) light                   (C) brighten                   (D) gloomy
(   ) 8. (A) leaving              (B) taking over        (C) to leave              (D) to take over
(   ) 9. (A) humorous         (B) horrible              (C) thrilling              (D) serious
(   ) 10. (A) joy                  (B) humor                (C) tension               (D) curiosity
Sentence Pattern Analysis:
1. 副詞子句簡化的分詞構句
1. What’s the reason the Alfred Hitchcock has always been popular?àAccording to the author, Hitchcock’s film can bring out strong feelings in the viewers.
2. What kind of movie is your least favorite? Why?àMy least favorite movie is war movies because there is too much violence.
3. Tell something about the most recent movie that you saw. What was the title? Who starred it? What was it about?àThe title was Pearl Harbor. It was about an overwhelming love and surprise attack on the U.S armed forces at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Ben Affleck, John Hartnett, and Kate Beckinsale starred it.
Sentence Making & Rewriting & Translation:
1. for the first timeàFor the first time, I went to visit the National Palace Museum.
2. instead ofàInstead of staying in the classroom, he went out to play basketball.
1. He didn’t know how to react. He kept silent (V-ing合併)
àNot knowing how to react, he kept silent.
2. Because he feared that he would be arrested, he tried to escape. (用分詞構句改寫)
àFearing that he would be arrested, he tried to escape.
3. After he had failed twice, he decided not to try again. (用分詞構句改寫)
àHaving failed twice, he decided not to try again.
1.因為病重,他取消英國行。(…cancelled his journey to…)àBeing seriously ill, he cancelled his journey to Britain.
2.由於厭煩了我抱怨這節目,他關上電視。(get tired of; my complaint about)àGetting tired of my complaint about the program, he turned off TV.
3.由於不希望讓她生氣,我說了善意的謊言。(wish to make her…; a white lie)àNot wishing to make her angry, I told her a white lie.
4.因為覺得地板在搖動,我衝出我的房間。(shake; rush out)àFeeling the floor shaking, I rushed out of my room.

