
2019年5月2日 星期四

LEVEL 6: Unit 39 ~ Unit 40

Unit 39
aggression [ə`grɛʃən] n. 侵略(不可數)
衍生字:aggressive [ə`grɛsɪv] a. 具侵略性的;積極的 ④;aggressively [ə`grɛsɪvlɪ] adv. 積極地
Most of John's co-workers cannot stand his aggressive manner.
A successful businessman has to be aggressive. / 成功的生意人必須積極進取。
Recent research shows that listening to rap music may lead to aggression in teenagers. / 最近一份研究顯示,聽饒舌音樂可能造成年輕人的侵略行為。

analyst [`ænḷɪst] n. 分析師
衍生字:analyze [`ænə͵laɪz] vt. 分析 ④;analysis [ə`næləsɪs] n. 分析(複數為 analyses [ə`næləsɪz] ④)
As a stock broker, Arthur spends lots of time analyzing the stock market. / 身為股票營業員,亞瑟花很多時間分析股市。
Our department is doing a detailed analysis of the data. / 我們部門正對該資料進行詳細的分析。
Mike works as a financial analyst in a multinational corporation. / 邁可在一家跨國企業裡擔任財經分析師的工作。*multinational [͵mʌltɪ`neʃənḷ] a. 跨國的,多國的

analytical [͵ænə`lɪtɪkḷ] a. 分析的
We encourage you to develop your analytical skills during the course. / 我們鼓勵你們在這堂課裡培養分析的技巧。

autonomy [ɔ`tɑnəmɪ] n. 自治,自治權(不可數)
衍生字:autonomous [ɔ`tɑnəməs] a. 自治的
Demonstrators demanded greater autonomy for the province. / 示威運動者要求該省獲得更多的自治權。
比較:anatomy [ə`nætəmɪ] n. 解剖學

beckon [`bɛkṇ] vt. vi. (招手或點頭)向示意
片語:beckon (to) sb to V 招手叫某人
同義字:signal [`sɪgnḷ] n. 信號 & vt. 信號 ③;gesture [`dʒɛstʃɚ] n. 招手 & vt. 招手
I beckoned the waiter to come to our table and take our order. / 我招手示意要服務生過來我們這桌點菜。

biochemistry [͵baɪo`kɛmɪstrɪ] n. 生物化學
衍生字:biochemical [͵baɪo`kɛmɪkḷ] a. 生化的
For more information on biochemistry-related careers, please log onto our website. / 欲得知更多關於生化領域相關職業的資訊,請登入我們的網站查詢。

biological [͵baɪə`lɑdʒɪkḷ] a. 生物的,生物學的
衍生字:biology [baɪ`ɑlədʒɪ] n. 生物學 ④;biologist [baɪ`ɑlədʒɪst] n. 生物學家;biologically [͵baɪə`lɑdʒɪkḷɪ] adv. 生物學上
Mary is an adopted child and is eager to know who her biological parents are. / 瑪麗是被收養的小孩,她渴望知道誰是她的親生父母。
Mr. Todd is carrying out a biological experiment in room 806. / 陶德先生正在 806 室做生物實驗。
延伸:biological parents/father/mother 親生父母/父親/母親

bombard [bɑm`bɑrd] vt. 砲轟,向連續提出問題
片語:bombard sb with sth 不斷向某人提出問題或批評
衍生字:bomb [bɑm] n. 炸彈 & vt. 轟炸 ②;bomber [`bɑmɚ] n. 轟炸機
The city was heavily bombarded by the enemy for six months in a row. / 這個城市連續 6 個月遭敵軍嚴重轟炸。
The audience bombarded the speaker with questions during the two-hour speech. / 聽眾在這兩小時的演講中向演講人連續提出許多問題。

civilize [`sɪvə͵laɪz] vt. 使文明
衍生字:civilization [͵sɪvələ`zeʃən] n. 文明(不可數)④
From my grandmother's point of view, everyone should civilize themselves through the arts. / 我奶奶認為每個人都應該用藝術教化自己。

civilized [`sɪvə͵laɪzd] a. 文明的,有教養的
反義字:barbarous [`bɑrbərəs] a. 野蠻的,未開化的
To my dismay, our manager is rude and doesn't know how to communicate with others in a civilized manner. / 令我沮喪的是,我們的經理很粗魯,他不知道如何有教養地與人都溝通。*dismay [dɪs`me] n. 沮喪,氣餒

comparable [`kɑmpərəbḷ] a. 可相比的
片語:be comparable to... 可與相比
衍生字:compare [kəm`pɛr] vt. & vi. 比較;比喻 ②;comparison [kəm`pɛrəsən] n. 比較 ③
A small car is not comparable to a large one for comfort. / 在舒適性上,小車是無法與大車相比的。

comparative [kəm`pærətɪv] a. 比較的,相對的
同義字:relative [`rɛlətɪv] a. 相對的
The scholar is engaged in a comparative study of the economic systems of India and South Korea. / 這位學者正忙於從事一項研究,比較印度和南韓兩國的經濟系統。
ABC Company is a comparative newcomer to the home appliances market. / ABC 公司是家電市場上相當新的一家公司。

comparatively [kəm`pærətɪvlɪ] adv. 比較起來說,相對地
片語:Comparatively speaking,... 比較而言,
同義字:relatively [`rɛlə͵tɪvlɪ] adv. 相對地
The software is comparatively easy to install and use for computer beginners. / 這個軟體對電腦初學者來說比較容易安裝及使用。

compile [kəm`paɪl] vt. 彙編(成冊)
片語:compile a dictionary/list 彙編字典/名單
Seventeen linguists spent nearly seven years compiling this dictionary. / 17位語言學家花了近 7 年時間彙編這本字典。
比較:edit [`ɛdɪt] vt. 編輯(文字、版面)

dispel [dɪ`spɛl] vt. 驅散(感覺、想法)
時態:dispel, dispelled [dɪ`spɛld] , dispelled
The mother's soothing words dispelled any fears the children had about moving. / 媽媽的一席話讓孩子們害怕搬家的恐懼煙消雲散。
The actor dispelled the rumors of his death by appearing in public. / 那演員出現於公眾場所,破除了他已死亡的謠言。

distort [dɪs`tɔrtʃən] vt. 扭曲
同義字:twist [twɪst] vt. 扭曲,曲解;garble [`gɑrbḷ] vt. 曲解
The pop singer complained that his original statement had been completely distorted by the media. / 這位流行歌手抱怨他早先的聲明被媒體給完全扭曲了。

distortion [dɪs`tɔrtʃən] n. 扭曲
同義字:misrepresentation [͵mɪsrɛprɪzɛn`teʃən] n. 歪曲
What the reporter wrote about the event was a complete distortion of the facts. / 那位記者所寫關於這件事的報導完全扭曲了事實。

enhance [ɪn`hæns] vt. 增強
同義字:beef up... 加強
The teacher tried many ways to enhance his students' enthusiasm for studying. / 老師嘗試過許多方法試圖提高學生學習的熱忱。

enhancement [ɪn`hænsmənt] n. 增強,提昇
同義字:improvement [ɪm`pruvmənt] n. 改善
To survive in business, constant enhancement of your products is a must. / 想要在商場生存,就有必要不斷強化自己的產品。

envisage [ɪn`vɪzɪdʒ] vt. 想像
同義字:envision [ɪn`vɪʒən] vt. 想像;imagine [ɪ`mædʒɪn] vt. 想像 ②
Envisaging what you want in life will help you set goals. / 先預想你生命中想要什麼有助你設定目標。

facet [`fæsɪt] n. 層面
同義字:aspect [`æspɛkt] n. 方面 ④
The feature report examines every facet of the education system in the US. / 這篇專題報導檢視了美國教育體制的各個層面。

impair [ɪm`pɛr] vt. 損壞(能力)
衍生字:impaired [ɪm`pɛrd] a. 損壞的
同義字:damage [`dæmɪdʒ] vt. 破壞
Vincent attended a school for hearing-impaired children. / 文森就讀專為聽力受損兒童所設立的學 校。
His time in prison impaired John's chances of finding a decent job. / 服刑的紀錄使約翰想找個像樣工作的機會都沒有。*decent [`disṇt] a. 體面的

inflict [ɪn`flɪkt] vt. 施加(傷害、打擊)
片語:inflict sth on... 將(不好的)某事加諸於
The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the coastal villages. / 颱風對於沿海的村莊造成極大的損害。

innovation [͵ɪnə`veʃən] n. 創新(不可數)
衍生字:innovate [`ɪnə͵vet] vt. & vi. 創新,改革
Innovation is the key to success in the fast-changing business world. / 在這個瞬息萬變的商場上,創新便是通往成功之鑰。

innovative [`ɪnə͵vetɪv] a. 創新的
同義字:creative [krɪ`etɪv] a. 有創意的
The manager has come up with an innovative way to cut costs. / 經理想到了一種可以降低成本的創新辦法。

intrude [ɪn`trud] vt. 入侵 vi. 打擾(與介詞 on 並用)
片語:intrude on... 打擾/侵犯⋯ = encroach on... = infringe on...
Some strangers intruded my house while I was away for work. / 我外出上班時有幾個陌生人闖入我屋內。
Local newspapers are being urged not to intrude on celebrities' private lives. / 地方報紙被強烈要求不要去打擾名人的私生活。

intruder [ɪn`trudɚ] n. 入侵者
The intruders in my house were arrested soon after the police came. / 警方到達之後立刻把我屋內的入侵者逮捕了。

morale [mə`ræl] n. 士氣(不可數)
片語:low/high morale 低迷的/高昂的士氣;raise/boost/improve morale 提昇士氣
The troops are suffering from low morale, which is why they were easily defeated. / 部隊正受低落的士氣所苦,這就是為什麼他們這麼快就被打敗的原因。
The most effective way to boost staff morale is to provide a good working environment. / 提振員工士氣最有效的辦法就是提供他們好的工作環境。
比較:moral [`mɔrəl] a. 道德的 & n. 寓意

oppress [ə`prɛs] vt. 壓迫
反義字:liberate [`lɪbə͵ret] vt. 解放
The Taliban regime was accused of brutally oppressing ethnic and religious minorities. / 塔利班政權被控殘忍地壓迫少數民族及宗教。*regime [rɪ`dʒim] n. 政權*ethnic [`ɛθnɪk] a. 種族的

oppression [ə`prɛʃən] n. 壓抑,壓迫(不可數)
Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression. / 每個人都有免受壓迫自由的權利。

ordeal [ɔr`dil] n. 嚴酷考驗,煎熬
片語:go through the ordeal of... 經歷的痛苦經驗
同義字:torment [`tɔrmənt] n. 痛苦
After Nancy went through the ordeal of a divorce, she didn't want to fall in love with another man. / 萳西經歷離婚的煎熬後,就不想跟其他男人談戀愛了。

raid [red] n. 突襲 vt. 突襲,(警方)突然搜查
片語:carry out/launch a raid on... 展開突襲
同義字:attack [ə`tæk] vt. 攻擊
The US army launched an air raid on the enemy's ammunition depot as night fell. / 美軍在入夜後展開對敵軍彈藥庫的突襲。*ammunition [͵æmjə`nɪʃən] n. 彈藥*depot [`dipo] n. 儲藏處
A large amount of heroin was found last night during a police raid on the farmhouse. / 警方在昨晚一場突襲農場的行動中查獲大量的海洛因。
Police raided the drug dealer's house in the early morning. / 警方一大早就突襲毒販的房子。
延伸:an air raid 空襲

rehabilitate [͵rihə`bɪlə͵tet] vt. 使復健
The aim of this program is to rehabilitate the prisoners so that they can turn over a new leaf when they are released. / 本計畫的目的是要使受刑人重新學習做人,以便出獄後能展開新的生活。

rehabilitation [͵rihə͵bɪlə`teʃən] n. 復健(常簡寫為 rehab [`ri͵hæb]
John has been addicted to drugs since college. It would be wise of him to go to a rehab center. / 約翰自大學時就一直犯毒癮。到菸毒勒戒所對他來說會是明智的選擇。
延伸:a rehab center 復健中心;菸毒勒戒所

repel [rɪ`pɛl] vt. 擊退(時態:repel, repelled [rɪ`pɛld] , repelled
衍生字:repellent [rɪ`pɛlənt] n. 驅蟲劑 & a. 令人反感的
The soldiers managed to repel the invading army and maintain control of the area. / 士兵設法擊退來襲的軍隊,並持續控管該地區。
The smell of this candle repels insects so that they won't bother us while we're picnicking. / 這個蠟燭的味道能驅趕昆蟲,所以牠們不會在我們野餐時來煩我們。

repress [rɪ`prɛs] vt. 壓抑(慾望、情緒)
同義字:subdue [səb`dju] vt. 壓抑(慾望、情緒)
Talking to children about their feelings will help them express their emotions rather than repress their grief. / 和孩子們聊聊他們的心情,那能幫助他們表達情緒而不是壓抑悲傷。
比較:suppress [sə`prɛs] vt. 鎮壓;oppress [ə`prɛs] vt. 壓迫
The army was called in to suppress the prison riots. / 軍隊被調來鎮壓監獄暴動。
Women complain that they are often oppressed by men. / 女人抱怨常受男人壓迫。

restoration [͵rɛstə`reʃən] n. 修復(建築物、畫),恢復
衍生字:restore [rɪ`stɔr] vt. 恢復 ④
同義字:renovation [͵rɛnə`veʃən] n. 整修
The strategy is aimed at restoring public confidence in our products. / 這個策略目的是要恢復大眾對我們產品的信心。
The museum is closed temporarily for restoration and is scheduled to reopen to the public on May 1. / 這間博物館暫時關閉以做維修,預計51重新對大眾開放。
The first task after the war was the restoration of public order. / 戰後的首要工作就是公眾秩序的恢復。

riot [`raɪət] n. 暴動 vi. 暴動
A riot broke out in that area, but it was soon suppressed by the police. / 該區發生暴動,不過很快就被警方鎮壓了。
These people are rioting because of the discrimination they face on a daily basis. / 這些人暴動是因為他們每天面對的歧視所引起的。

shed [ʃɛd] vt. (樹葉、蛇皮等)脫落,流下(時態:shed, shed [ʃɛd] , shed [ʃɛd]
片語:shed tears/blood 流淚/流血;shed light on sth 闡明某事
How often does a snake shed its skin? / 蛇多久脫一次皮?
Mary shed tears emotionally as she watched the sad movie. / 看這部令人難過的電影時,瑪麗感動得落淚。
A recent study has shed light on the causes of climate change. / 最近的一項研究闡明了氣後變遷的成因。

speculate [`spɛkjə͵let] vt. vi. 臆測
片語speculate about/on sth 對某事加以臆測speculate + that 子句 臆測
衍生字speculation [͵spɛkjə`leʃən] n. 臆測
There is speculation that the two banks will merge in the near future. / 有人臆測這兩家銀行最近就會合併。
The political analyst refused to speculate about why the finance minister stepped down. / 這位政治分析師拒絕臆測財政部長下台的原因。
Some people have speculated that this Hollywood couple will break up within a year. / 有些人臆測這對好萊塢情侶一年之內會分手。

sprawl [sprɔl] vi. 攤開四肢躺(或坐),蔓生
On a hot summer day, I enjoy sprawling on the cool oor in my living room while listening to music.  / 在酷熱的夏天,我喜歡攤開四肢躺在我客廳內冰涼的地板上聽音樂。
Slums sprawl across the big city, showing how poor the life is there. / 貧民區在這個大都市到處蔓生,顯示這裡的生活有多窮。

subdue [səb`dju] vt. 抑制(慾望、情緒)
同義字:restrain [rɪ`stren] vt. 壓抑
Betty managed to subdue an urge to cry as her boyfriend walked out on her. / 貝蒂在被男友拋棄時設法抑制住自己想哭的衝動。*walk out on sb 離棄某人

tropic [`trɑpɪk] n. (南、北)回歸線,熱帶(恆用複數)
片語:the tropics 熱帶
衍生字:tropical [`trɑpɪkḷ] a. 熱帶的 ③
The Amazon River basin contains the world's largest tropical rainforest. / 亞馬遜河流域有全世界最大片的熱帶雨林。
The scientist has spent a couple of years researching in the tropics. / 這位科學家已在熱帶地區進行了幾年的研究了。

undermine [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] vt. 損壞
同義字:damage [`dæmɪdʒ] vt. 破壞;spoil [spɔɪl] vt. 破壞
Some people tried to undermine the celebrity's reputation by spreading rumors about his private life. / 有些人想藉由散布關於這個名人私生活的謠言來破壞他的聲望。

vend [vɛnd] vt. 販賣
The drug dealer was arrested on the spot when he was caught vending illegal drugs in the pub. / 這名毒販在一家酒吧販賣非法毒品時當場被捕。*on the spot 立刻
Vending machines offer a wide variety of foods, ranging from drinks to cookies. / 販賣機賣各式各樣的貨品,從飲料到餅乾都有。
延伸:a vending machine 販賣機
比較:peddle [`pɛdḷ] vt. & vi.(挨家挨戶或沿街)叫賣

vendor [`vɛndɚ] n. 小販
On Saturday nights, this famous night market is always crowded with vendors and shoppers. / 每逢星期六夜晚,那個知名夜市總是擠滿了攤販和購物者。
比較:peddler [`pɛdlɚ] n. 沿街叫賣的小販

visualize [`vɪʒʊə͵laɪz] vt. 想像
衍生字:visual [`vɪʒʊəl] a. 視覺的 ④
同義字:imagine [ɪ`mædʒɪn] vt. 想像 ②
Visualize yourself strolling on the white sand beach with your wife and kids. / 想像你自己正和老婆小孩在白色的沙灘上漫步。

warrant [`wɔrənt] n. 授權令
片語:a search warrant 搜查令;an arrest warrant 逮捕令
The judge issued an arrest warrant for the boxer after he failed to show up in court for the murder case. / 該拳擊手未出席謀殺案的開庭審理後,法官發佈了一張逮捕令。

warranty [`wɔrəntɪ] n. 保證書
片語:be under warranty 在保固期內 = be under guarantee
同義字:guarantee [͵gærən`ti] n. 保證 & vt. 保證 ④
We guarantee we will deliver your goods within 24 hours. / 我們保證您的貨品將於24小時內送達。
All electrical appliances come with a one-year guarantee. / 所有電器產品均提供為期一年的保固服 務。
You seem to have endless problems with this car. Is it still under warranty? / 你這輛車似乎有說不完的問題。它還在保固期內嗎?

Unit 40
alienate [`eljən͵et] vt. 使疏離
片語:alienate A from B 使AB疏離
衍生字:alien [`eljən] n. 外國人;外星人
Jack's promotion to the post of vice president alienated him from his former colleagues. / 傑克高升為副總裁的職位,這使他與原來的同事疏遠了。

alienation [͵eljə`neʃən] n. 疏離(不可數)
片語:a sense of alienation 疏離感
Many immigrants feel a sense of alienation. / 許多移民感到疏離感。

antenna [æn`tɛnə](複數形: antennae [æn`tɛnɪ](觸角)/ antennas [æn`tɛnəs](天線)) n. 觸角,天線
Insects use their antennae to collect information about their environment. / 昆蟲利用觸角收及四周環境的訊息。
I have to tilt the TV's antenna slightly to the right to get a better reception. / 我得把電視天線微微向右傾斜收訊才比較清楚。*tilt [tɪlt] vt. 使傾斜*reception [rɪ`sɛpʃən] n.(無線電的)接收

attendant [ə`tɛndənt] n. 服務員
I had never thought that my dream of becoming a flight attendant would one day come true. / 我從未想過我成為空服員的夢想有天竟然能成真。
延伸:a flight attendant 空服員

colloquial [kə`lokwɪəl] a. 口語的,會話的
片語:a colloquial expression 口語用字
同義字:spoken [`spokən] a. 口語的
It would not be appropriate to use colloquial words and phrases in a formal business letter. / 在正式的商業書信內使用口語字眼和片語是不適當的。

conservation [͵kɑnsɚ`veʃən] n. 保護,節約(不可數)
片語:wildlife conservation 野生動物保育
Not only does energy conservation reduce your energy bills, but it also helps the environment. / 能源節約不但能降低電費,也可拯救環境。

conserve [kən`sɝv] vt. 保護(環境),節約(能源)
片語:conserve energy/electricity/water 節約能源/用電/用水
To conserve electricity, make sure you turn off the lights before you leave the office. / 為了要省電,務必在你離開辦公室之前把燈都關掉。
New laws have been enacted to conserve wildlife in that mountain area. / 政府已制定新的法規以保護該山區的野生環境。
比較:preserve [prɪ`zɝv] vt. 保存(食物)④;reserve [rɪ`zɝv] vt. 預訂(房間、位子)
Deep freezing is the simplest way of preserving food. / 冷凍是保藏食物最簡單的方法。
I'd like to reserve a room for two nights. / 我想要預訂一間房住兩晚。

crucial [`kruʃəl] a. 決定性的,重要的
片語:be crucial to...  極為重要;play a crucial role in... 扮演重要的角色
同義字:critical [`krɪtɪkḷ] a. 關鍵的 ④;vital [`vaɪtḷ] a. 極為重要的
It is crucial that the doctor (should) perform an immediate operation on the badly injured man. / 醫師立即為這名嚴重受傷的人動手術是很重要的。
Your dedication is very crucial to the success of our company. = Your dedication plays a crucial role in the success of our company. / 你的奉獻對本公司的成功來說極為重要。

diverse [daɪ`vɝs / dɪ`vɝs] a. 多樣的
同義字various [`vɛrɪəs] a. 各式各樣的
New York is well-known for its diverse cultures. / 紐約因其多元文化著稱。

diversify [daɪ`vɝsə͵faɪ / dɪ`vɝsə͵faɪ] vt. vi. 使多樣化
To reduce the risk of losing money, you should diversify your investments. / 為了減低金錢損失的風險你應將投資多樣化。

diversity [daɪ`vɝsətɪ / dɪ`vɝsətɪ] n. 多樣性不可數
片語a wide diversity of... 各式各樣的⋯ = a wide variety of...
同義字variety [və`raɪətɪ] n. 多樣化
A wide diversity of ideas was presented at the meeting as to how to raise funds for the new school. / 會議上提出了關於如何募款蓋新學校各種想法。

elite [ɪ`lit] n. 菁英份子(集合名詞,不可數)a.  菁英的
片語:the social elite 社會菁英份子
The social elite are willing to join us in raising funds for orphans. / 社會菁英份子願意加入我們為孤兒籌募基金。
A small elite group of people can afford to travel by private jet whenever they please. / 少數菁英族群何時想搭乘私人噴射機旅行,他們都負擔得起。

formidable [`fɔrmɪdəbḷ] a. 可怕的,難對付的
片語:a formidable opponent/task 難對付的對手/工作
同義字:redoubtable [rɪ`daʊtəbḷ] a. 可怕的,令人敬畏的;difficult [`dɪfə͵kəlt] a. 艱困的
The linguists are undertaking the formidable task of compiling a comprehensive English dictionary.  / 這些語言學家正著手進行一個艱困的工程,他們要彙編一本內容詳盡的英文字典。

fret [frɛt] vi. 煩惱(與介詞 about 並用)
時態:fret, fretted [`frɛtɪd] , fretted(動名詞及現在分詞形均為 fretting
片語:fret about/over... 苦惱
同義字:worry [`wɝɪ] vt. & vi.(使)煩惱 ①
Henry is fretting about what he should say when he proposes to his girlfriend. / 亨利正在煩惱他向女友求婚時該說些什麼。

lengthy [`lɛŋθɪ] a. 冗長的
衍生字:length [lɛŋθ] n. 長度;lengthen [`lɛŋθən] vt. & vi. 加長
反義字:brief [brif] a. 簡短的
In brief, we should think twice before making any decisions. / 簡言之,我們做決定前要三思。
I need to have this skirt lengthened. / 我得把這條裙子放長。
The board of directors finally reached a consensus on the issue after a lengthy discussion. / 董事會在冗長的討論後終於針對該議題達成了共識。*consensus [kən`sɛnsəs] n. 共識

linguist [`lɪŋgwɪst] n. 語言學家
The renowned linguist drew in a large crowd with his speech at the conference hall. / 這位知名的語言學家吸引了大批民眾前來聆聽他在會議廳的演講。

linguistics [lɪŋ`gwɪstɪks] n. 語言學(不可數)
I took a course in applied linguistics in Columbia University last year. / 我去年在哥倫比亞大學修了一門應用語言學。

manuscript [`mænjə͵skrɪpt] n. 手稿
The author sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher. / 這位作家將 400 頁的手稿寄給出版社。

outfit [`aʊt͵fɪt] n. 全套服裝/裝備 vt. 提供全套服裝
時態:outfit, outfitted [`aʊ͵fɪtɪd] , outfitted
片語:a superman/cowboy outfit 全套超人/牛仔裝;a ski outfit 全套滑雪裝備
outfit sb with sth 為某人提供全套服裝
同義字:equip [ɪ`kwɪp] vt. 使配備
I'm considering wearing a superman outfit to the costume party. / 我正考慮要穿全套超人裝去那場變裝派對。
The clothing brand quickly rose to fame by outfitting celebrities. / 這個服裝品牌藉由提供名人全套服裝穿著而快速嶄露頭角。*rise to fame 嶄露頭角

petty [`pɛtɪ] a. 瑣碎的,不重要的
Purchases like toilet paper are usually paid for out of the petty cash. / 諸如衛生紙等物品的採購通常由小額現金支付。
We have wasted too much time on petty issues at the meeting. / 我們開會時浪費太多時間在討論瑣碎的議題上了。
延伸:petty cash(公司的)小額現金

pierce [pɪrs] vt. 刺穿
Vicky had her ears pierced so that she could wear beautiful earrings. / 薇琪穿了耳洞,以便配戴漂亮的耳環。

preoccupation [pri͵ɑkjə`peʃən] n. 入神(與介詞 with 並用)
同義字:obsession [əb`sɛʃən] n. 著迷
Mark's wife finds his preoccupation with football irritating because he does nothing but watch football games at home. / 馬克的老婆覺得他對足球的過分關注令人難受,因為他在家什麼都不做,就只會看足球比賽。

preoccupy [pri`ɑkjə͵paɪ] vt. 使全神貫注(常用於被動語態)
片語:be preoccupied with... 出神地想著
Jason was so preoccupied with his own thoughts that he didn't notice me entering the office. / 傑森太過於專心地想著自己的事而沒注意到我走進了辦公室。
比較:occupy [`ɑkjə͵paɪ] vt. 佔據;be occupied with sth 忙著某事
I'm occupied with my work right now. Let's make it some other time. / 我現在正忙著工作。咱們改個時間吧。

preventive [prɪ`vɛntɪv] a. 預防的
片語:take preventive measures to V 採取預防措施以⋯ = take precautions to V
We should take preventive measures to stop SARS from breaking out again. / 我們應當採取預防措施防止 SARS 再度爆發。

projection [prə`dʒɛkʃən] n. 推測,預估,投射
衍生字:project [prə`dʒɛkt] vt. 預估;(光線)投射 & [`prɑdʒɛkt] n. 計畫
The new edition of the dictionary is projected for publication in May. / 這本字典的新版本預估將於 5 月發行。
Images are projected onto the screen. / 影像被投射到螢幕上。
Due to the inefficiency of the production department, our company failed to achieve last year's sales projections. / 由於生產部門沒有效率,本公司未能達到去年的銷售預估量。
延伸:projector [prə`dʒɛktɚ] n. 投影機

prosecute [`prɑsɪ͵kjut] vt. 起訴
片語:prosecute sb for + N/V-ing 因某事起訴某人
衍生字:prosecution [͵prɑsɪ`kjuʃən] n. 起訴;prosecutor [`prɑsɪ͵kjutɚ] n. 檢察官 ⑥
The multinational chain store was prosecuted for exploiting its workers by forcing them to work overtime. / 這家跨國連鎖商店因為強迫員工超時工作,而被以剝削勞工罪名起訴。*exploit [ɪk`splɔɪt] vt. 剝削
比較:charge sb with sth 指控某人某罪行
Steve was charged with murder. / 史帝夫被指控謀殺罪。

prosecution [͵prɑsɪ`kjuʃən] n. 起訴
Prosecution for minor offenses rarely leads to imprisonment. / 因輕微的初犯而被起訴幾乎很少要被關。*offense [ə`fɛns] n. 過錯,犯法*imprisonment [ɪm`prɪzṇmənt] n. 監禁

purify [`pjʊrə͵faɪ] vt. 淨化(時態:purify, purified [`pjʊrə͵faɪd] , purified
衍生字:purification [͵pjʊrəfə`keʃən] n. 淨化
同義字:cleanse [klɛnz] vt. 使清潔
The kidneys are the organs that purify the blood and are responsible for producing urine. / 腎臟是淨化血液的器官,另外也負責製造尿液。*urine [`jʊrɪn] n. 尿液
John is in charge of water purification for the city.  / 約翰負責該市的水質淨化工作。

purity [`pjʊrətɪ] n. 純淨
衍生字:pure [pjʊr] a. 純潔的;purify [`pjʊrə͵faɪ] vt. 淨化
同義字:clarity [`klærətɪ] n. 清澈
反義字:impurity [ɪm`pjʊrətɪ] n. 不純淨
There were complaints about the impurity of the milk from the farm. / 有人抱怨那座農場出產的牛奶不純。
A white rose is a symbol of purity, whereas a red rose symbolizes passion. / 白玫瑰是純潔的象徵,而紅玫瑰則象徵熱情。

quaint [kwent] a. 古雅而又奇特的
同義字:old-fashioned [͵old`fæʃənd] a. 老式的
反義字:modern [`mɑdɚn] a. 現代的
We paid a visit to a quaint seaside village at the end of our journey in Greece. / 我們希臘之行接近尾聲時前往探訪了一個古雅的海濱村莊。

resolute [`rɛzə͵lut] a. 堅決的(與介詞 in 並用)
衍生字:resolve [rɪ`zɑlv] vt. 決心;resolution [͵rɛzə`luʃən] n. 決心;make a resolution to V 決心要從事
同義字:determined [dɪ`tɝmɪnd] a. 堅決的
Microsoft resolved to take legal action against pirates. / 微軟決心要對盜版業者採取法律行動。
Diana made a resolution to start a new life. / 黛安娜決心開始新的生活。
Max is resolute in his attempt to break the record for the 100-meter dash. / 麥克斯堅決試圖打破百米短跑的紀錄。*dash [dæʃ] n. 短跑

script [skrɪpt] n. (戲劇、廣播)底稿
Nick was chosen to write the script for a TV series about the Vietnam War. / 尼克被選中撰寫一齣關於越戰的電視連續劇腳本。
延伸:a scriptwriter 劇作家 = a playwright [`ple͵raɪt]

setback [`sɛt͵bæk] n. 挫折(可數)
衍生字:frustration [frʌs`treʃən] n. 挫折
Although Tim has suffered several setbacks in business, he always manages to bounce back. / 雖然提姆在事業上屢遭挫折,但他總能設法重新出發。*bounce [baʊns] vi. 彈跳

slang [slæŋ] n. 俚語(集合名詞,不可數)
片語 a slang word/expression/term 俚語字眼
Pot and dope are slang for marijuana. = Pot and dope are slang expressions for marijuana. / pot dope 這兩個字都是表示『大麻』的俚語。
用法:slang 為集合名詞,不可數,故不可說 "He knows many slangs." 而要說 "He knows a lot of slang." 或“He knows many slang expressions.”。

slash [slæʃ] vt. 削減
同義字:reduce [rɪ`djus] vt. 減少
Although prices had already been slashed significantly for the sale, many perspective buyers still thought the items were too expensive.  / 雖然這次拍賣的價格已被大幅調降,但許多潛在買家仍覺得這個品目太貴了。

smack [smæk] vt. 用手掌打 n. 一巴掌
同義字:slap [slæp] n. 掌摑 & vt. 掌摑,打耳光
Even if your child misbehaves, it's wrong to smack him or her in the face. / 就算小孩行為不端,打他的耳光就是不對的。*misbehave [͵mɪsbɪ`hev] vi. 行為不端
You're going to get a smack on your bottom if you don't stop being such a naughty boy. / 你如果再繼續這麼調皮,我就要打你屁股。

soothe [suð] vt. 使鎮定,減輕(疼痛)
衍生字:soothing [`suðɪŋ] a. 撫慰的
同義字:calm [kɑm] vt. 使鎮定 ②;relieve [rɪ`liv] vt. 減輕(疼痛)
The baby soon fell asleep to the sound of his mother's soothing lullaby. / 這個小寶寶隨著媽媽安祥的搖籃曲聲睡著了。*lullaby [`lʌlə͵baɪ] n. 搖籃曲
Lucy applied some ointment on my bruised knee to soothe the pain. / 露西在我瘀青的膝蓋上塗抹了些藥膏以減輕疼痛。*ointment [`ɔɪntmənt] n. 軟膏,藥膏

squad [skwɑd] n. 小隊,小組
A bomb squad was called in to defuse a bomb placed underneath the official's car. / 防爆小組被召集來拆除被安置在官員車下的炸彈。*defuse [di`fjuz] vt. 拆除(炸彈的雷管)
延伸:a bomb squad 防爆小組

squash [skwɑʃ] vt. vi. 壓扁,擠入
片語:squash A in/into B A擠入 Bsquash in/into... 硬擠進
Fred accidentally sat on a woman's bag of groceries and squashed a box of eggs. / 佛萊德不小心坐在那名女子裝滿雜貨的袋子上,壓扁了一盒雞蛋。
The people on the bus were packed in like sardines, but the woman at the bus stop insisted on squashing herself in. / 公車裡的人擠得像沙丁魚似的,但站牌的這名女子卻堅持要擠上去。*sardine [sɑr`din] n. 沙丁魚
The four of us squashed into the back seat of his car. / 我們 4 個一同擠進他車子的後座。

steward [`stjuwɚd] n. 空中少爺
All airline stewards must go through a special training program before they are allowed to serve on flights. / 所有空服員必須經過特殊的訓練之後才能獲許上飛機服務。
比較:stewardess [`stjuwɚdɪs] n. 空中小姐
用法:steward stewardess 表『空服員』是以前的說法,現在都已改稱 flight attendant

synthesis [`sɪnθəsɪs](複數形: syntheses [`sɪnθəsiz] n. 綜合
衍生字:synthesize [`sɪnθə͵saɪz] vt. 綜合
The Chinese-American author describes his childhood as a synthesis of Western and Eastern values. / 這名華裔美籍的作家把他的童年描述成東西方價值觀的綜合。

synthetic [sɪn`θɛtɪk] a.  合成的
同義字:artificial [͵ɑrtə`fɪʃəl] a. 人造的;synthetic fiber 合成纖維(= artificial fiber
Many people prefer wearing natural material to synthetic material. / 許多人喜歡穿天然布料,而較不喜歡穿合成的布料。

therapist [`θɛrəpɪst] n. 治療師
Kevin has an appointment with his speech therapist at four this afternoon. / 凱文今天下午 4 點和他的語言治療師有約。

therapy [`θɛrəpɪ] n. 療法
同義字:treatment [`tritmənt] n. 治療
So far there hasn't been any effective therapy for AIDS. / 迄今針對愛滋病尚未有任何有效的療法。

transcript [`træn͵skrɪpt] n. 副本,成績單
衍生字:transcribe [træn`skraɪb] vt. 抄寫;謄寫
The recordings of the interview were transcribed by the secretary. / 這段訪問的錄音由秘書將其抄寫下來。
Mr. Hill had his secretary send him a transcript of the program. / 希爾先生請秘書寄一份計畫副本給他。
You can download our official transcript request form on the website. / 你可以在這個網站下載正式的成績單申請表格。

trivial [`trɪvɪəl] a. 瑣碎的,不重要的
衍生字:trivia [`trɪvɪə] n. 瑣事(視作複數,不可數);trifle [`traɪfḷ] n. 瑣事(可數)
同義字:trifling [`traɪflɪŋ] a. 瑣碎的
I don't know why Joe got so upset about something trivial. / 我不知阿喬為何對某件瑣事感到心煩。

unemployed [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪd] a. 失業的
衍生字:employ [ɪm`plɔɪ] vt. 雇用;employer [ɪm`plɔɪɚ] n. 雇主;employee [͵ɛmplɔɪ`i] n. 員工
同義字:jobless [`dʒɑblɪs] a. 失業的
How many of you have been unemployed for more than a year? / 你們當中幾個人已經超過一年沒工作了?
The Prime Minister has unveiled a construction project that will provide many job opportunities for the unemployed. / 總理公佈一項建案,將提供失業勞工許多工作機會。*unveil [ʌn`vel] vt. 公佈
延伸:the unemployed 失業民眾

unemployment [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt] n. 失業(不可數)
片語:the unemployment rate 失業率
The government should take immediate action to help reduce the unemployment rate. / 政府應該採取立即的行動來協助降低失業率。

well-being [͵wɛl`biɪŋ] n. 幸福(不可數)
片語:a sense of well-being 幸福感
同義字:welfare [`wɛl͵fɛr] n. 幸福
Walking with his sweetheart in the sunshine gave Tom a sense of well-being. / 湯姆和愛人在陽光下漫步,這讓他心中興起一陣幸福感。

wrestle [`rɛsḷ] vi. 摔角,努力解決(與介詞 with 並用)vt. 用力摔(某人)
片語:wrestle with... 摔角;努力解決
衍生字:wrestler [`rɛsəlɚ] n. 摔角手;wrestling [`rɛslɪŋ] n. 摔角運動
The two boys wrestled with each other. / 這兩名男孩扭打在一起。
Jack spent the whole weekend wrestling with the problem. / 傑克花了整個週末的時間全力應付這個問題。

The police officer tackled the robber and wrestled him to the ground. / 警官擒拿住那名搶匪,並把他摔到地上。*tackle [`tækḷ] vt. 擒抱

