
2019年9月22日 星期日

Topic Writing & /Translation

Unit 81
1. 毅力是年輕人事業成功不可或缺的因素
2. 人生旅途並非都是一帆風順的,有時會充滿荊棘
3. 若無毅力,任何人想要出人頭地都會感到困難重重
4. 一旦確立了人生的目標,我們便應該努力的去奮鬥
5. 我們絕不可半途而廢,否則一切努力就白費了

1.         Perseverance is indispensable in the making of young men in their career.

2.         There are sometimes the shards and barbs on life’s journey; it is not a bed of roses.

3.         Without it, anyone will have a lot of difficulties (in) making his way in the world.

4.         Once we have set up our goal of life, we should strive for it.

5.         We should not give it up halfway; otherwise, all our efforts will be in vain.

Unit 87
1. 環境汙染在台灣越來越嚴重,它已影響到我們的健康

2. 近年來,由於車輛及工廠不斷增加,空氣及生活品質日益惡化
生活品質:living quality   惡化 : worsen/deteriorate

3. 此外,許多人缺乏公德心,亂丟垃圾,以致污染了湖泊及河流
公德心 : public morality   亂丟垃圾 : throw garbage about

4. 更糟的是,農夫大量的使用化學藥物使食物中毒事件一再的發生
食物中毒food poisoning

5.  長此下去,我們將呼吸不到新鮮空氣,喝不到純淨的水,吃不到營養的食物了

1.         In Taiwan environmental pollution is getting more and more serious. It has already affected our health.

2.         In recent years, with increasing number of vehicles and factories, the quality of air and living is worsening.

3.         Moreover, many people lack public morality and they throw garbage about, so (that) lakes and rivers are polluted.

4.         What’s worse, farmers use a large amount of chemicals, which leads to the repeated incidents of food poisoning.

5.         If the situation goes on like this, we won’t have fresh air to breathe, pure water to drink, or nourishing food to eat.

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