
2019年9月8日 星期日

Unit 1 用字遣詞是化妝師 Part 1

Unit 1 用字遣詞是化妝師
Part 1
I think / I believe / I consider 我認為
I 'm convinced ( 因為事實證明 , 而使人相信 )
I think she is right.
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   I'm convinced that she is right. 我完全相信她是對的。
I deem ( 視為 )
I regard it as my responsibility.
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 I deem it my responsibility. 我認為這是我的責任。
I hold ( 堅信 )
He believes that she 'll marry him.
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 He holds that she'll marry him. 他相信她一定會嫁給他。
Undeniably ( 無可否認地 )
We all consider her as a good student.
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Undeniably, she is a good student. 我們絕對相信她是個好學生。
Indisputably ( 無可置啄地 )
It's out of the question that we believe this message cannot be wrong.
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 This message is indisputably true. 這個訊息絕對錯不了。


I don't think / I don't believe / I don't consider / I disagree 我不認為


It's challengeable ( 可信度不高 )

I don't think he is successful.
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 His success is challengeable. 我不認為他是成功的。
It's disputable ( 引人爭論的 )
I disagree of his attitude.
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 His attitude is disputable. 我不贊同他的態度。
It remains doubtful ( 仍不可信 )
I still don't believe that he'll marry her.
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 It remains doubtful that he'll marry her. 我不相信他會娶她。

but / however / nonetheless / yet 可是
有「比較」的意味: whereas
He is extroverted, whereas she is introverted. 他外向,可是她內向。

有「沒想到」的意味: surprisingly
Surprisingly, she won! 但是她居然贏了!

有「遺憾」的意味: unfortunately
Unfortunately, this was only a dream. 可是,這只是一場夢。

有「事情不僅於此」的意味: accompanied by the fact
1 He got married, but none of us expected that he would marry Jenny!
    ↓ 改為
    He got married, accompanied by the fact that he married Jenny instead!
2 Mary is an English major, and she is an outstanding student.
    ↓ 改為
    Mary is an English major, accompanied by the fact that she is an outstanding student.


for example / for instance 例如
A supporting fact is ( 有事實根據的例子 )
He is happy—a supporting fact is that he smiles all the time.

A sad fact is ( 令人難過的例子 )
He is merciless—a sad fact is that he tortures animals.

A pleasant fact is ( 令人愉快的例子 )
His efforts are rewarded—a pleasant fact is that he is graduating summa cum laude.
 他的努力得到回報 。 例如,他即將以優異的成績畢業 。
summa cum laude (adv.) 以優異的成績... ['suma kam lod]

A significant reason is ( 重要的例子 )
Traveling is beneficial. A significant reason is that it enriches our lives and broadens our horizons.

A vivid example is ( 活生生的例子 )
He babies her. A vivid example is he cooks for her every day.

An example comes to mind ( 我這就有一個現成的例子 …… )
The National Palace Museum has an unprecedented advantage in capturing ancient Chinese culture. An example, the jadeite cabbage, comes to mind.

Another example is ... / There's another example... 另一個例子是...
This example doesn't stand alone ( 還有例子 …… )
例 第一個例子 + This example doesn't stand alone. + 第二個例子
Children can learn to respect animals under parental guidance. A supporting fact is that a child who is gentle with animals usually has parents who do the same. This example doesn't stand alone. A child who
 孩子經由父母引導而學習如何善待動物。例如,父母如果溫柔地對待動物,孩子通常也會這樣做。又例如,如果 … ...

This fact is supported by another example. ( 還有例子 ...... )
※ 不過這些都屬「正面的」例子
例 第一個正面的例子 + This fact is supported by another example. + 第二個正面的例子

A more insightful example is ( 還有例子 …… )

※ 不過例子「更深入」、「更有意義」第一個例子 + A more insightful example is that + 第二個例子

I'll never forget / I'll always remember 我永遠不會忘記
An image that never slips from my mind is ... (畫面永遠不會流逝)
An image that never slips from my mind is + 敘述 : the first time I saw a painting by Van Gogh in person.
A memory that will never fade away is ... (記憶永遠不會淡掉)
A memory that will never fade away is + 敘述 : the wonderful trip I took to Hokkaido with my family in 2008.
A scene that shall always remain fresh is ... ( 此景常新 )
A scene that shall always remain fresh is + 敘述 : the day my best friend got married.

Exercise 1
1. I really think that he will succeed.
2. We all believe that he loves her.
3. I don't think boys are lazier than girls.
4. I love pets. For example, I have a cat and two dogs.
5. I love you, and I would die for you!

Unit 1
Part 1
參考答案 (以下答案只是參考 , 同學可由書本中找出更多的進階用法)
1. I'm highly convinced that he will succeed.
2. Undeniably, he loves her.
3. It's disputable that boys are lazier than girls.
4. I love pets. A supporting fact is I have a cat and two dogs.

5. I love you, accompanied by the fact that I would die for you.

