
2020年8月7日 星期五

Chapter 4 敘述的寫作技巧---參考解答


I went to a movie with my colleagues yesterday.


Mr. Wang went to sing karaoke last night.


Where did Mr. Wang and his colleagues go after work?


Practice 1

Part I

Suddenly, the ground started to tremble.

Part II

All of a sudden, my date's dog came out of nowhere and started barking at me.


Practice 2

Part I

(What did I do to prepare myself for the date?)

• It took me a long time to decide what to wear.

• I made a reservation in a fancy restaurant.

• I came up with a few topics to chat about in advance.

(What happened during the date?)

• I was very nervous at first.

• We ordered a bottle of red wine to relax the tension.

• We exchanged MSN accounts.

(The result and how I felt about the date.)

• I'm glad that I got to know her better.

• l call her to keep in touch.

• l'Il be planning another date soon.


Practice 2

Part II

1. I have been secretly in love with my colleague, Jenny, but I was too shy to ask her out. A few days ago, an opportunity came up when we attended the same meeting.

2. Although she and I have been working at the same company for a year, she never noticed me. Last week, I saw an empty seat next to her when she was at the cafeteria.


Practice 3

Part I

1. Jenny has been my colleagues for several years, but we seldom speak to each other.

2. She is a top performer at work, and she gets along well with everyone in the office.

3. Once in a chat, I learned about that she didn't have a boyfriend, so I decided to ask her out.

4. I thought she would say no, yet she surprised me with a yes.

5. I might send her some chocolate, or I might invite her to a baseball game if she likes sports.

Part II

1. When Jenny said yes, I trembled with excitement and happiness.

2. I yelled with pleasure after she agreed to go out with me again.

3. I was too nervous to tell her how beautiful she looked.



A Date

Jenny has been my colleague for several years, but we seldom speak to each other. She is a top performer at work, and she gets along well with everyone in the office. Once in a chat, I learned about that she didn't have a boyfriend, so I decided to ask her out. When Jenny said yes, I trembled with happiness. To make this date perfect, I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant, and I came up with a few topics to chat about in advance. At dinner, we ordered a bottle of red wine to relax the atmosphere. I was too nervous to tell her how beautiful she looked. When I sent her home and asked if she would go out with me again, she immediately agreed. I yelled with pleasure. For our next date, I might send her some chocolate, or I might take her to a baseball game if she likes sports.


