
2020年8月13日 星期四

Reading 5.5 Answers to the Exercises

 Comprehension Check

1 A  2 A  3 B  4 B

Patterns in Use



2 It is time that Carrie learned to spend money wisely.

3 It is time that Tiffany understood the importance of promptness.

4 It is time that the city’s homeless people were taken care of.

5 It is time that the heavy smoker quit smoking.



2 why she should give up her seat

3 why bus segregation should be practiced

4 where they waited for Dr. King to make a speech

5 when the famous speech “I Have a Dream” was delivered

6 where people would be treated equally

Extra Exercise


1 It is time that you lived independently.

2 That’s the reason why your parents ask you to move out and get a job.


1 It is time that the company’s financial problems were solved.

2 The manager will be happy to see the moment when a thorough plan is come up with.


1 It is time that the workaholic relieved himself of stress of work.

2 It has been suggested that he plan a trip to a place where he can relax and recharge.

Writing Hands-on

Exercise A

2. Riding a bike to school

1. Parents don’t have to drive students to and from school.

2. It’s eco-friendly and economical.

3. Cycling riding is good exercise.

4. It provides more freedom outside of school.

3. Involvement in school clubs

1. It allows students to pursue interests outside the regular curriculum.

2. Students have opportunities to meet people with similar interests.

3. It helps students relieve stress of the studies.

4. Communication, cooperation and other social skills are developed.

Exercise B

Joining a school club is a good idea for senior high school students because they have reached a stage in their lives where their own interests are beginning to develop.

There are many advantages of belonging to a school club. For one thing, students may discover something they are really interested in outside the regular curriculum. There are clubs for almost   every kind of activity, such as photography clubs, bands, choirs, and street dance groups. There   are clubs devoted to drama, broadcasting, skating, swimming, and movie studies; of course there are clubs for every kind of ball games. A club is also a place where students can develop their abilities in this area. Take the guitar club which my brother joined, for example. He not only learned the basics, but also gained a better appreciation for playing and listening to music. Last but not least, a club is a place to make new friends. Clubs and the activities give students from different classes a chance to meet and to talk about their common interests.

Joining school clubs provides students with an escape from the pressure of courses and tests. It also offers them a way to develop more of their potential and open up a new world for them.

