
2018年5月27日 星期日

Answers to Butterflies & Elephants

Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 Rarely does my family eat out.
3 Hardly can the Internet addict imagine life without the Web.
4 Seldom was Paul late for school when he was in junior high.
5 Little did Amy realize that stereotypes neglected the differences among individuals.
Exercise B
2 seldom do I go to the cinema
3 Little did I know that I would have to wear special glasses
4 no longer could I stand it
5 never will I go to a 3­D movie again
Exercise A
2 notice their palms sweating
3 hear the audience members whispering to each other
4 see the members of the audience playing with their cell phones
5 watch yourself perform
Exercise B
1 noticed some older kids bullying Jim
2 watched it turn the corner
3 observed a strange man walk/walking into the bank
4 felt my heart beating fast

Writing Hands-on
2 (A) According to a great amount of medical research, overweight people are more likely than the non­obese to suffer from conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.
(B) Obese people have more bad habits that make them less healthy. For example, they don't like to take exercise and they may eat more than necessary.
3 (A) She is unable to write correct sentences.
(B) She seems unable to memorize new words.
4 (A) He plays loud music in the dead of night without thinking that he may disturb his neighbors.
(B) He has never taken part in any community service activities at school.

