
2018年5月24日 星期四

Lady O: How Oprah Overcame the Odds

Lady O: How Oprah Overcame the Odds

Oprah Winfrey's rousing acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the 2018 Golden Globes left audiences abuzz with rumors of a prospective 2020 U.S. presidential run. As the first female African American recipient of the award, Oprah was given a platform to reflect on the systemic violence against minorities and women that she continually surmounted on her way to success, as well as the parallels she sees in the current struggles at the intersection of people and politics.

歐普拉:戰勝逆境 活出真我
歐普拉.溫芙蕾在 2018 年金球獎上領取終身成就獎時激勵人心的獲獎感言,引發觀眾對於她可能角逐 2020 年美國總統大選的傳言。身為此獎項的首位非裔美籍女性獲獎人,歐普拉有機會反映出在通往成功的道路上,她不斷克服少數族群與女性所面臨的根本暴力,以及她所見到的現今民眾與政治抗爭交點的相似之處。

