2018年6月5日 星期二

句型大全集Book 1: 1~10

1. adv. / adj. + enough + to V
 夠  而能 
 Can I really learn it well enough to communicate with people?
比較: enough + n. ( + to V. ) s
 I don't have enough money to buy that book.
èHe ran fast enough to break the record.
èHe is old enough to drive a car.
2. Some  (,) and some … 有些  ,而有些 
Some might learn it faster and some (might learn it) slower.
èSome people traveled by car and some (traveled) by train.
3. enjoy, finish, mind, practice, admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, discuss, deny, feel like, forgive, imagine, keep, mention, miss, prevent, regret, recall, resist, risk, suggest,  + Ving

Successful English learners enjoy talking with people, even in broken English.
     èI enjoy going mountain climbing with my family on weekends.
4. There is no short cut to + Ving 做  無捷徑
They believe that there is no short cut to learning a foreign language.
èThere is no short cut to learning how to write a composition; you have to practice more.
5. The following + V. + N 以下是 ……
The following are some ideas that we have heard from high school and college students in Taiwan.
èThe following are the winners of the contest.
6. make it a rule + toV / that cl. 養成  的習慣
I make it a rule that the first thing I do every day is listen to an English radio program.
èI make it a rule to go jogging every day.
7. make + sb + V 使某人 ……
One of my English teachers made every student speak up in class.
èThe movie made me cry.
8. As long as + S + V, S + V 只要 ……
You can make it as long as you try your best.
èAs long as you work hard, you will succeed.
9. look up + n. + in the … (  ) 查閱 ……
Look up the number in the telephone book.
比較:consult + n. + for 
Consult the dictionary for the definition of the word.
èWhen you come across any English words you don't know, look them up in the dictionary.
10. (The) next time + S + V, S + V 下次 
I will test myself (the) next time I see those words.
èNext time you go abroad, don't forget to take me.

