2018年9月6日 星期四

Sentence Pattern

42. 分詞構句(至於句首、句中、或句末)
“Twenty dollars,” the owner said, looking at her hair carefully .
Not having a car , she found it hard to go around in the country.
The repairman, taking a key out of the box , opened the door quickly.
èHe walked out of the classroom, feeling very tired.
43. with + NP + 介詞片語(表附帶狀態)
He stared at her, with a strange look on his face .
The combs were beautiful, with jewels on the edges .
èHe stood shouting at he driver, with his hands in his pockets.
44. S + be + too + adj. + to V 太 ..…. 以致不 ……
They are too nice to use now.
èHe is too shocked to say anything.
45. It's (high) time (for sb) + to V / that + S + V-ed ( 該是時候了)
It's time for us to have our dinner.
It's (high) time that we started.
èIt's time to turn off the lights.
46. wear + N = be dressed in + N 穿著
The Chinese wear white at funerals. (= are dressed in white )
比較:She put on her jacket and went out.
= He wore / was dressed in a blue shirt yesterday.
47. the way (that) + S + V … 的方式
Colors can affect (=have an effect on) the way we feel and act .
èI hate the way (that) he treats his friends.
48. S + be + always + Ving 老是 ……
If the members of your family are always fighting , you might try adding some of this color to your home.
èHe is always complaining about his salary.
49. try + Ving ( = do something to see what will happen )  試著做
They tried persuading her, but in vain.
比較:try + to V ( =make an attempt to do st )
I once tried to learn France.
èHe tried using alcohol to clean the spot.
50. On the one hand …; on the other hand …. 一方面;另一方面
On the one hand , the job doesn't pay well, but on the other hand , you just have to work four hours a day. (one the one hand 經常省略)
èA career woman, on the one hand, may be financially independent, but on the other hand, she may suffer more pressure.
Book 1: 51~73
51. take st seriously 把 看得太嚴重
Some people may take them seriously and some may think they are meaningless.
take st badly / calmly / coolly / lightly
èDon't take things too seriously. Try to enjoy your life.

