2019年5月15日 星期三


D    1.  Elsa: Do you know anyone from Class A?
                      Jeff: No, I don’t know any of    .                                                 96-1-16
(A) they                    (B) their                    (C) theirs                   (D) them
D    2.  Alice: This cake is so delicious! Where did you buy it?
                     Oscar: I didn’t buy it. I made it    !                                               95-2-18
(A) for me                (B) to me                  (C) mine                   (D) myself
D    3.  Spring is a wonderful season because     is usually warm and sunny.
(A) which                 (B) this                     (C) one                     (D) it
C    1.      of the gift boxes are already put under the Christmas tree.         96-2-4
(A) One                    (B) Any                    (C) All                      (D) Much
D    2.      of the books on the desk is about the famous writers of our country.
(A) A lot                   (B) A few                 (C) Both                   (D) One
C    1.      Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily.                               97-1-7
(A) Because             (B) If                        (C) Though               (D) When
B    2.  It was an exciting moment for Mr. and Mrs. Wang     they learned that they were going to have a baby.                                                                                                               96-1-14
(A) what                   (B) when                  (C) whether              (D) why
B    3.  Mr. Green was very angry with his daughter     she always put her dirty socks on the dining table.                                                                                                                 95-2-7
(A) although             (B) because              (C) but                      (D) until
C    1.  When I was walking along the river, I saw some fish     out of the water.
(A) jumped               (B) to jump              (C) jumping              (D) are jumping
→感官動詞加 V-ing
A    2.  Cindy cried out when she saw a motorcycle     into her cat.        93-2-16
(A) bump                 (B) bumped              (C) to bump              (D) has bumped
→感官動詞加原形 V
A    3.  Deborah put some sugar and cream in her coffee to make it     better.
(A) taste                   (B) tasted                 (C) tasting                 (D) to taste
→使役動詞後接原形 V
B    4.  My mother     me send a letter yesterday.                                    93-1-13
(A) asked                 (B) had                     (C) told                     (D) wanted
D    1.  Many of my classmates have had the experience of taking an airplane, but I    .       96-1-6
(A) don’t                  (B) wasn’t                (C) won’t                  (D) haven’t
C    2.  Jane always does well on English tests, but her sisters    .               91-2-9
(A) doesn’t               (B) aren’t                 (C) don’t                  (D) didn’t
B    3.  Paul:     Shelly’s father a businessman?
                     Carl: I don’t think so. I remember he teaches English.                           94-2-15
(A) Are                     (B) Is                        (C) Do                      (D) Does
A    4.  Andy: Did Mary     that square watch?
                      Lucy: Yes, she just bought it.                                                                 96-2-15
(A) buy                    (B) buys                   (C) bought                (D) has bought
C    1.  Grace: How many people     in the office when the fire happened?
                     Harry: Five. Luckily, nobody got hurt.                                                  95-2-17
(A) did they              (B) had they             (C) were there          (D) would there be
B    2.  Now we have to take a taxi home because     are no buses after eleven o’clock.      97-1-8
(A) here                    (B) there                   (C) they                    (D) we
A    3.  Jack: There is going to     a dance show on Saturday. Would you like to go
with me?
                     Nina: Sure. I can’t wait for it.                                                                92-2-19
(A) be                       (B) do                      (C) get                      (D) have
D    1.  Emma:     umbrella is it?
                     Sherry: It’s Ann’s. She forgot to take it home.                                       96-2-16
(A) What                  (B) Where                (C) Which                (D) Whose
A    2.  Kathy:     your French class, Jerry?
                      Jerry: I couldn’t understand a word the first month, but it’s getting better now.
(A) How’s                (B) What’s                (C) When is              (D) Which is
D    3.  Sarah:     does your little sister get up?
                     Willy: About six.                                                                                   94-2-13
(A) How often          (B) How old             (C) What day            (D) What time
D    4.  Susan: Do you know     you have talked on the phone? Aren’t you thirsty?
                     Walter: Oh, come on! I’ve only talked for thirty minutes!                     95-1-15
(A) how old              (B) how often          (C) how many          (D) how long
B    5.  Lisa is new here, so she doesn’t know     the restroom is.              97-2-6
(A) that                     (B) where                 (C) whether              (D) which
C    1.  Lucy looks     in pants than in dress.                                              95-1-3
(A) pretty                
(B) prettily               
(C) prettier               
(D) the prettiest
C    2.  Look at the picture. Nancy is    .                                                     94-1-1
(A) the tallest                                            
(B) the shortest
(C) taller than Winnie                                
(D) shorter than George
B    3.  The singer sings beautifully. I cannot think of anyone with a     voice. 93-2-14
(A) best                   
(B) better                 
(C) more                  
(D) most
B    1.  All the packages are     checked at the airport to keep everyone safe.            
(A) careful                                                (B) carefully                       95-1-13
(C) more careful                                        (D) the most careful
C    2.  Simon is an interesting person. He gets excited    .                         93-2-9
(A) easy                   (B) easier                 (C) easily                  (D) easiest
A    1.  Judy: The ball game will be on TV tomorrow at six in the morning.
                     Lucy:     up early and you won’t miss it.                                     94-1-19
(A) Get                     (B) To get                 (C) Getting               (D) Gets
D    2.      carefully before you buy a new house.                                    92-1-11
(A) Thinking            (B) To think             (C) Thinks                (D) Think
B    3.  It was important for Kevin     his homework quickly because he had to help his parents sell fruit in the night market.                                                                                         96-2-13
(A) finish                 (B) to finish             (C) finishes              (D) finished
B    4.  Asking questions     Henna learn more and better.                       94-2-11
(A) help                    (B) helps                  (C) helping               (D) to help
A    5.  Learning foreign languages     me to know more about other countries.
(A) helps                  (B) helping               (C) help                    (D) to help
D    6.      the lesson before class gives me a better idea about what the teacher is going to teach.                                                                                                               93-1-11
(A) Preview              (B) Previews            (C) Previewed          (D) Previewing
C    1.  Robert: Charles wanted to borrow $1,000 from me yesterday.
                     Mandy: You didn’t lend him the money,    ?                                96-2-18
(A) would you          (B) wouldn’t you     (C) did you               (D) didn’t you
C    2.  She’s going to Europe,     she?                                                      94-1-6
(A) doesn’t               (B) hasn’t                 (C) isn’t                    (D) won’t
A    3.  Alice really likes having noodles for breakfast,    ?                     100-1-2
(A) doesn’t she         (B) is she                  (C) hasn’t she           (D) did she
D    4.  You’ve studied English for a long time,    ?                                   93-2-2
(A) did you              (B) didn’t you          (C) have you            (D) haven’t you
B    5.  Rose: It’s time to go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow,    ?
                     Nina: Yes, my class is going hiking tomorrow.                                      92-1-20
(A) can’t you            (B) don’t you           (C) aren’t you           (D) haven’t you
B    6.  Oscar: I’m going to the museum. Bus Number 286 goes there,    ?
                     David: Yes, but you can take Number 287, too.                                    90-1-17
(A) does it                (B) doesn’t it            (C) is it                     (D) isn’t it
D    1.  If the weather is fine this weekend, my family     to the beach for two days.
(A) go                       (B) went                   (C) have gone           (D) will go
B    2.  If Frank     to the office tonight, give this package to him.           94-1-12
(A) came                  (B) comes                (C) has come            (D) will come
C    1.  A new road is going to     in town because traffic is getting busier and busier.
(A) build                  (B) building              (C) be built               (D) have built
B    2.  Most of Jeff’s best books     when he was sick and poor.           95-2-13
(A) have written       (B) were written       (C) would write        (D) wrote
B    3.  Mr. Chen has a loud voice. His voice can     clearly even in that big classroom.      92-1-9
(A) hear                    (B) be heard             (C) be hearing          (D) have heard
B    4.  Last night I had a bad dream. In my dream, I     to a room by three strange-looking people.                                                                                                               94-1-20
(A) am taken                                             (B) was taken          
(C) have been taken                                                                   (D) would be taken
B    5.  After this experience, Billy decided to lose some kilos. First, he went to see a doctor and     to avoid fast food.                                                                                              92-2-22
(A) is asked                                               (B) was asked          
(C) will be asked                                       (D) would be asked
A    1.  Alice learned from the TV news     Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day.       97-1-12
(A) that                     (B) where                 (C) which                 (D) whether
A    2.  Willy found     the novel he bought last week was under his bed. 93-2-15
(A) that                     (B) where                 (C) whether              (D) which
B    1.  Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle     him on his birthday. 97-1-14
(A) gives                  (B) gave                   (C) to give                (D) has given
B    2.  In my family, my sister is the only person who     chocolate.      96-1-13
(A) love                    (B) loves                  (C) loved                  (D) loving
C    3.  I like to read comic books     me laugh.                                      95-2-14
(A) made                  (B) to have made     (C) that make           (D) which makes
B    4.  The movie is about a true story     happened in Korea in 1945.     94-1-9
(A) it                        (B) that                     (C) what                   (D) when
A    5.  Do you remember the girl     looked worried at the train station yesterday?

(A) who                    (B) where                 (C) which                 (D) what

