2019年9月8日 星期日

Translation & Writing 09-10-11

B 題組
1.經過多年努力後,John 終於實現了他自行開業的目標。(提示:用 achieve
2. Laura 夏天去義大利的旅行花了她十萬元。(提示:用 cost
3. Ryan 不僅在這場車禍中撞毀了車子,還撞斷自己的腿。(提示:not only...but also...

B 題組 
1. After years of hard work, John finally achieved his goal of running his own business.
2. Laura's trip to Italy over the summer cost her NT$100,000.

3. Ryan not only wrecked his car in the accident, but he also broke his leg.

A 題組

To help the environment, many people are trying to reduce the amount of energy they use. 1. 有許多方法能讓一般人達成這個目標。 In general, don't leave machines running when you're not using them. 2. 還有,離開房間時也一定要關燈。 3. 暫時不使用電腦的話也要拔掉插頭。 Even when they are turned off, electronic devices still use energy if they remain plugged in. Large appliances around the home use a lot of electricity as well, so buying energy-efficient models is a good course of action. 4. 剛開始可能比較花錢,但實際上,長期下來卻會幫你省錢。 5. 除此之外,走路或騎自行車上下學或上下班不僅減少耗油量,還有益身體健康。

A 題組
1. There are many ways ordinary people can achieve this goal.
2. Also, make sure to turn off the lights when you leave a room.
3. Unplug computers if you won't be using them for a while.
4. It may/might cost more money at first, but it will actually save you money in the long run.
5. In addition, walking or biking to and from school or the office not only cuts down on gas consumption but also helps you keep in shape.

A 題組
1.   高中畢業象徵一個階段的結束,同時也是另一個階段的開始。
2.   我們必須準備好面對新環境所可能帶給我們的挑戰。

A 題組
1. 1) Graduating from high school symbolizes the end of one phase and is also the beginning of another.
2) Graduating from high school (= High school graduation) symbolizes(= marks / signifies) the end of one phase (= stage ) and is the beginning( = start ) of another at the same time.
2. 1) We must be prepared to face the challenges that a new environment may bring us.
2) We must ( = have to /need to ) be prepared ( = ready ) to face the challenges that a new environment may bring us.

B 題組
1. 許多拜訪台灣的外國人對本地的食物都印象深刻。
2. 有些人非常喜歡這些食物而決定將它們進口到自己的國家。
3. 所以,我們必須盡全力確保我們所有的食物都是安全的,而且沒有有害的添加物。

B 題組
1. Many foreigners visiting Taiwan are impressed with the local cuisine.
2. Some enjoy the food so much that they decide to import it into their own countries.
3. Therefore, we must make every effort to ensure that all of our food is safe and free of harmful additives.

1. 我目前同時進行三個專案,所以我不可能再承擔任何額外的工作了。
(提示:at the same time
2. Teddy 在健行中走那麼快,以致於我們沒一個人能跟得上他。(提示:so...that...

1. I'm currently working on three projects at the same time, so I can't possibly take on any extra work.
2. Teddy walked so fast during the hike that none of us could keep up with him.

