2019年9月8日 星期日

Translation & Writing 10-01-11

Translation  1
A 題組
2. 這不僅讓他們能更悠閒地探索寶島,還有助於刺激台灣的經濟。
A 題組
1. At the end of June, Taiwan opened its doors to individual mainland Chinese tourists.
2. This not only allows them to explore the island in a more relaxed way, but it also helps boost Taiwan's economy.
B 題組
2. 首先,我們應該降低音量,並用眼睛觀賞而不是動手。
3. 此外,當攝影不被允許時,我們絕不應該照相。
B 題組
1. When we visit exhibitions or museums, we should act appropriately.
2. First of all, we should keep our voices down and look with our eyes instead of our hands.
3. Moreover, we should never take pictures when photography is not permitted.
1.演講人在演講開始時說了個笑話來打破冷場。(提示:at the beginning of...
1. The speaker told a joke to break the ice at the beginning of his speech.
2. The rent for this apartment is reasonable. Moreover, it is near the MRT station.

Translation  2

A 題組
1.人類最好的朋友可比我們想像中的還要聰穎並且更像人類。 Stanley Coren, a leading dog researcher and professor, did a study which found that the average dog has the mental abilities of a two-year-old child. 2.這些聰明的狗能數到五、做簡單的算術,也可以理解約莫一百六十五個字彙,當中包括標誌、指示及手勢等。 3. 此外,牠們還能表現出像是快樂、憤怒以及恐懼等基本的情緒。 Psychologists used tests that were designed for young children to see if dogs had certain mental abilities. 4.結果顯示,那些最聰明的狗能辨認出多達二百五十個字彙。 Of course, different breeds of dogs have different levels of intelligence. At the top of the list were Border collies, and the breed that scored the lowest were Afghan hounds. 5.雖然狗狗並非四條腿的愛因斯坦,但其主人應視牠們為聰明且感情細膩的個體來對待及訓練
1. Man's best friend is smarter and more human than we think.
2. These smart dogs could count to five, do simple math, and understand roughly 165 vocabulary items, including signs, signals, and gestures.
3. Moreover, they displayed basic emotions like happiness, anger, and fear.
4. The results showed that the most intelligent dogs could recognize up to 250 vocabulary items.
5. Although dogs are not four-legged Einsteins, they should be treated and trained as smart and sensitive individuals by their owners.

B 題組
1. 我在電梯遇到的英俊男子看來約莫四十歲。(提示:roughly
2. 研究顯示,每天吃超過一顆雞蛋並不一定對健康有害。(提示:show + that 子句)
3. Chris 將那名長髮男子誤認作女人。(提示:形容詞 + 名詞變成的過去分詞)

B 題組
1. The handsome man I met in the elevator looked roughly 40 years old.
2. The research shows that eating more than one egg per day isn't necessarily harmful to our health.
3. Chris mistook the long-haired man for a woman.

