2020年3月1日 星期日

B4 U5 Answers

Comprehension Check
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 A
Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 had her hair cut
3 make himself understood
4 let the mountain be seen
5 got her house painted
Exercise B
1 get it fixed
2 Letting yourself be starved
3 get the calories burned off
4 have my gym membership renewed
Exercise A
2 it is during the early teen years that anorexia usually becomes noticeable
3 It is those who have a strong desire for thinness or to become models that are considered to be at especially high risk of developing this illness.
4 it is medical help that victims of anorexia require
5 it is low self­esteem that anorexia is widely believed to result from
Exercise B
1 It is environmental issues that
2 It was the heavy rain that caused/resulted in
3 It is in the early morning that
4 It was on that deserted island that
Writing Hands-on
Exercise A
O: I agree that students should wear school uniforms.
R: If all the students wear the same uniforms, it will help develop a stronger group spirit.
E: Take myself, for example. Whenever I put on my school uniform, I automatically start to act better in public when I go out because I don't want to disgrace my school.
O: Wearing uniforms lets students identify with their school, so the policy of mandatory uniforms should not be abandoned.
Exercise B
1 in my opinion
2 what's more
3 Another reason
4 it was my belief that
5 As for me

Extra Reading
Comprehension Check
1 D  2 A  3 C

