2020年11月4日 星期三

3.6.2解答 & 翻譯寫作20參考解答


I. 替換

1. As imperfect as the United States’ democracy is, it is still the best political system.

2. As painful as the belt-tightening policy is going to be, it will help to stabilize the economy.

3. As patient as I am, I have no intention of continuing to wait.

4. As busy as he was, he found time to have a drink with us.

5. As inexperienced as he is, he is at least competent and works hard.

ll. 翻譯:請將下列中文句子翻成英文

1. As successful as he is, he is not proud.

2. As mysterious as his background might seem, I never wanted to understand it.

3. As arrogant as he appears, he feels lonely and insecure.

4. As cold as it was, they swam in the icy river.

5. As dangerous as the journey might seem, nobody was injured.



1.        It’s necessary for a man to have hobbies, otherwise he may find his life dull.    


2.        Some people are fond of collecting stamps, some like swimming, and others like reading or music.


3.        But not all hobbies are healthy; for example, smoking and gambling are bad ones.


4.        Smoking harms one’s body and gambling makes one lose everything, including money, friendship, etc.


5.        Therefore, we should cultivate good and profitable hobbies lest we should degenerate.

