2020年12月27日 星期日

Translation: U11~12


Unit 11

1.1 舊手機,像其它廢棄的電子產品一樣,含有很多危險化學物質。

1.2 這些有毒的化學物質,會增加人們罹患癌症或是神經系統的危險。



1.1 Used cell phones, like other wastes of electronic products, contain a lot of dangerous chemicals.

1.2 These toxic chemicals may increase the risk of developing cancer or nervous system diseases.

2.1 越來越多的父母親擔心,打電動可能對他們的小孩有害。

2.2 坦白說,父母親應該要限制小孩打電動的時間。



2.1 More and more parents are concerned that playing TV/computer games may be harmful to their children.

2.2 Frankly/Honestly speaking, parents should limit the time their children spend on TV/computer games.

3.1 基因改造食品的品質可能不易受控制。

3.2 科學家擔心,基因改造食品對人體長期的負面影響。



3.1 The quality of GM foods may not be easily under control.

3.2 Scientists are worried about the long-term negative effects of GM foods on human bodies.



4.1 911恐怖攻擊使美國了解改進機場安全的重要性。

4.2 刀、槍、爆裂物都被禁止帶上飛機。機場安全是每人都應正視的。



4.1 The 911 terrorist attacks made the US aware of the importance of improving the airport security.

4.2 Knives, guns and explosives are forbidden on board. Airport security is what everyone should take seriously./Everyone should take airport security seriously.

5.1 當你發生嚴重車禍時,你可能需要輸血來保命。

5.2 健康的捐血人,可確保緊急醫療時安全的血液供應。



5.1 When you have a serious accident, you may need blood transfusion to save your life.

5.2 Healthy blood donors can assume a safe supply of blood for medical emergencies.

Unit 12

1.1 早餐是一天之中最重要的一餐。

1.2 早餐吃得好可讓你一整天活力充沛。



1.1 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

1.2 Eating well for breakfast can make you energetic all day long.

2.1 越來越多的學童吃太多垃圾食物而肥胖。

2.2 另一方面,缺決乏運動也是讓他們過胖的原因之一。



2.1 More and more school children get overweight because they eat too much junk food.

2.2 On the other hand, lack of exercise is one of the causes which make them overweight/too fat.

3.1 有些小孩常收到惡意的簡訊和電子郵件,他們是「網路霸凌」的受害者。

3.2 但大多數的父母都不知他們的孩子在網路上也會被欺凌。



3.1 Some children frequently receive nasty/insulting text messages and e-mails. They are victims of "cyber-bullying.”

3.2 Most parents do not know that their children can be bullied over the Internet.

4.1 蓋一條高速公路連接花蓮和宜蘭對生態破壞很大。

4.2 當我們在追求短暫的經濟成長時,不應犧性天然資源。



4.1 Building a highway to connect Yi-lan with Hualien will do a great ham to ecology.

4.2 We should not pursue momentary economic growth at the expense of the natural resources.

5.1 科技讓我們的生活更舒適,然而它也被用來犯罪。(93指考)

5.2 根據最近的新聞報導,最常見的例子是網際網路詐財。(93指考)



5.1 Technology has made our lives more comfortable, but it is also used to commit crimes.

5.2 According to the latest news reports, the most common example is Internet scams.

