2021年5月30日 星期日

Reading Smart Hi Test 7

 EliteABC Reading Smart (High-Intermediate) Test 7 Section 2: Units 5-6 得分:_____

班級:__________ 座號:_____ 姓名:____________________

Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. Alcohol _____ affects your judgment and reflexes, so never try to drink and drive.

(A) adoption        (B) exception            (C) corporation         (D) consumption

(   ) 2. The movie got some _____ reviews so I can't really be sure if it is worth watching.

(A) double-edged (B) middle-aged      (C) empty-handed     (D) long-awaited

(   ) 3. _____ chopsticks create a lot of unnecessary waste, so I always carry my own pair in my bag.

(A) Recyclable    (B) Disposable          (C) Charitable           (D) Formidable

(   ) 4. Studies have shown that music can _____ a person's mood and behavior.

(A) glitter           (B) flatter                  (C) alter                     (D) utter

(   ) 5. Bill plans to _____ his old car with a new one after he graduates from college and gets a job.

(A) encourage    (B) conserve             (C) contribute            (D) replace

(   ) 6. Inflation was _____ so quickly that the average person could barely afford to buy the basic necessities.

(A) evacuating    (B) migrating             (C) accelerating         (D) commemorating

(   ) 7. _____ waste from the factory was dumped into the river, killing all the fish and plant life.

(A) Sloppy          (B) Vulgar                 (C) Weary                  (D) Toxic

(   ) 8. Julia always makes her spaghetti sauce _____ and would never use anything sold in a jar.

(A) in conclusion (B) within reach      (C) by definition       (D) from scratch

(   ) 9. Pregnant women are advised to _____ caffeine and alcohol for the sake of their babies' health.

(A) run over       (B) cut out                 (C) give off               (D) slow down

(   ) 10. Unable to keep fear at _____, the little girl screamed at the top of her lungs.

(A) bay               (B) will                     (C) stake                   (D) random


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40)

(A) analyst                (B) sugary          (C) allergic         (D) finite             (E) discard

(F) famine                 (G) hidden          (H) version         (1) perceive        (J) incinerated

(   ) 11. Having a(n) _____ number of possibilities, that question should be easy enough to solve.

(   ) 12. The clothes from the infected people were _____ to prevent the spread of the disease.

(   ) 13. The _____ on television said that Taiwan is currently in an era of great prosperity.

(   ) 14. You should not _____ used batteries with your regular trash.

(   ) 15. Many wild animals will run away if they _____ an approaching threat.

(   ) 16. The modern _____ of that film is too focused on computer-generated effects instead of character development like the original.

(   ) 17. Nobody knows where the pirate's _____ treasure is buried.

(   ) 18. The people in the country were facing a(n) _____ because floods had killed most of the crops.

(   ) 19. Those who are _____ to peanuts must be careful when eating cookies and candy.

(   ) 20. Always brush your teeth after eating _____ foods, or at least wash out your mouth with water.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

No one doubts that fresh foods are the healthiest choice for people. However, it's hard for most of us to resist processed foods. Not only do they keep longer, but they are almost always tastier. While this may be true, it can come at a cost.

Modified from their natural state, processed foods are canned, dehydrated, and more. Artificial ingredients and preservatives give foods a longer shelf life and keep them from going bad. In addition, artificial colors and flavors make them look and taste better.

The problem with trying to copy and improve upon nature is that it results in people developing health issues from consuming them. Certain preservatives have been linked to asthma, tumors, and hormone imbalance. Similarly, a common flavor enhancer that can increase one's appetite, MSG, has caused people to feel sick after eating it. Just as bad, the salt used in chips, ham, and canned soups and vegetables to make them last longer makes people's blood pressure go through the roof. The problems don't end there, for drinks with a lot of sugar can cause diabetes and heart disease.

However, probably the worst substance to put into your body is trans fat. Found in abundance in French fries, chips, and packaged pastries, it increases the amount of bad cholesterol while reducing that of good cholesterol.

(   ) 21. What is the topic of this article?

(A) How to preserve food

(B) Common types of diseases

(C) Different kinds of drinks

(D) Processed foods and their effects on health

(   ) 22. Which of the following is used to make foods last longer, according to the article?

(A) Artificial colors                           (B) Artificial ingredients

(C) Flavor enhancers                         (D) Good cholesterol

(   ) 23. How is extra sugar bad for people?

(A) It can cause diabetes.

(B) It can increase the amount of bad cholesterol.

(C) It can raise blood pressure.

(D) It can make people have asthma.

(   ) 24. What does the author think is the worst substance to put in your body?

(A) MSG                (B) Salt               (C) Trans fat              (D) Ham

