2021年5月30日 星期日


 Unit 07

(   ) 1. If you have anything to share with others, be it a picture or an idea, you can _____ it onto the Internet.

(A) write                   (B) update                  (C) perception           (D) reconciliation

(   ) 2. I was surprised when my five-year-old son Jason asked me the _____ question, "Why are we here on this earth?"

(A) mathematical     (B) philosophical      (C) arithmetic            (D) sympathetic

(   ) 3. Newton is the _____ who discovered the laws of motion, one of which states that an unmoving object will remain still unless acted upon by an outside force

(A) physicist              (B) chemist               (C) biologist       (D) botanist

(   ) 4. The _____ for Coca Cola is a business secret.

(A) review                 (B) regain                  (C) recipe                  (D) receipt

(   ) 5. If you choose the medical _____, besides wealth, you are likely to gain a lot of respect.

(A) prevention           (B) profession           (C) dedication           (D) contribution

(   ) 6. When I met my niece at the international airport, I was surprised to find that the once cute little girl had grown into a beautiful young lady, and was now almost beyond _____.

(A) comprehension (B) recognition          (C) identification       (D) availability

(   ) 7.People dress _____ when they go to weddings or funerals.

(A) casually               (B) normally             (C) formally              (D) abundantly

(   ) 8. Jack has sold fifty cars this month. Therefore, he will likely be _____ very soon.

(A) produced             (B) reduced               (C) promoted            (D) introduced

(   ) 9. _____, John's intention was to help Sophie with her English, but he ended up falling in love with her.

(A) Initially               (B) Privately             (C) Basically             (D) Strikingly

(   ) 10. When the doctor received the emergency call, he _____ left his home and headed for the hospital.

(A) authentically      (B) bravely                (C) briefly                 (D) instantly

(   ) 11. In real life, the character of Harry Potter is simply not _____. He exists only in people's imagination.

(A) believable            (B) sensible               (C) ethical                 (D) political

(   ) 12. Fingerprints and DNA can both serve as _____ evidence to support the prosecution in convicting a criminal.

(A) concrete              (B) soft                     (C) detailed               (D) popular

(   ) 13. While _____ cars are powered by gasoline, cars in the future will be entirely powered by solar energy.

(A) conventional      (B) original               (C) regional               (D) intentional

(   ) 14. The scientist was happy that the results _____ to his expectations.

(A) contrasted            (B) reacted                (C) responded           (D) corresponded

(   ) 15. Before an exam begins, the teacher _____ all the test papers.

(A) distributes           (B) contributes          (C) attributes             (D) sacrifices

Unit 08

(   ) 1. The twin brothers are identical m appearance; I have a hard time _____ between them.

(A) distinguishing    (B) discovering         (C) disconnecting      (D) discounting

(   ) 2. In our school, there are English classes of different levels of difficulty, namely _____, intermediate, and advanced.

(A) primary               (B) elementary          (C) adequate       (D) prominent

(   ) 3. The earthquake caused many _____ in the walls. We need to have them fixed.

(A) cracks                  (B) crams                  (C) cradles                (D) crafts

(   ) 4. After careful _____, the scientists were able to figure out the cause of the disease—it was caused by a virus.

(A) decoration           (B) analysis               (C) persuasion           (D) plumber

(   ) 5. Our economic _____ has been brought about by hard work and by a long period of sustained peace.

(A) postage                (B) prosperity           (C) poverty               (D) privilege

(   ) 6. Teachers at a university are usually referred to as _____.

(A) managers             (B) occupation          (C) programs            (D) professors

(   ) 7. The manager told Jack that he would not _____ another interruption while he was talking.

(A) transform            (B) tolerate                (C) injure                  (D) witness

(   ) 8. The smell of rotten eggs from the kitchen was _____. The guests left the restaurant one by one.

(A) surprising            (B) comforting          (C) delighting            (D) disgusting

(   ) 9. When Fern writes her boss, she always puts "yours" at the end above her signature.

(A) Honorably           (B) Respectably         (C) Faithfully            (D) Ignorantly

(   ) 10. The salesclerk was accused of making a mistake; in his defense, he said that it was _____ rather than deliberate.

(A) playful                (B) accidental            (C) joyful                  (D) delightful

(   ) 11. Joey asked me whether I could _____ her to the dentist's, but I was too busy to go with her.

(A) acquaint               (B) adjust                  (C) accompany          (D) assume

(   ) 12. A(n) _____ event takes place or happens once a year.

(A) annual                 (B) automatic            (C) brutal                  (D) athletic

(   ) 13. Though Jason is not a perfect man, he is _____ a good person. We all like him.

(A) essentially           (B) efficiently            (C) doubtfully           (D) distinctly

(   ) 14. The manager _____ told the press that with good training and sufficient preparation he was sure his team would win.

(A) indifferently        (B) confidently          (C) necessarily          (D) delicately

(   ) 15. Rose doesn’t know how to dress _____. For example, she wore a red dress at a funeral.

(A) approximately    (B) appreciatively      (C) appropriately       (D) approvingly

Unit 05

(   ) 1. In the United States as well as in many other countries, universities have a(n) _____ office responsible for accepting new students.

(A) admissions          (B) applications         (C) candidates           (D) considerations

(   ) 2. It is not economical to fill your tank up to _____ since the car will carry a heavier load than if the tank is only half full.

(A) capacity              (B) scarcity                (C) rarity                   (D) purity

(   ) 3. Billy Elliot likes dancing and he plans to go to a(n) _____ school.

(A) music                  (B) cinema                 (C) ballet                   (D) drama

(   ) 4. The ancient Greeks thought that _____ were the smallest units of matter that made up all things in the universe.

(A) particles              (B) articles                 (C) atoms                  (D) monocles

(   ) 5. Repeated failures did not _____ Edison; on the contrary, he went on with his experiments and ended up with great success.

(A) frustrate               (B) determine            (C) construct             (D) settle

(   ) 6. When a computer fails to _____ properly, it has probably been infected with a virus.

(A) control                (B) manipulate           (C) monitor               (D) function

(   ) 7. Fans of the baseball team had long _____ the World Series championship; it took eighty-six years for their dreams to come true.

(A) waited                 (B) awaited               (C) waned                 (D) waxed

(   ) 8. Tom was in trouble because Mrs. Jones, his boss, overheard him say that he disliked female CEOs, which _____ her.

(A) offended             (B) defended             (C) suffered              (D) rescued

(   ) 9. Mrs. Parker makes such delicious food that her family _____ dines out.

(A) really                  (B) rarely                   (C) keenly                 (D) nicely

(   ) 10. The little dog was abused to death. Its owner’s _____ behavior was reported in the newspaper, causing concern among animal rights groups.

(A) brutal                  (B) prudent                (C) negligent             (D) cautious

(   ) 11. Nathaniel was _____ to find out how much money there was in the red envelope his father gave him on New Year’s Eve so that he could plan his vacation.

(A) desirable             (B) painful                 (C) anxious               (D) delicious

(   ) 12. The lawyer’s job was to draft a contract _____ to both sides so that the merger could take place.

(A) deniable               (B) negligible            (C) plausible              (D) agreeable

(   ) 13. Sitting on the bank, the fisherman threw his line into the lake and _____ waited for the fish to take the bait.

(A) passionately        (B) enthusiastically    (C) occasionally        (D) patiently

(   ) 14. Throughout history, human beings have shown unusual ability to _____ to their environment. This is partly why they have survived.

(A) arouse                  (B) adopt                   (C) adapt                   (D) accustom

(   ) 15. Jess dedicates himself to his job partly because he enjoys what he does and partly because he is _____ paid.

(A) correctly              (B)  deliberately         (C) reasonably           (D) cunning

Unit 06

(   ) 1. The presidential candidate promised that he would _____ the government, making it more efficient in meeting people’s needs.

(A) recite                  (B) reform                 (C) recover                (D) recognize

(   ) 2. It is a(n) _____ achievement to be able to speak a foreign language.

(A) available             (B) remarkable          (C) marketable          (D) regrettable

(   ) 3. When I got to the station, the train had already _____. I had no choice but to wait for the next one.

(A) separated             (B) departed               (C) asserted               (D) reserved

(   ) 4. The Chicken Soup series has _____ many people around the world. These books have helped them deal with many of life’s problems.

(A) perspired             (B) inspired               (C) required               (D) desired

(   ) 5. After lecturing them for an hour, the captain _____ his men, and they returned to their posts.

(A) assembled           (B) collected              (C) dismissed            (D) resembled

(   ) 6. As they say, travel broadens our _____; that is, travel increases our knowledge.

(A) chests                 (B) viewpoints           (C) horizons              (D) potentials

(   ) 7. Stray animals on the streets are a(n) _____ that people have been unkind and cruel to the pets they once probably found cute and adorable.

(A) indication            (B) metaphor             (C) simile                  (D) figure

(   ) 8. Washing hands often is an effective measure to prevent _____ by touch.

(A) jealousy               (B) popularity           (C) security               (D) infection

(   ) 9. The talk by Barack Obama in Beijing left a deep _____ on the audience.

(A) depression          (B) compression        (C) suppression         (D) impression

(   ) 10. Jason told his girlfriend _____ that he did not plan to marry her, which broke her heart.

(A) honestly              (B) possibly               (C) likely                   (D) thankfully

(   ) 11. Mark is optimistic. In spite of his recent tragic loss in business, he is still _____. He believes things will turn for the better.

(A) forgetful       (B) respectable          (C) respectful            (D) hopeful

(   ) 12. The filmmaker’s account of the war period in China is _____ correct. Obviously he has done a lot of research.

(A) theoretically        (B) psychologically   (C) geographically    (D) historically

(   ) 13. Love, hatred, and jealousy are _____ emotions; that is, they are shared by humankind as a whole.

(A) controversial (B) universal             (C) provincial            (D) irreversible

(   ) 14. The story told by Jack was so _____ that we all burst out laughing.

(A) humorous            (B) ironic                   (C) sarcastic              (D) childish

(   ) 15. The fundraiser is to help the quake victims. Donations big or small will be _____ appreciated.

(A) rightly                 (B)  keenly                (C) highly                  (D) properly

