2021年6月12日 星期六

Topic Translation Topic 7 Practice



Olympic Games

1.1 每四年舉行一次,奧運被認為是全世界最重要的運動賽事。

1.2對很多傑出的運動員來說,贏得奧運獎牌是對他們成就最好的認可。(outstanding傑出的; recognition認可)


2.1 棒球是那麼受臺灣人的喜愛,以至於棒球比賽經常會吸引數千名觀眾。

2.2 儘管有打假球的醜聞,棒球迷對他們支持的球隊仍然很忠誠。(scandal 醜聞; game-fixing 打假球)


3.1 過去幾年騎腳踏車在臺灣掀起風潮。(Sth take… by storm 某事在掀起風潮)

3.2 沿著美麗的腳踏車道騎車,我們可以近距離發現臺灣之美。(at a close distance近距離)


4.1 慢跑是一種可以促進血液循環和幫助減重的溫和運動。(moderate 溫和的; circulation 循環; weight loss 減重)

4.2 當你慢跑時,要確定你穿了雙好的鞋子預防受傷。


5.1 我下班後常練習瑜伽以放鬆身體和紓解壓カ。(release stress 舒解壓力)

5.2 在伸展及冥想後,我總會感覺到身體及心理上都很滿足。(meditate 冥想; contented 滿足的)


6.1 曾雅妮(Yani Tseng)是第一個如此年輕贏得五項主要冠軍賽的高爾夫球員。(at such a young age以如此年輕的年紀)

6.2 她的成功造成最近臺灣高爾夫球的流行。(give rise to… 造成,導致…)


7.1 不管我們贏或輸,重要的是我們要用運動家精神來比賽。(vital 重要的)

7.2 我們應該學習坦然接受失敗而不是企圖不計任何代價去贏。(at all costs 不計代價)

1.1 Held once every four years, the Olympic Games are viewed as / regarded as / seen as / considered the most important sports event in the world.

1.2 For many outstanding athletes, winning an Olympic medal is the best recognition for their achievement.


2.1 Such is Taiwanese's love for baseball that baseball games often attract thousands of spectators.

2.2 Despite the scandal of game-fixing, baseball fans still remain faithful/loyal to the teams they support.


3.1 Cycling has taken Taiwan by storm over the past few years.

3.2 Cycling along the beautiful trails, we can discover the beauty of Taiwan at a close distance.


4.1 Jogging is a kind of moderate sport which can increase blood circulation and help with weight loss.

4.2 When you go jogging, make sure you wear a good pair of shoes to prevent injury.


5.1 I often practice yoga after work to relax my body and release stress.

5.2 After stretching and meditating, I always feel physically and mentally contented.


6.1 Yani Tseng is the first golfer to win the five major championships at such a young age.

6.2 Her success gives rise to the recent popularity of golf in Taiwan.


7.1 Whether we win or lose, it is vital that we (should) play the game with sportsmanship.

7.2 We should learn to take defeat well instead of trying to win at all costs. / rather than try to win at all costs..2 For many outstanding athletes, winning an Olympic medal is the best recognition for their achievement.

