2021年6月12日 星期六

Phrases Test 46

 英檢學測統測指考    英文片語成長營    平時測驗卷46

班級: _________ 座號: ______ 姓名: ________________ 總分: __________

1. After resting for a couple of days, you will be __________ __________ __________. (復原)

2. Tom is a salesman and he is always __________ __________ __________. (遷移、東跑西跑)

3. Don’t stand __________ __________ __________. (妨礙、擋路)

4. “Get __________ __________ __________ __________,” Tom said rudely. (讓路)

5. __________ __________ __________ the terrible traffic condition in Taipei, the government decided to build a subway system. (有鑑於)

6. Japanese food is not __________ __________ __________. (合我胃口)

7. The bribed official was imprisoned __________ __________. (終身的)

8. Your answer is __________ __________ __________. (偏離要點)

9. Despite the efforts of the police, the escaped gunman is still __________ __________. (在逃的)

10. The people __________ __________ do not approve of communism. (整個的)

11. Sechuanese food is not _______ __________ __________ because it is too hot. (合我的味口)

12. During the pro-democracy movement in Peking the troops were __________ __________ __________ outside the city. (調動、遷移)

13. __________ __________ __________ the situation, the government should take a strong measure. (有鑑於)

14. At the press conference, President Lee’s answers were precise and __________ __________ __________. (針對要點)

15. The furniture was arranged __________ __________ __________. (合我太太的品味)

16. Liu, Kuan, and Chang became sworn brother __________ _________ (終身)

17. Mr. Wang is always getting __________ __________ __________. (妨礙)

18. Five days after his operation, Tom is __________ __________ __________. (復原)

19. I can’t agree with him.  His opinion is o__________ __________ __________. (偏離要點)

20. The murderer is still __________ __________. (在逃)

