2021年8月22日 星期日

4 in 1 Exams: U3

 Unit 03

I. 綜合測驗

Hilary Cash is a well-known therapist in Washington. She is regarded as an expert in the field of cyber-psychology as she is the first therapist _1._ an Internet-obsessed patient. Now she runs a clinic called Internet Computer Addiction Services for Web over- users. Many of her clients are people who spend so much time online _2._ they become moody or emotional. Sleep deprivation and negligence of responsibilities are common among these patients, some of _3._ even lie to their loved ones and lose interest in making connections with others. According to the study result presented to the American Psychological Association last year, 6% of Internet users fit into this _4._. To Cash and a growing number of experts, this kind of behavior has already influenced the patients' lives, especially in their relationships with their significant other.

During the process of treatment, Cash suggests that her patient _5._ at least six hours a week talking about day-to-day events and dining out with people. "That may only be five minutes at one time, half an hour at another," says Cash. "But once that time is lost, relationship between couples will start to fall apart."

(  ) 1. (A) that treating   (B) who treat               (C) treated                   (D) to treat

(  ) 2. (A) that                (B) as                          (C) no matter               (D) even though

(  ) 3. (A) them              (B) those                     (C) which                    (D) whom

(  ) 4. (A) place              (B) type                       (C) range                     (D) area

(  ) 5. (A) spending        (B) spends                   (C) spend                    (D) to spend

II. 綜合測驗

A classic of English literature, Pride and Prejudice, vividly presents women's different attitudes toward love and marriage in the 19th century. The story _1._ centers on the five unmarried daughters in the Bennet family and their extremely worried mother, who is eager to find wealthy men for her daughters.

For Mrs. Bennet, a woman's worth is determined not by what she is but by what her husband has, and it would be a great _2._ if any of her daughters should remain single. However, Jane and Elizabeth, the eldest and the second daughters, hold a completely different idea, thinking _3._ marriage should never be arranged or forced. For Elizabeth, marriage is a promise and love should come from strong appreciation; thus, it would be _4._ for her to marry someone that is too proud to appreciate who she really is. As for Kitty and Lydia, they don't really take marriage seriously or care about family reputation. All that they desire to do is have fun and enjoy their lives to the fullest. They go crazy with handsome soldiers in the party and eventually _5._ everything and embarrassed their family.

The women in Pride and Prejudice have their own ideas toward love and marriage, and through reading the novel, readers will surely find an interpretation that they can best relate to.

(  ) 1. (A) typically        (B) mainly                   (C) widely                   (D) previously

(  ) 2. (A) fortune          (B) shame                    (C) trend                     (D) situation

(  ) 3. (A) which            (B) whether                 (C) that                        (D) what

(  ) 4. (A) the last thing  (B) out of nowhere      (C) a piece of cake      (D) by all means

(  ) 5. (A) turn down      (B) drop out                (C) mess up                 (D) put off

III. 文意選填

"Euthanasia" is a word from ancient Greek, which means "good death." It is the _1._ of ending one’s life, usually with an injection. The ancient Greeks and Romans could _2._ the idea of ending a patient's life if there was no hope for him or her. Nowadays, however, euthanasia is against the law in most parts of the world and is only _3._ in a few countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Thailand.

Euthanasia is a much _4._ topic. People who disagree with such an act think it is murder while others tend to think it is mercy. Supporters of euthanasia _5._ that one's quality of life is more important than how long one lives. In addition, the medical _6._ spent on those who cannot be saved may as well be put to better use. Other people claim that euthanasia is against the oath that doctors take. Doctors take an oath before they practice medicine, in which they promise never to _7._ patients' lives. Another belief holds that euthanasia is morally wrong. Some people consider it suicide, and if you _8._, that becomes murder. In the film, The Sea Inside, the main character, Ramon, was paralyzed from his neck down and wished to end his own life. However, the priest tried to talk him out of the idea, and in their argument, Ramon _9._ his decision and told the priest, “A life without freedom is not a life.”

There is still some heated _10._ on euthanasia, and many feel very strongly about the topic. This is an argument which is sure to continue for many years.

(A) argue            (B) legal             (C) discussion    (D) practice        (E) insisted on

(F) accept           (G) assist            (H) costs             (I) take away      (J) debated

1. _____                    2. _____                    3. _____                    4. _____                    5. _____

6. _____                    7. _____                    8. _____                    9. _____                    10. _____

IV. 篇章結構

The idea that dogs can act as eyes for the blind first developed at the beginning of the twentieth century in a unique school. Located in Germany, the school was unusual because it was a school for dogs instead of humans. These dogs were trained to lead people who could not see. ___1.___ Being a guide dog requires the dog to stay focused at all times, so dogs that easily lose their attention are not suitable. ___2.___ Labrador retrievers, German shepherds, and boxers make excellent guides because they are friendly and easy to train. During its training, the dog is taken to many kinds of busy places such as large stores, noisy airports, and crowded restaurants. ___3.___ The dog must learn to ignore anything that might cause its attention to wander because it is responsible for carefully guiding its owner through any obstacle. For example, the guide dog is trained to stop before a curb to tell the owner to step up or down. When training is finally finished, a guide dog is assigned to an owner. The two of them must be a perfect match because they will be partners for a long time. ___4.___ Therefore, a big and strongly built person will be more suitable for a large dog while an indoor person will probably not want to be matched with a dog that needs plenty of exercise.

(A) It was quickly discovered that not every dog species was fit for the school.

(B) The size, weight, liking, and nature of both are taken into account for a good match.

(C) After a few years of trial and error, it is decided that certain species are better guides than others.

(D) This is to get it exposed and used to all kinds of situations it may face in the future.

1. _____                          2. _____                          3. _____                           4. _____


S1 + V1… (,) while / , whereas + S2 + V2…  然而 (表對比連接詞)


à Interestingly, black people excel in sprints while (= , whereas) white people are better at swimming.

V. 閱讀測驗

Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often, there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points of reference by people. Then an organized body steps in and gives the place a name. Frequently, it happens that a place has two names: one is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits die hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost.

Take Singapore for example. Many roads and places in Singapore were named in order that the pioneers from England would be remembered by future generations. Thus, there are names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place. This is in keeping with traditions in many countries ----in both the West and the East. Another way of naming places is naming them after other places. Perhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named after.

Some places were named after the activities that used to go on at those places. Bras Basah Road is an interesting example. "Bras Basah" means "wet rice" in Malay. Why would anyone want to name a road "Wet Rice Road?" The reason is simple. During the pioneering days, wet rice was laid out to dry along this road. There are also some roads named by their shapes such as "Circular Road." Other roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes, like "Paya Lebar Crescent." This road is called a "crescent" because it begins on the main road, makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again.

(  ) 1. Which one of the following is true based on the first paragraph of the article?

(A) Many places tend to have more than one name.

(B) The government is usually the first to name a place.

(C) A ceremony will be held when a place is named.

(D) People prefer the place names given by the government.

(  ) 2. What does the phrase "die hard" probably mean?

(A) Change completely.                          (B) Change suddenly.

(C) Disappear mysteriously.                    (D) Disappear slowly.

(  ) 3. According to the article, what is "Bras Basah Road" named after?

(A) A person.      (B) A place.                 (C) An activity.            (D) Its shape.

(  ) 4. What can be inferred from the article?

(A) Some place names in Singapore are closely related to Britain.

(B) Some places in Singapore are named for military purposes.

(C) The ways Singaporeans name their places are very unique.

(D) Young Singaporeans have completely forgotten their pioneers.


one ... the other ... 一個另一個


                                        列舉兩個                                      列舉三個

有限定         單數      One… The other…                 One… Another… The other…

複數      Some… The others…             Some… Some ... The others…

無限定         單數      One… Another…                   One… Another… Still another…

複數      Some… Some…/Others…     Some… Some… Others...

                                                            Some… Others... Still others...

à Betty held a heavy schoolbag in one hand and a pile of paper in the other. (限定兩隻手)

à I'm interested in three subjects at school. One is English, another is math and the other is biology. (限定三種)

à In the library, some students are studying hard, others are kind of absent-minded, and still others are simply dozing off. (無限定列舉三種複數)

VI. 閱讀測驗

What do cancer and scorpions have in common? The words that we think of would be "death," "fatal" or "better not to see one in my lifetime.” But when Dr. James Olson cleverly combined the two and invented Tumor Paint, they brought "hope" to brain tumor patients.

Dr. James Olson is an expert in children's tumors in Seattle Children's Hospital. His co-worker, Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, operated on a 17-year-old girl's brain for almost 12 hours, but failed to completely get rid of the tumors because, despite his extensive experience, he had difficulty telling healthy and cancerous brain tissues apart. Ellenbogen and Olson talked about how important it was to clearly identify a tumor. After a six-week study, they discovered that a kind of protein in the scorpion's venom, chlorotoxin, would stick to a cancer cell instead of healthy ones. They further studied it and made it into a substance, serving as a dye.

The new substance is Tumor Paint, produced by Blaze Bioscience, founded by Olson. As Tumor Paint is injected into the body, the tumor glows so that surgeons can easily remove cancer tissues without damaging other parts of the brain. This makes it more likely for the brain surgery to succeed.

Tumor Paint is an amazing medical invention, which is sure to benefit a large number of brain tumor patients. Yet there is still one thing to work on; that is, it cannot be applied to tumors which lie deep inside the body because it needs direct light to light them up. However, Dr. James Olson and his team are glad to be able to help patients with the help of Mother Nature.

(  ) 1. Which of the following is the best title of this article?

(A) Scorpions: The Amazing Cure for Cancer

(B) Scorpions: The Cleverest Creature in Mother Nature

(C) Tumor Paint: Overcoming the Fear of Cancer

(D) Tumor Paint: Changing the Way to Fight Cancer

(  ) 2. What gave Dr. James Olson the idea to invent Tumor Paint?

(A) The behavior of the scorpion.         (B) An unsuccessful operation.

(C) Dr. Richard Ellenbogen's research.  (D) A kind of paint that glows.

(  ) 3. When will Tumor Paint NOT be able to help the patient?

(A) When the tumor is too big to operate on.

(B) When light is unable to shine on the tumor.

(C) When the tumor does not react to Tumor Paint.

(D) When there are too many tumors found all over the brain.

(  ) 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Chlorotoxin, found in the scorpion's venom, can kill cancerous cells.

(B) Dr. James Olson worked hard on the method of facilitating brain surgery.

(C) Brain surgery is so complicated that sometimes it's hard to remove the tumor completely.

(D) Dr. James Olson drew inspiration from nature to invent medical aids.


... have difficulty / trouble / problems / a hard time + (in) + V-ing... 有困難

說明:此句型中difficulty 等字前也可以加greata lot ofsomeno 等修飾;而have fun / a good time + (in) + V-ing則是「做很開心」的意思。

à Carol has great difficulty memorizing new English words.

à My classmates and I had fun camping in the mountains.

VII. 混合題型

One of the things that tourists may notice everywhere in Japan is vending machines. With more than five million in active service, it is never difficult to see how much Japanese people rely on the convenience that vending machines provide.

Vending machines have a long history in Japan, but it wasn't until 1924, when Nakayama Koichirou invented a machine selling "drinks and snacks," that the popularity of vending machines started to take off. Yet Nakayama's invention is not the first of the sort. Years before that, Tawaraya Koshichi invented the first patented vending machine in Japan, which dispensed stamps and postcards. Tawaraya built this stamp and postcard dispenser based on his previous model, a tobacco selling machine. It was designed 20 years earlier, and was the oldest vending machine recorded in Japanese history. In 1950, a "Fountain-style Juice Dispenser" was invented, which later invited many beer companies to follow suit and join the vending machine business. The number of vending machines reached one million in 1970, and the figure has gone all the way up ever since.

Reasons for the popularity of vending machines in Japan are manifold. In other countries, for example, vending machines are only placed indoors for safety reasons. In Japan, however, the low crime rates mean that vending machines can be placed outdoors. This has greatly increased the availability of the machines and the number of users increases as a result. Besides, the large circulation of coins beginning in 1967 made it possible for the Japanese to use vending machines more casually and frequently. Another reason that explains the popularity of vending machines in Japan is the closeness Japanese people feel towards robots. This is clearly shown in Japanese animations such as Astro Boy and Doraemon, and most Japanese people do not mind buying goods or receiving service from vending machines, an extended form of robots.

Nowadays, Japan tops the world with its amazing use and heavy reliance on vending machines. Creative and even weird machines are always on the way. It's thus safe to say that Japan is indeed the "King of Vending Machines."

(  ) 1. Which of the following about vending machines in Japan is NOT mentioned in this article?

(A) A brief history of Japanese vending machines.

(B) Some of the early inventors of vending machines.

(C) Examples of unusual and strange vending machines.

(D) The number of vending machines in a certain period of time.

(  ) 2. What is the word "manifold" in the third paragraph closest in meaning to?

(A) gradual                 (B) various                (C) normal            (D) typical

(  ) 3. Please put the following vending machines A, B, C and D in a correct time order. (From the earliest to the latest.)

(A) Tobacco Dispenser                                (B) Fountain-style Juice Dispenser

(C) Drinks and Snacks Dispenser                (D) Stamps and Postcards Dispenser

_____ à _____ à _____ à _____

(  ) 4. Please complete the following chart by filling in key words om the article.

Reasons Why Vending Machines Are Popular in Japan

Influences /Results/ Proofs

•(1) _________________________________

Vending machines can be safely placed (2) ___________________, which increases their availability and attracts more customers.

•(3) __________________________ in 1967

Japanese people are able to use vending machines more frequently and casually.

•Japanese people's (4) __________________ towards robots

The Japanese don't mind receiving service from vending machines.


S + find / believe / make / think + it + adj. + (for sb.) + to VR  (it當不完全及物動詞裡的虛受詞)

說明:在不完全及物動詞裡的受詞,如果是一件事(子句),可以先在受詞的位置用it虛受詞代替,然後真受詞放在後面,用(for sb.) + to VR或是that + S + V...表示皆可。

à The Japanese businessman finds it difficult for the American partners to understand his English.

à Dylan thinks it impossible that he finishes the term paper within two hours.

Practice 3

(  ) 1. The police officer asked the lady to _____ what the robber looked like in detail so that he could catch him as soon as possible.

(A) produce         (B) determine            (C) benefit                 (D) describe

(  ) 2. This movie involves too much sex and violence, so it is not _____ for kids under 18 to watch.

(A) suitable          (B) ancient                (C) significant           (D) official

(  ) 3. The teacher asked us to clearly _____ our ideas of the project through PPT slides.

(A) develop          (B) present                (C) remove                (D) wander

(  ) 4. As members of this global village, we all have the _____ to help make this world a better place.

(A) treatment        (B) responsibility      (C) quality                 (D) situation

(  ) 5. Miraculously, the streets and buildings _____ intact and untouched after the bombing in the war.

(A) located           (B) embarrassed        (C) remained             (D) arranged


(A) serve as        (B) get rid of      (C) tend to          (D) tell apart       (E) take into account

(  ) 6. Your advice sounds practical, so I will _____ it _____ and carefully think about it.

(  ) 7. Trying to _____ the guy who followed her, Helen screamed her lungs out and ran as fast as she could.

(  ) 8. As Mr. Lin's daughter is about to get married, her bedroom will _____ storeroom for the family once she moves out.


9. Katie在做數學作業時遭遇困難,而Alex卻輕鬆地完成了作業。(have difficulty.../while...)


10. 醫生建議Ken多喝水以及每天早點上床睡覺。(… suggest...)


