2021年8月22日 星期日



Unit 25

(   ) 1. The students enjoy language classes because there is a lot of _____ between them and the instructor.

(A) corporation         (B) operation             (C) realization           (D) interaction

(   ) 2. Jessica warned her roommate that if she read her personal letters again, she would sue her for _____ of privacy.

(A) sausage               (B) guardian              (C) invasion              (D) governor

(   ) 3. The old couple are still _____ with each other---they hug and kiss all the time.

(A) ideal                    (B) internal                (C) intimate               (D) considerate

(   ) 4. When I told my boss it took me nine hours to complete the assignment, he said I could have been more _____. That is, I could have finished it sooner.

(A) workable            (B) edible                  (C) efficient              (D) proficient

(   ) 5. Professor Lin says that besides reading and traveling, talking to students from different backgrounds can also _____ our knowledge.

(A) expend                (B) depend                (C) expand                (D) suspend

(   ) 6. The army _____ that all soldiers obey orders or they will be severely punished.

(A) demands             (B) remains               (C) absolutely           (D) harvests

(   ) 7. When the last book of the Harry Potter series was being _____, many readers tried to guess what the ending would be.

(A) raged                  (B) published            (C) modified             (D) loosened

(   ) 8. The National Health Insurance program may be considered the product of a good social _____ policy that has benefited a lot of people.

(A) nightmare           (B) warfare               (C) welfare                (D) hardware

(   ) 9. Both the teaching and medical professions are held in high esteem; they may be considered worthy careers to _____.

(A) abolish                (B) advise                 (C) bathe                   (D) pursue

(   ) 10. When the president asked who should be hired, his advisors spoke _____ of Nick, because he had the qualifications the company needed.

(A) enthusiastically   (B) flexibly               (C) gently                  (D) grammatically

(   ) 11. When Ruth received the letter from the university, she _____ opened it to see whether she had been accepted or not.

 (A) eagerly              (B) helpfully             (C) fearfully              (D) foolishly

(   ) 12. _____ used to be a taboo subject in most familiesbut people are more open about discussing it nowadays.

(A) Date                    (B) Hatred                (C) Sex                     (D) Love

(   ) 13. The Chinese custom of eating rice dumplings on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival is very _____. Its origin can be dated back to over two thousand years ago.

(A) aging                  (B) ancient                (C) classical               (D) historic

(   ) 14. When asked how the game went, my brother told us _____ that luck had been with him and he had won the championship.

(A) dangerously        (B) cheerfully            (C) cheaply               (D) chiefly

(   ) 15. Students studied _____ in order to do well on the entrance exam.                                                                                              

(A) diligently            (B) expressively        (C) expensively         (D) familiarly

Unit 26

(   )1.My brother has a(n) _____ for knowledge; he wants to become a philosopher.

(A) gesture                (B) passion            (C) ancestor             (D) aluminum

(   ) 2.Parents should realize that they do not _____ their children. Parents have the responsibility to bring them up, but it is up to the children to decide their careers.

(A) assess                  (B) possess            (C) recess                 (D) confess

(   ) 3. When the thief was caught stealing, he_____ that he had tried to shoplift.

(A) admitted              (B) confined          (C) conflicted            (D) announced

(   ) 4. Mary blushed in the presence of Peter, it was _____ that she liked him.

(A) unlikely              (B) final              (C) fertile                   (D) apparent

(   ) 5.Although_____weapons may cause mass destruction, they have been used only twice, namely in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

(A)Atomic                (B) systematic           (C) tragic              (D) antibiotic

(   ) 6. Joe might seem an ordinary person, but he is knowledgeable and courteous and this makes him quite _____ to me.

(A) hateful                 (B) stressful              (C) attractive              (D) lucrative

(   ) 7. The F117 is a fighter plane that is flown by computer. The pilot tells the computer what he want to do, and the plane will_____ carry out his commands.

(A) radically              (B) literally              (C) figuratively          (D) automatically

(   ) 8. When I called the secretary for an appointment, she told me that my dentist wouldn't be _____ until a week later.

(A)noticeable            (B) available              (C) comparable          (D) presentable

(   ) 9. Having been unemployed for months, Vincent had _____ enough money to buy his daily necessities.

(A) barely                  (B) finally                 (C) genuinely            (D) furiously

(   ) 10.Which do you think is a more important _____ : the cellphone or the computer?

(A) impression          (B) construction        (C) invention             (D) organization

(   ) 11. While there are medical techniques and medicines for solving many medical problems, _____ that can prevent people from aging is not yet available

(A) sociology            (B) technology          (C) astronomy           (D) astrology

(   ) 12. Yvonne _____ that her roommate Phoebe see a doctor because she had been coughing for a week.

(A) suggested            (B) required              (C) commanded        (D) demanded

(   ) 13. Dora's mother said angrily that she would break her neck, but Dora did not take it seriously because she knew it was just a _____ .

(A) bluff                    (B) cliff                      (C) hanger                 (D) threat

(   ) 14. Paula called me a liar, which _____ me because I am not one.

(A) beats                   (B) bends                  (C)binds                 (D) upsets

(   ) 15. My office is _____ located near an MRT station that is only three stops from where I live. And there is also an MRT station near my apartment. Therefore I don't have to spend much time traveling to and from work.

(A) horizontally         (B) vertically             (C) laterally               (D) conveniently

Unit 27

(   )1. It was Darwin’s theory that _____ was for the fittest. In other words, if a species can adapt to the environment, it can avoid extinction.

(A) pressure       (B) substance         (C) territory              (D) survival

(   ) 2 My grandma forbids me to _____ at night because she believes that it will summon ghosts.

(A) blow            (B) whistle             (C) lighten                 (D) grasp

(   ) 3. After working hard for four years, Victor _____ from the university and found a job.

(A) graduated     (B) sneezed          (C) rhymed               (D) proceeded

(   ) 4..My grandfather often recalls the days when he and a lot of other kids went to school on two _____ feet. Shoes were too expensive then.

(A) empty          (B) bare                 (C) barren              (D) hollow

(   ) 5. Sufficient sleep strengthens our immune system; lack of sleep _____ it.

(A) polishes        (B) shortens            (C) weakens           (D) enhances

(   ) 6. In a democratic country, people “_____” against their government not by force, but by the peaceful means of voting.

(A) rebel             (B) destroy                (C) request                (D) reflect

(   ) 7. Ruby, it is very _____ of you to give me a birthday gift, thank you!

(A) responsible   (B) thoughtful          (C)colorful                (D) tense

(   ) 8. The soldiers will be transferred to other posts soon; they are stationed here only _____ .

(A)systematically(B) temporarily        (C) swiftly                (D) technically

(   ) 9. The practice of giving red envelopes containing money as gifts for occasions such as weddings and birthdays is _____ Chinese. Few, if any, other cultures have the same practice.

(A) typically       (B) luckily                 (C) harmoniously      (D) sympathetically

(   ) 10. For forty years Adam has been _____ to his wife; he never sees another woman or lies to her.

(A) tribal            (B) tender                  (C) faithful                (D) tough

(   ) 11. You are a passenger when you are on board a(n) _____, such as a bus or a taxi.

(A) council         (B) vehicle                (C) crown                  (D) airplane

(   ) 12. Heavy fines are an effective measure to prevent _____ of traffic regulations.

(A) affairs           (B) occurrences         (C) vibrations            (D) violations

(   ) 13. Government workers and volunteers are building _____ for the refugees left homeless by the tsunami.

(A) shelters         (B) skyscrapers         (C) malls                   (D) meadows

(   ) 14. The law protects equal rights for workers. If a company refuses to hire because the person is a woman, the woman can sue the company for _____ discrimination.

(A) female          (B) feminine        (C)sexual                (D) racial

(   ) 15. Joe said _____ to Judy that he would marry her if she still loved him.

(A) sincerely      (B) hatefully        (C) habitually            (D) gigantically

Unit 28

(   )1. The typhoon brought a lot of rainfall; _____ , many places were flooded.

(A) consequently             (B) peacefully        (C) chemically          (D) commonly

(   ) 2 Although Cynthia is married, she still depends on her parents _____. She needs a job badly.

(A) constantly              (B) considerably    (C) economically       (D) effortlessly

(   ) 3. Victor lost his wife in a car accident. To add to his misfortune, the company he had invested in went _____ and he was left penniless.

(A) converse                   (B) corrupt           (C)abrupt                   (D) bankrupt

(   ) 4. Many people are _____ of the health dangers they risk, but they go on smoking anyway.

(A) aware                        (B) reserved          (C) afraid            (D) concerned

(   ) 5. The smell of a rotten egg is absolutely _____ ; people are disgusted by it.

(A) wonderful                  (B) awful                (C) awesome        (D) fearful

(   ) 6. It takes cleverness to solve a math problem; it takes _____ to make a marriage last.

(A)custom                       (B) wisdom               (C) system                 (D) kingdom

(   ) 7. Our history teacher _____ us with what has happened in the past two thousand years.

(A) teaches                      (B) tells                    (C) acquaints             (D) trains

(   ) 8. There is at least one _____ in each syllable, though there may or may not be any consonants.

(A) letter                          (B) alphabet               (C) vowel                  (D) sound

(   ) 9. The weatherman _____ rain, but it turned out to be a sunny day.

(A) guessed                     (B) predicted             (C) estimated             (D) calculated

(   ) 10. I cannot _____ exactly what happened; I only know there was an accident.

(A) remind                       (B) reply                   (C) recall                   (D) regain

(   ) 11. The dancers _____ several times before they finally went on stage.

(A) performed                  (B) rehearsed            (C) replaced               (D) regarded

(   ) 12. Baseball players have to make quick decisions; the slightest _____ can cause the team a lot of trouble.

(A) hesitation                  (B) resolution            (C) determination       (D) ambition

(   ) 13. My necklace is _____ to me, not only because it is worth a lot of money but also because it was a gift from my grandma on my 18th birthday.

(A) dense                        (B) costly                   (C) complicated         (D) valuable

(   ) 14. The fireworks display at Taipei 101 on New Year’s Eve was _____ ;it attracted a large crowd.

(A) scenic                        (B) marvelous           (C) distinguished       (D) divine

(   ) 15. Nancy and I live in the same building, so we _____ run into each other.

(A) nearly                        (B) frequently            (C) contentedly          (D) thinly

