2018年10月28日 星期日

(Priority Seat) Sample: Writing Practice

        A high school girl was sitting with her eyes closed in one of the priority seats on the MRT. She was apparently unaware of an elderly woman standing right beside her. A young man sitting nearby yielded his seat to the elderly woman instead. Without the high school girl’s knowledge, another passenger had videotaped the scene and posted it on YouTube. Before long, the clip had gotten tens of thousands of views, and hundreds of messages were left, most of which were savage words. They criticized the girl for keeping the seat by pretending to be sleeping. They even found out the girl’s identity with “human flesh search engines.” Numerous malicious messages were posted on her Facebook page. At this point, one of the girl’s teachers spoke up for her. He said the student had had a terrible stomachache that day and had every right to sit in the priority seat. As a result of this incident, people began to realize the “unseen” needs of some passengers. So, next time you see a young person sitting on those seats, don’t just make a hasty judgment, because you don’t know the whole situation.

