2020年12月13日 星期日

Review Test D: Unit 01~ Unit 10

 Review Test D: Unit 01~ Unit 10

       1.   The TV _______ “Sex and the City” has been very popular around the world.
(A) series                        (B) species
                             (C) spray                     (D) salary

       2.   Judging from the current situation, we’ll have to lower our prices to attract more ____ buyers.
(A) inspective                 (B) constructive         (C) prospective           (D) destructive

       3.   This intensive course is designed to help students _______ their language skills.
(A) deepen                    (B) sharpen                (C) widen
                         (D) lengthen

       4.   Most people in Taiwan and mainland China _______ their ancestors as gods.
(A) condemn                  (B) attract                   (C) release                  (D) worship

       5.   We are a leading company in California that has an annual _______ of 200 million dollars.
(A) turnabout                 (B) turnover               (C) turnout
                      (D) turnpike

       6.   My grandfather died when I was very young, so I have only a _______ memory of him.
(A) vague                        (B) plastic                   (C) vivid                      (D) cozy

       7.   The engineer said a short _______ caused the machine to malfunction.
(A) circle
                                (B) circus                    (C) circular                  (D) circuit

       8.   I like to wear clothes that are made of natural _______. I dislike anything synthetic.
(A) fables
                              (B) fibers                         (C) fossils                    (D) fuels

       9.   The people living in Hokkaido(北海道)have an average ______ of 80 years, according to a study.
(A) level                          (B) lease                     (C) lifespan                 (D) lifestyle

       10.  Kangaroos in Australia are known to _______ at an alarming rate.
(A) reproduce                 (B) repeat                   (C) reform                   (D) report

       11.  Hundreds of taxi-drivers gathered around there to _______ their horns in protest against high oil prices.
(A) honk
                                          (B) pull                             (C) switch                    (D) type

       12.  The ongoing civil war in that African country has _______ the suffering of its people.
(A) included                   (B) improved              (C) prolonged             (D) preferred

       13.  I _______ the butterfly with a twig to see if it was still alive.
(A) stroked                     (B) poked
                        (C) exposed                    (D) imposed

       14.  Edward’s political career was _______ when he was involved in a sex scandal.
(A) at large                     (B) at random            (C) at sea                    (D) at stake

       15.  The president called an emergency meeting _______ a financial crisis.
(A) in the midst of
                 (B) at the cost of        (C) by means of          (D) in terms of

Walk around in any city, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by buildings of different sizes. Buildings are the   (16)   for most of our work, rest, and play. But how often do we really think about the   (17)   of the places where we spend our lives? A building's design can actually make a big difference in the way we feel. If the   (18)   environment of a building is unpleasant, it can affect the way you feel. Imagine being in a beautiful church. When you look   (19)  , you see a beautiful arched ceiling high above you. It gives you a sense of beauty and majesty. As you go about your day, stop and think about the   (20)   features of the buildings you spend time in.

       16.  (A) lifespan                     (B) index                    (C) setting                   (D) series

       17.  (A) agriculture                (B) architecture          (C) pyramid                 (D) archaeology

       18.  (A) overall                       (B) dispensable          (C) hearty                   (D) affectionate

       19.  (A) partly                        (B) upwards               (C) abruptly                (D) beforehand

       20.  (A) notorious                 (B) overwhelming     (C) provincial              (D) distinctive

After I hurt my leg playing badminton, I decided to find a new   (21)  . My friend   (22)   that I take up a musical instrument. He said that it would be difficult at first, but that he was sure I would find it   (23)   to play music. He was right. I knew which instrument I wanted, because my favorite CD was by a   (24)  . I got the instrument and practiced until I could play it. Then things became really interesting. Some people at school were looking for another musician to join their rock band, and they asked me! Playing music has totally   (25)   my life.

(A) fascinating  (B) violinist  (C) pastime  (D) altered  (E) recommended

21.             22.             23.             24.             25.       

