2020年12月5日 星期六

SP 3.7.6


Pattern 6

If it were not for sth/sb, S + would/might + V

例:Let's be thankful to the fools. If it were not for them, the rest of us would not appear wise.—Mark Twain




I. 這個句型表示「若非…就...與現在的事實相反。

If it were not for his injury, he would be playing in today's baseball game.

Were it not for his injury, he would be playing in today's baseball game.

But for his injury, he would be playing in today's baseball game.


II. 主要子句也可能是與過去的事實相反這時動詞部分為would + have + V-ed

If it were not for her arrogance, she would have gotten married.


III. for 後面也可接 the fact that + 子句這時 that 子句中要用現在式。

If it were not for the fact that I am busy, I would go to the movies with you.


IV. 這個句型也可用 without 來表達。

Without music, life would be a mistake.—Nietzsche



I. 替換

範例:But that he is too young, he would be able to join the army.

 If it were not for his young age, he would be able to join the army.

1. But that he is ill, he would be able to go on a trip to Paris with us tomorrow.


2. But that the weather is cold, we would go swimming.


3. But that house prices are too high, I would be able to buy another house.


4. But that labor is so cheap in China, many foreign companies would not want to relocate there.


5. But that he is very old, he would not retire from public life.



ll. 翻譯:請將下列中文句子翻成英文

1. 要不是我們有希望生命將不值得一活。


2. 若非有音樂我們將覺得無趣。


3. 若非他的幽默感他將發現很難忍受痛苦與磨難。


4. 要不是有老婆和三個小孩要養他會提早退休。


5. 要不是有全民健保低收入的人將無法得到良好的醫療照顧。



