
2020年2月10日 星期一

KW 11. double

double [ˈdʌbḷ]

= two, 表示「二,雙」。

1 - 來自拉丁語 duplus,雙倍,來自 du-,二,詞源同 two,-pl,倍,詞源同 fold.

1. 【諧音】打包 打包要花兩倍的時間。 ->兩倍的、雙的;兩倍;使加倍 

2. 定冠詞通常位於名詞或名詞修飾語前,但放在all, both,double,half,twice,three times等詞之後,名詞之前。例:   All the students in the class went out. 班裡的所有學生都出去了。

adj. [無比較級] 
⑴ (數、量、強度等)兩倍的;加倍的 
a double portion of potatoes 雙份洋芋 
double pay 雙薪
He had to do double work. 他得做兩倍的工作。 
⑵ [用在附有the或one's的名詞或名詞子句之前(…的)兩倍的(★原為名詞,後來省略了of)] 
at double the speed 以加倍的速度 
pay double the price 付兩倍的價錢
6 is double 3. 六是三的兩倍。
His investment was almost double the amount we have invested. 他的投資額幾乎是我們所投資的金額的兩倍。
The price is double what it was last month. 價格是上個月的兩倍。 

② 雙重的;雙的;雙層的 
an egg with a double yolk 雙黃蛋 
a double collar 褶領
a double door 雙扇門
a double edge 雙刃
a double lock 雙重鎖
a double murder 雙重謀殺
It has the double advantage of being good and cheap. 它有又好又便宜的雙重好處。
a double purpose 雙重目的
a double window 雙重窗
double yellow lines 雙黃線(表示禁止停車) 

③ (房間、床等)兩人用的→double bed 
a double sheet 兩人用的床單 
a double sleeping bag 兩人用的睡袋 

④ (花等)重瓣的(←→single) 
a double flower [rose] 重瓣花[玫瑰] 

⑤ (人、性格等)有表裏二重的;有貳心的;陰險的;不誠實的 
a double character 雙重人格(者) 
wear a double face 不誠實;口是心非 

⑥ (意義)模稜兩可的;含糊的 
a phrase with a double meaning 有雙重意義的片語 

⑦ (威士忌等)雙份的,二倍量[強度]的 
a double gin 雙份杜松子酒 
two double whiskeys 兩杯雙份威士忌
double ale (強度兩倍的)特製麥酒 

adv. [無比較級] 加倍地;雙重地;成對地 
Please fold the sheets double. 請將那些床單對摺。 
ride double 共騎
After the hit on the head he was seeing double. 頭部受擊後,他把一物看做兩物。
The two sisters will sleep double tonight. 那兩姊妹今晚將兩人共寢。 

⑴ [U] 加倍,二倍 
She won $10 but I won double. 她贏了十美元,但我贏了兩倍。 
Eight is the double of four. 八是四的二倍。 
⑵ [C] 二倍之物雙份(的酒) 
have a double 喝雙份的(威士忌等) 

② [C] 雙重;摺疊(=fold)

③ [C]
⑴ 酷似的人或物 
She's her sister's double [the double of her sister]. 她酷似她的姊姊[妹妹]。 
⑵ 〖影〗替身<for> 
My first job was as Sophia Loren's double in an air-crash scene. 我的第一個工作是在一場空難的戲中作蘇菲亞羅蘭的替身。 

④ [用複數形]→doubles 

⑤ [C] 〖棒球〗二壘安打;〖橋牌〗叫加倍;〖賽馬〗複式 
hit a double 擊出二壘安打 

⑥ [C] (被追之獸、河流等)急轉彎,折回

⑦ [C] 巧計,詭計 
put a double on a person 用計騙某人 

① 使加倍 
The boss promised to double my salary. 老闆答應把我的薪水增加一倍。 

② 使成兩層;摺疊;對摺;握(拳) 
He doubled his fists in anger. 他憤怒地握緊拳頭。 
She doubled the blanket and put it over the child. 她把那條毯子對摺,蓋在孩子身上。 

③ 扮演練(二角) 
In the play she doubled the parts of the mother and the governess. 在那齣戲裡,她一個人扮演母親和女家庭教師兩個角色。 

④ (船等)繞行 
The tanker doubled the Cape of Good Hope. 那艘油輪繞過好望角。 

⑤ 〖橋牌〗使(對手的輸贏分數)加倍

⑥ 〖棒球〗 
⑴ 以二壘安打使(跑壘者)進(壘)<to> 【+受+介+(代)名】 
I doubled him to third. 我以二壘安打將他送上三壘.。 
⑵ 以二壘安打得(分)<in> 【+受+副】 
He doubled in the winning run. 他以二壘安打得分。 
⑶ 雙殺

① 倍增 
Prices have doubled. 物價己倍增。 
The world population is doubling every thirty-five years. 世界人口正以每三十五年增加一倍。 

② 〖軍〗快步走;小跑 
Double! 〖號令〗跑步! 

③ (免子等為了逃避被捕而)急忙退回;折回 
The hare doubled (back) on its tracks. 那隻兔子急忙轉身循原路逃跑。 

④ 兼任;兼用為為 
She doubles as secretary and receptionist. 她擔任祕書兼接待員。 
His bedroom doubles as a study. 他的臥室兼用為書房。 

⑤ 〖棒球〗擊出二壘安打 
double to left 擊出左外野二壘安打 

⑥ (在橋牌中)加倍叫牌

單數: double
複數: doubles

原級: -
比較級: -
最高級: -

現在式: double
現在式(第三人稱單數): doubles
現在分詞: doubling
過去式: doubled
過去分詞: doubled

1.at the double ①(士兵)以快步走[小步] ②〖口〗趕快地(=on the double) 
2.double back ①摺疊 ②急忙轉身逃走 
3.double or quits [nothing] ①(賭博等)輸時加倍償付,贏時則欠帳一筆勾銷 ②[當副詞用]加倍償付或一筆勾銷地 
4.double over ①對摺,摺疊 ②(由於痛苦、笑等而)彎著身子(=double up) 
5.double up ①對摺;摺疊 ②(由於痛苦、笑等而)彎著身子 ③兩家合住一屋;同住一室;共宿一床<with> 
6.on the double〖口〗趕快地 

fold  v.  摺疊
image  n.  酷似的人或物
dual  adj.  雙重的

single  adj.  (花等)單瓣的

