
2020年12月27日 星期日

LEVEL 5: Unit 11~20


Review Test D: Unit 11~ Unit 20

       1.   All new American citizens must _______ allegiance(忠誠)to their country in an official ceremony.
(A) pledge                       (B) blame
                                (C) oppose                  (D) suggest

       2.   Over the years, the Queen has become an enthusiastic _______ of the arts.
(A) bandit                       (B) mutton                 (C) patent                    (D) patron

       3.   As soon as he came home, Tony _______ a fire in the fireplace.
(A) shaped                      (B) kindled                 (C) conserved
                 (D) pumped

       4.   I tried to be as friendly as possible, but they were _______ to me as usual.
(A) considerate               (B) generous              (C) hostile                   (D) attached

       5.   The article in that newspaper is nothing less than a(n) _______ on the governor’s integrity.
(A) coincidence              (B) assault                  (C) fascination
               (D) awareness

       6.   Marriage _______ can help couples to solve problems in their marriage.
(A) camping                    (B) gardening             (C) counseling            (D) gossiping

       7.   I must admit you are a very learned man, but your handwriting is almost _______.
(A) illegible
                          (B) illegal                    (C) loyal                      (D) royal

       8.   Tiger Woods is a professional golfer without _______ in terms of talent.
(A) knowledge
                    (B) sincerity                    (C) consciousness       (D) parallel

       9.   The dentist said I had a _______ tooth and it needed to be pulled out at once.
(A) denied                      (B) decayed                (C) deleted                  (D) decoded

       10.  When she arrived at the theater, Jane found a lot of people standing in line in front of the ticket _______.
(A) booth                        (B) broth                    (C) breath                   (D) boot

       11.  As the saying goes, “Every family has a _______ in the closet.” So, take it easy.
(A) scope
                                        (B) scanner                     (C) skeleton                (D) skull

       12.  Since there is no objection, let’s move to the second item on the _______.
(A) compass                   (B) component
                  (C) agency                   (D) agenda

       13.  All distinguished foreign guests and diplomats will be invited to the state _______.
(A) bouquet                   (B) banquet
                   (C) bomb                          (D) board

       14.  My son was _______ after he was caught in a shower on his way home.
(A) soaking wet              (B) bone dry               (C) steaming hot         (D) cock sure

       15.  My sister and I used to be _______ with each other, but we are very close now.
(A) at will
                                        (B) at ease                  (C) at odds                  (D) at random

The brain is a complex organ, and sometimes a small injury can create a huge problem. But in some   (16)   cases, the opposite turns out to be true. Incidents have been reported of people having an injury in which some object penetrates their   (17)   and ends up lodged(卡在)in the brain. Normally the result of this kind of injury is quite   (18)  . But in some cases, the victim is   (19)   lucky and lives to tell about it. In some cases, however, the victim's personality changes, or the injury might lead to a mental disorder. Still, brain injury is serious, so try to be   (20)  .

      16.   (A) inward                      (B) astonishing           (C) indifferent            (D) muscular

      17.   (A) skull                          (B) thigh                     (C) armor                    (D) throne

      18.   (A) infinite                      (B) bulky                     (C) robust                   (D) grim

      19.   (A) immensely                (B) wearily                  (C) intently                  (D) beneficially

      20.   (A) pretentious               (B) hostile                  (C) cautious                (D) solitary

The story that many Americans believe about Europeans making a home in America goes something like this. Europeans came over on boats and the natives helped them grow food to survive. The real story, however, is not so   (21)  . Many of the European settlers killed the natives, sometimes with   (22)   violence. The settlers took every   (23)   they could from the natives, including their land. To the natives, the invading Europeans can only be seen as
  (24)  . Does a   (25)   American have to pretend that these things aren't true? Perhaps the best approach is to teach the truth about history and try to learn from it.

(A) commodity  (B) patriotic  (C) villains  (D) straightforward  (E) monstrous

21.             22.             23.             24.             25.       

