
2021年6月13日 星期日


 Unit 09

(  ) 1. My father's financial _____ became lighter after my elder sister graduated from college and helped make money to support our family.

(A) retirement             (B) burden                (C) correspondence (D) representative

(  ) 2. Nelson has a very big _____. He usually eats at least three hamburgers, two hot dogs and a large Coke for dinner.

(A) responsibility        (B) adaptation           (C) apprentice        (D) appetite

(  ) 3. It's a pity that Jennifer didn't come to my birthday party. I hope that she can come next time.

(A) scarcely                 (B) sincerely             (C) reliably            (D) obviously

(  ) 4. The epidemic flu, breaking out in April, 2009, was _____ known as Swine Flu, but actually it should be called Influenza A(H1N1).

(A) variously               (B) hardly                 (C) mistakenly       (D) generously

(  ) 5. That the number "Four" is considered an unlucky number is a _____ which is not based on reasonable causes.

(A) superstition           (B) suspicion             (C) motivation       (D) revelation

(  ) 6. The rope is _____ to the bell, so when you pull it, the bell rings.

(A) coincided              (B) attached               (C) polished           (D) appealed

(  ) 7. If college students can _____ themselves with professional knowledge and skills, they will have more job opportunities.

(A) acquaint                (B) confine                (C) affirm              (D) equip

(  ) 8. Jay is planning to _____ his first Taiwanese album next month, and it is believed that this album will become a hit.

(A) alert                       (B) invoke                 (C) comply            (D) distribute

(  ) 9. To fight against the flu and stay healthy, people should eat more _____ food and exercise frequently.

(A) vigorous               (B) solitary                (C) nutritious         (D) subjective

(  ) 10. Andy does not have a _____ relationship with his girlfriend. Many believe that they will break up soon.

(A) stable                    (B) sensible               (C) noticeable        (D) judicial

Unit 10

(  ) 1. Grace studied alone in the US and it was her first time staying abroad. She was totally stricken with _____.

(A) fatigue                   (B) supervision         (C) turmoil             (D) nostalgia

(  ) 2. A lot of architects were surprised at the fact that Taipei 101 was completely _____ within 2 years.

(A) verified                 (B) constructed         (C) campaigned     (D) thrived

(  ) 3. When the sun _____ from the east, it stands for the beginning of a brand new day.

(A) condemns             (B) detects                 (C) splits                (D) emerges

(  ) 4. Justin was asked to move out of his parents' apartment and find a full-time job. They wanted him to be _____ independent.

(A) physically             (B) politically            (C) financially        (D) radically

(  ) 5. The Iraq War resulted from the excuse that the US claimed that they had found tremendous mass _____ weapons in Iraq.

(A) chronic                  (B) destructive          (C) bizarre             (D) imperial

(  ) 6. In India, practicing meditation is one of the greatest ways to _____ pressure people feel at work.

(A) relieve                   (B) fulfill                   (C) interfere           (D) substitute

(  ) 7. Ang Lee was _____ for the best director Oscar in 2001, but unfortunately he didn't win the prize.

(A) registered              (B) renewed              (C) nominated        (D) compelled

(  ) 8. The examinees were _____ waiting for the result of the exam to come out because the result could decide which university they would attend.

(A) officially               (B) anxiously            (C) barely              (D) roughly

(  ) 9. The Tai-chi sculptures are regarded as Ju-ming's _____, which have won worldwide fame.

(A) installations           (B) accommodations (C) masterpieces    (D) continents

(  ) 10. Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium is a/an _____design, which has been the one and only so far in the world.

(A) anonymous           (B) revolutionary      (C) profitable         (D) oriental

Unit 11

(  ) 1. David is such a _____ teacher that few students ever fall asleep in his class.

(A) favorable               (B) elective                (C) hospitable        (D) humorous

(  ) 2. This season, the performance of the New York Yankees _____; they had lost ten games in a row so far.

(A) awakened              (B) distorted              (C) degraded          (D) rotated

(  ) 3. It is illegal to _____ human beings. That is, no one is allowed to be made identical to another.

(A) speculate               (B) advocate              (C) violate              (D) reproduce

(  ) 4. Due to the lack of _____, the band didn't do well on the concert and most of the audience left halfway.

(A) rehearsal               (B) donation              (C) cowardice        (D) allegation

(  ) 5. I don't know exactly how much money my parents earn per month, but it will _____ cover our monthly living expense.

(A) frankly                  (B) roughly               (C) efficiently        (D) desperately

(  ) 6. The international seminar was _____ by the government, so the organizer didn't have to worry about money.

(A) preoccupied          (B) sponsored           (C) misled              (D) cultivated

(  ) 7. Food with _____ flavors is harmful to health. We had better eat more natural food.

(A) artificial                 (B) contagious          (C) digital              (D) admirable

(  ) 8. Children show _____ to their parents if parents just give orders. Treat children as friends and they will become obedient.

(A) assistance              (B) inspiration           (C) resistance         (D) majesty

(  ) 9. Jason cheated in the exam and lied to his teachers. He has totally lost his _____.

(A) stability                 (B) flexibility            (C) credibility        (D) sensibility

(  ) 10. Some of the fruits, such as grapes and apples are not native to Taiwan. They _____ came from foreign countries.

(A) originally              (B) ideally                 (C) relatively          (D) temporarily

Unit 12

(  ) 1. Due to the heavy rain, the baseball game was _____ until next Monday.

(A) postponed             (B) compared            (C) divided            (D) evaded

(  ) 2. I can't afford to go to work by taxi. Instead, I _____ by MRT.

(A) wander                  (B) delegate               (C) commute          (D) dispatch

(  ) 3. These old photos _____ my memory of the old days when I was a high school student.

(A) refilled                  (B) refreshed             (C) ensured            (D) enchanted

(  ) 4. Jay's songs are musical compositions of great _____. We have never heard any similar style of songs before.

(A) originality             (B) approval              (C) coincidence      (D) prediction

(  ) 5. The reason why Johnny visits Jennifer so frequently is that they have been close friends for more than 30 years. We don't have to question Johnny's _____.

(A) temptation             (B) ingredient            (C) appreciation     (D) motive

(  ) 6. Although Andy said that he had nothing to do with the murder case, he was still under _____ by the police.

(A) communication     (B) investigation       (C) culmination      (D) prohibition

(  ) 7. At the _____ stage of the flu, people would develop a high fever. And then, they might get a runny nose or a cough.

(A) initial                     (B) invisible              (C) impartial          (D) indirect

(  ) 8. As a world leader and policeman, the president of the US might be viewed as the most _____ political figure on earth.

(A) beneficial              (B) responsible          (C) influential        (D) athletic

(  ) 9. The seminar, which was _____ held by the government, was to discuss what actions we could take to fight against the flu.

(A) typically                (B) historically          (C) officially          (D) spiritually

(  ) 10. Brad _____ failed most of the exams because he just fooled around all day.

(A) furiously               (B) undoubtedly        (C) numerously      (D) consciously

