
2021年6月12日 星期六

LEVEL 4 U39~40


Test 39: Unit 39

        1.   The _____ in the CD player are all dead. They should be replaced with new ones.
(A) choruses                   (B) batteries               (C) species                  (D) paragraphs

        2.   Finally George _____ it to his wife that he had been cheating on her for three years.
(A) inserted                    (B) carved                  (C) confessed             (D) revised

        3.   Any relationship, whether it is a friendship or even a marriage, should be based on _____ trust.
(A) mutual                      (B) grave                    (C) repetitive              (D) scarce

        4.   The doctor _____ warned Sue about the dangers of smoking, but she wouldn’t listen.
(A) mutually                  (B) aggressively         (C) curiously              (D) repeatedly

        5.   After the car accident, Jim was paralyzed from the waist down and was _____ to a wheelchair.
(A) confined                   (B) revised                 (C) confessed             (D) carved

        6.   Because of global warming, many _____ of wild life are being endangered or extinct.
(A) revisions                  (B) species                 (C) counters                (D) costumes

        7.   Like many other classics of American movies, Gone with the Wind has been shown _____ times.
(A) curious                     (B) innocent               (C) divorced               (D) countless

        8.   It was a brand new car, but we had _____ driven for five minutes when it broke down.
(A) scarcely                    (B) innocently            (C) repeatedly            (D) endlessly

        9.   The 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing. Which city is going to _____ the next?
(A) revise                       (B) host                      (C) confess                 (D) ruin

     10.   When the baseball team returned home in _____, many fans were moved to tears.

                   (A) triumph                    (B) revision                (C) divorce                 (D) handwriting

     11.   All business people have to be _____ in order to succeed, no matter what sector they are in.
(A) excessive                 (B) aggressive            (C) abusive                 (D) indecisive

     12.   This dictionary has been _____ and updated several times over the last ten years.
(A) revised                     (B) ruined                   (C) carved                   (D) inserted

     13.   In the movie, the actors and actresses were all dressed in 18th-century _____.
(A) species                     (B) batteries               (C) costumes              (D) paragraphs

     14.   After she graduated, Sally _____ a very successful career in show business.
(A) looked out                (B) figured out           (C) pointed out           (D) carved out

     15.   Since we are good friends, you can always pay me back _____.
(A) at your convenience (B) at your fingertips (C) at your service      (D) at your heels

                        16. Out of c of c_______y, I asked Tina how she could lose so much weight in only two weeks.

                        17. Drinking a lot of coke before a meal can r_______n your appetite.

                        18. You can get these medicines over the c_______r without a doctor's prescription.

                        19. Quite a few high school graduates find it hard to a_______t to college life.

                        20. As most students know, water is composed of oxygen and h_______n.

On Halloween,   (21)   kids in the US go trick-or-treating with their parents or friends. They wear   (22)  , walk from one house to the next, and ask for candy. Some people love to decorate their homes for Halloween by making them look scary. They make fake   (23)   and   (24)   jump out to scare anyone who walks by. Many adults like to attend Halloween parties. They also wear fun outfits and try to scare each other. As a matter of fact,   (25)   anyone has failed to celebrate Halloween in one way or another. Maybe this year you should try doing it, too.

(A) scarcely   (B) repeatedly   (C) graves   (D) countless   (E) costumes

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 40: Unit 40

        1.   I’m afraid that the problem you have seen is only the tip of the _____.
(A) iceberg                     (B) cabinet                 (C) classification        (D) collapse

        2.   We can assure you that all our food products contain no _____ colorings and additives.
(A) promising                (B) functional            (C) artificial               (D) oral

        3.   Your son is a _____ young man. I'm sure he'll have a bright future in athletics.
(A) fatal                          (B) promising            (C) intimate                (D) flexible

        4.   Companies or even individuals that _____ environmental laws will be heavily fined.
(A) boast                        (B) invade                  (C) decorate                (D) violate

        5.   There is a standard procedure _____ officers in the army are selected for promotion.
(A) whereby                   (B) earnestly              (C) chemically           (D) imaginatively

        6.   Our English teacher is going to give us an _____ test rather than a written one.
(A) intimate                   (B) oral                       (C) imaginable           (D) earnest

        7.   My laptop is still under _____, so they will fix it for free.
(A) guarantee                 (B) locker                   (C) magnet                 (D) halt

        8.   The river has become a raging torrent, and the bridge may _____ any minute now.
(A) strive                        (B) classify                (C) collapse                (D) clash

        9.   A lot of teenagers get addicted to drugs out of curiosity or because of _____ pressure.
(A) artificial                   (B) elastic                  (C) functional             (D) peer

     10.   I do not want a nine-to-five job. I prefer work hours that are _____.
(A) flexible                    (B) intimate               (C) oral                       (D) artificial

     11.   Lisa and I have been colleagues for years, but there is no _____ between us.
(A) invasion                   (B) chemistry             (C) flexibility             (D) collapse

     12.   Having no siblings, an only child often creates an _____ friend to play with at home.
(A) imaginary                (B) imaginable           (C) imaginative          (D) imagining

     13.   In the study, customers are _____ into four main groups.
(A) crushed                    (B) striven                  (C) violated                (D) classified

     14.   Although Anne was engaged to Jack at that time, I still _____ her.
(A) played a part in                                           (B) made an example of

                   (C) took a shot at                                               (D) had a crush on

     15.   Normally John is a humble person, but when he is drunk, he is inclined to _____ achievements.
(A) boast of                    (B) complain about    (C) dream of               (D) worry about

                        16. It is believed that there will be a c_______t reshuffle when the new president takes office in May.

                        17. A c_______h between labor and management brought about the strike, which lasted for a week.

                        18. The CEO's sudden resignation dealt a f_______l blow to the company.

                        19. Nowadays more and more people believe that the death p_______y should be abolished.

                        20. This picture is too small. I think you may use the copy machine to e_______e it.

Jack saved money for a long time so that he could buy his own house. When he finally did, he   (21) to everyone that it was the most beautiful house ever built. He even invited all of his friends over to see it. The truth was, however, that many things in the house needed to be fixed. This included all of the   (22)  in the kitchen. So, Jack had to work   (23)   to fix everything quickly. The night before the party, Jack stayed up until   (24)   painting all the walls. Although he   (25)   to finish everything, he couldn’t. And in the end, he had to tell the truth.

(A) earnestly   (B) bragged   (C) cupboards   (D) strove   (E) midnight

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

