
2021年6月13日 星期日



Unit 09

(   ) 1. To our surprise, Ted turned out to be a spy for the government 's intelligence _____.

(A) appliance             (B) aquarium             (C) approach             (D) agency

(   ) 2. Nicole has many friends because she is _____ involved in clubs.

(A) actively               (B) angrily                (C) carefully       (D) broadly

(   ) 3. Jenny was confused when I told her that we had a mountain in our yard. However, her confusion disappeared when she realized it was _____ made.

(A) officially             (B) abundantly          (C) artificially            (D) supposedly

(   ) 4. Jealous of her beautiful classmate, Tammy said _____ that beauty is only skin deep.

(A) brightly               (B) bravely                (C) broadly               (D) bitterly

(   ) 5. During a wedding ceremony, the man getting married is called the _____ and the lady the bride.

(A) groom                 (B) balloon                (C) bloom                 (D) brook

(   ) 6. After a three-day _____ in honor of the winning team in the World Cup football tournament, fans could still be seen on the streets, drinking beer, cheering and shouting.

(A) attraction             (B) badminton           (C) association          (D) celebration

(   ) 7. At fixed-price stores, there is no _____ with the salesladies in order to lower the price.

(A) reasoning            (B) bargaining           (C) convincing          (D) debating

(   ) 8. The _____ of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet comes when the two lovers kill themselves because each thought the other had already died.

(A) climax                 (B) climate                (C) client                   (D) clarity

(   ) 9. The two birds are of the same species and are identical in appearance except that one has a longer beak, which helps in _____ eggshells for food.

(A) cracking              (B) annoying             (C) bathing                (D) basing

(   ) 10. The visible stars in the sky may be _____, but nobody seems to know exactly how many there are.

(A) countable            (B) creative               (C) curious                (D) cloudy

(   ) 11. We can watch many games during the _____ meet. Let's go and check it out.

(A) electric                (B) energetic             (C) enjoyable            (D) athletic

(   ) 12. The job market is extremely _____ nowadays; I heard that there were two thousand applicants applying for five vacancies.

(A) intensive              (B) extensive             (C) competitive         (D) reluctant

(   ) 13. Convenience is _____ of today's society. For example, you can download an application form directly from the Internet.

(A) reasonable           (B) strategic              (C) systematic           (D) characteristic

(   ) 14. Today's cars _____ us to travel fast and comfortably.

(A) refer                    (B) enable                 (C) recycle                (D) rescue

(   ) 15. Where would you like to have the new phone _____? In the living room or in the kitchen?

(A) purchased            (B) removed              (C) settled                 (D) installed

Unit 10

(   ) 1. Although my grandfather is advanced in age, he still has a _____ mind. He is open to new ideas and gets along with us teenagers.

(A) wealthy               (B) youthful              (C) technical              (D) suspicious

(   ) 2. The year of 2009 was very ordinary for Henry. Nothing _____ happened.

(A) significant           (B) shallow               (C) routine                (D) rugged

(   ) 3. After the bribery was exposed, the official felt sorry about his _____ conduct.

(A) sensible               (B) specific               (C) shameful             (D) stable

(   ) 4. There is a(n) _____ procedure for processing an application, which usually takes a day or two.

(A) stubborn        (B) circular                (C) standard              (D) delicate

(   ) 5. The host said _____ that he was happy to see so many guests come to his party.

(A) creatively            (B) courteously         (C) consciously         (D) cruelly

(   ) 6. _____, Taiwan is no different from Mainland China—both sides of the Taiwan Strait observe the Lunar New Year.

(A) Culturally            (B) Economically      (C) Educationally      (D) Practically

(   ) 7. _____, Jack's plan was to spend his vacation in japan, but he ended up spending the entire summer in Korea.

(A) Officially             (B) Originally           (C) Organically         (D) Offensively

(   ) 8. Somebody threw a shoe at Bush during a press conference, but the American president regarded it as a minor _____.

(A) incident               (B) fable                    (C) moral                  (D) detail

(   ) 9. As John is from a poor background, it is not difficult to understand the _____ he has to face while working his way through college.

(A) partnerships        (B) sponsorships       (C) hardships            (D) scholarships

(   ) 10. To drive without a(n) _____ is against the law and those who do so will have to pay a heavy fine.

(A) allowance            (B) permission          (C) agreement           (D) license

(   ) 11. Babies must drink milk because they cannot solid food yet.

(A) digest                  (B) inject                   (C) detect                  (D) protect

(   ) 12. Please do not _____ me; I need some peace and quiet.

(A) interrupt              (B) disturb                 (C) interfere              (D) impact

(   ) 13. Sorry, sir! I do not mean to _____ you, but your zipper is open.

(A) embarrass            (B) terrify                  (C) amaze                  (D) dismay

(   ) 14. The Ming _____ was followed by the Ching, and then the Republic of China came into being.

(A) emperor              (B) dynasty               (C) dynamic              (D) destiny

(   ) 15. When children _____, they may just be using their imagination. For example, when they see a two-centimeter caterpillar, they may say they have seen a very big worm crawling toward them.

(A) criticize               (B) comment             (C) exaggerate           (D) describe

Unit 11

(   ) 1. Though he wasn’t her first choice, Rebecca _____ agreed to be Mike's partner at the dance.

(A) hurriedly             (B) persuasively        (C) reluctantly           (D) patiently

(   ) 2. There was a huge elephant on the stage, but it vanished _____ when the magician waved his hand.

(A) mysteriously       (B) miserably            (C) moderately          (D) memorably

(   ) 3. Fern found it _____ to do volunteer work—being able to help others made her very happy.

(A)  nature                 (B) moral                   (C) meaningful          (D) nervous

(   ) 4. Stella was very sick; she probably had eaten _____ food.

(A) mental                 (B) native                   (C) poisonous            (D) numerous

(   ) 5. Some animals are very _____ of their young; they will defend them at all costs.

(A) protective            (B) offensive             (C) legitimate             (D) steady

(   ) 6. A car is _____ if you live in the suburbs and work in the city.

(A) crunchy              (B) considerable        (C) constant              (D) desirable

(   ) 7. Because Angela works in the field of public relations, she always dresses _____.

(A) fashionably         (B) changeably          (C) enjoyably            (D) cunningly

(   ) 8. The policeman pointed a gun at the suspect and ordered him to _____.

(A) announce            (B) freeze                  (C) acquaint              (D) flee

(   ) 9. The audience became very _____ at the end of the tragedy—many wept.

(A) refreshed             (B) emotional            (C) primitive             (D) plentiful

(   ) 10. With so many unpredictable factors, there is almost no _____ that a marriage will last forever. However, couples can still hope for the best.

 (A) insurance          (B) security                (C) guarantee             (D) confirmation

(   ) 11. A _____ of the room revealed that all the students were present, so Mr. Clark began to teach.

(A) watch                  (B) review                 (C) glimpse                (D) overview

(   ) 12. The term paper is due in three days, but I do not even have my first _____ done.

(A) copy                    (B) thought               (C) draft                    (D) blueprint

(   ) 13. Spaceships will be sent far from earth to _____ the possibilities of life elsewhere.

(A) implore               (B) deplore               (C) explore                (D) unload

(   ) 14. Solar energy cars are being _____ for the first time at the international trade center. Let's go and check it out.

(A) exhibited             (B) exhaled               (C) exported              (D) expelled

(   ) 15. People see the same thing from different perspectives, so don’t worry if you meet a little _____.

(A) enthusiasm          (B) criticism              (C) optimism             (D) pessimism

Unit 12

(   ) 1. A _____ in teaching or medicine is desirable because those working m these fields are held in high esteem.

(A) career                  (B) cannel                 (C) chapter                (D) chest

(   ) 2. Since friends can make or break us, we should not _____ with bad people.

(A) negotiate             (B) cooperate            (C) threaten               (D) associate

(   ) 3. Just when I was desperate for help, my father came to my _____.

(A) assurance            (B) resistance            (C) resolution            (D) assistance

(   ) 4. The function of our heart is to pump our blood so that it can _____ throughout our body, renewing our cells.

(A) distribute             (B) circulate              (C) clarify                 (D) collapse

(   ) 5. The man's heart has _____ beating. He has died.

(A) ceased                 (B) prevented            (C) awaited               (D) behaved

(   ) 6. Please wait for a little while; I will be back _____.

(A) lately                   (B) fast                      (C) shortly                ( D) recently

(   ) 7. The scene of a dead corpse coming to life was _____; the audience members were scared and many screamed.

(A) renewing             (B) refreshing           (C) horrifying           (D) entertaining

(   ) 8. Living in our global village, everyone can be a(n) _____ and help strengthen the relationships between and among nations.

(A) diplomat             (C) caterpillar            (D) chimney              (B) athlete

(   ) 9. The automobile company will take part in the car show and exhibit their recently _____ models.

(A) researched           (B) invented              (C) developed           (D) departed

(   ) 10. _____ setbacks and failures are a part of life. We should not be beaten by them, instead, we can benefit from them.

(A) Situations            (B) Conditions          (C) Conclusions        (D) Frustrations

(   ) 11. Jimmy thinks that people who grow up in traditional families tend to be more _____; they are less likely to be open to new ideas.

(A) conscious            (B) conservative        (C) competitive         (D) consequent

(   ) 12. For ordinary people, a million dollars is a(n) _____ amount of money.

(A) considerable        (B) constructive        (C) brilliant               (D) beneficial

(   ) 13. Although Joe is already a millionaire, he is very _____he wants to become a billionaire.

(A) ambitious            (B) amateur               (C) average               (D) capable

(   ) 14. The job was _____ done; it couldn’t have been done any better.

(A) extraordinarily    (B) fragrantly            (C) financial              (D) excellently

(   ) 15. Scientists hope that their research will _____ lead to a cure for cancer.

(A) eventually           (B) domestically        (C) dominantly          (D) critically

