
2018年6月1日 星期五

Book I Unit 1 Lost in the New School

Comprehension Check

12 C  3 B

Grammar in Use

Exercise A
2 It was such a difficult test that the students couldn’t get the correct answers to most of the questions on it.
3 Todd walked so fast that I had to run to catch up with him.
4 Sending people to the moon was such a difficult task that it took scientists many years to complete this task.
5 The weather was so bad that the baseball game was canceled.
Exercise B
2 I miss my old friends in junior high so much that I sometimes feel like crying
3 Your friends in junior high played such an important role in your life that you must miss them a lot
4 I am not acting like such a baby that you don’t want to talk to me

Exercise A
1 What is the movie that Mom and Dad are taking us to?
2 The girl whom/that Louis is interested in dating is walking her dog in the park over there.
Louis is interested in dating the girl who/that is walking her dog in the park over there.
3 People feel sorry for the poor mother whose only son was hit by a truck.
4 Catherine bought a pair of earrings which/that went very well with her evening dress.
Exercise B
2 whose songs are full of energy and power
3 who/that plan to go to a Mayday concert
4 who/that can never get enough of their songs
5 that played at the Bird’s Nest in Beijing

Writing Hands-on
Exercise A
What kind
The colorful wild bird flew.
The colorful wild bird flew fast.
The colorful wild bird flew fast in the sky.
The colorful wild bird flew fast in the sky this afternoon.
The colorful wild bird flew fast in the sky this afternoon because it was looking for food.
Exercise B
1 On the hall walls, Jack saw many sports medals and some pictures of students.
2 Do you want to meet me in the cafeteria for lunch or play basketball with me after school?
3 I’d be glad to play basketball with you, but it must be after school.

