
2018年6月12日 星期二

Sentence Pattern Unit 1.2

UNIT 2  When Fifteen Meets Fifty
1. S + Vi + SC    I + find + English + interesting.
說明1. 此句型由主詞和不完全不及物動詞,再加上主詞補語 (SC) 所構成。此種不完全不及物動詞又稱為「連綴動詞 (linking verbs)」,後面不接受詞,但因為句子意思不完整,所以須接主詞補語。
2. 主詞補語多為名詞或形容詞,用以補充說明主詞的性質或狀態。
3. 常見的連綴動詞有:be動詞 (isamare)、感官動詞 (feellooksmelltaste) 以及becomeappearseemgrow等動詞。
1. Jack is very thoughtful.  (Jack很體貼。)
2. Oh, the soup tastes so delicious!  (喔,這湯嚐起來真美味!)
3. Jennifer became a successful businesswoman.  (Jennifer成為一位成功的女企業家。)

2. S + Vt + O (+ that) + S + V....
說明:此句型為S + Vt + O的延伸,常出現在此句型的動詞有tellshowteach等。受詞之後的that引導一個名詞子句,補充說明動詞所要表達的內容,且that可被省略。
1. Jack told me that we should meet in person.  (Jack告訴我我們應該碰個面。)
2. Molly told me she didn’t like the story.  (Molly告訴我她不喜歡這個故事。)
3. Ken has shown his father that he can enter a good college.

3. It + be + Adj (+ for sb) + to V.... To V... + be + Adj (+ for sb).
說明:此句型的真主詞為不定詞片語 (to V),當不定詞片語較長時,可以虛主詞it代替;因此本句型可還原為 To V... + be + Adj (+ for sb).for sb表示「對某人而言……」,可視情況省略之。
1. It would be romantic for me to find my Mr. Right online.
  To find my Mr. Right online would be romantic for me.
2. It is very convenient for me to shop on the Internet. To shop on the Internet is very convenient for me.
3. It was not easy to do so much homework in half an hour.
  To do so much homework in half an hour was not easy.
The boy seems (to be) very cute.
The boy seems to study hard.
4. S + seem(s) + to V.... It seems that + S + V....
說明:本句型表示「不確定的看法或推論」,作「似乎……」解。此句型可以It seems that + S + V....替代,其中it為虛主詞,真主詞為that所引導的子句,且that子句中的動詞須隨時態改變。
1. My dream seemed to come true when I “met” Jack. (當我「遇見」Jack時,我的夢想似乎成真了。)
  It seemed that my dream came true when I “met” Jack.
2. The weather seems to get warmer. It seems that the weather gets warmer. (天氣似乎變得暖和多了。)
3. They seemed to have a good time last night. It seemed that they had a good time last night.

5. ask + sb + (not) to V...
說明1. ask為不完全及物動詞,表示「要求」或「請求」。ask接受詞之後,因語意仍不夠清楚,所以常接不定詞片語 (to V) 作受詞補語,以使句子的意思完整。
2. 若要表達「要求某人不要做某事」時,則在to V前加not即可。
1. I asked Jack to bring a rose on that day.  (我要求Jack在那天帶一朵玫瑰。)
2. Don’t ask me to wear that skirt; it is too short!  (別要我穿那件裙子,它太短了!)
3. That waiter asked William not to take pictures in the restaurant.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Celia taught me ________ living happily is very important.
            (A) that                 (B) what                   (C) when               (D) which
( ) 2. The garbage really smells ________. Take it out right away.
            (A) being bad        (B) to be bad            (C) badly               (D) bad
( ) 3. Nick seems ________ history very much.
            (A) like                  (B) liking                  (C) to like              (D) that liking
( ) 4. ________ was funny to dance like that.
            (A) This                 (B) That                    (C) It                     (D) There
( ) 5. Bob often asks me ________ him some money.
            (A) lend                 (B) lent                     (C) lending            (D) to lend
( ) 6. Jessica seems ________; she seldom talks to her classmates.
            (A) shy                  (B) shyly                  (C) be shy              (D) being shy
( ) 7. Since it was raining outside, dad asked us ________ the windows.
            (A) to not open     (B) not open             (C) not to open      (D) open not
( ) 8. It seemed ________ Tony didn’t want to go shopping with us.
            (A) for                   (B) to                        (C) that                  (D) when
( ) 9. Because Julia enjoys cooking, she has decided to become ________.
            (A) to a cook         (B) to be a cook       (C) being a cook    (D) a cook
( ) 10. It is lucky ________ me to live a life without worries.
            (A) in                     (B) for                      (C) with                 (D) about

II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案以完成句子。每個選項限填一次。
(A) ...to finish her work on time.
(B) ...it looks great on you.
(C) ...to get some medicine for him.
(D) ...that he had to stay in the hospital for several days.
(E) ...that David lied to us yesterday.
_____ 1. You should buy that dress because...
_____ 2. It seemed...
_____ 3. It is difficult for Anna...
_____ 4. Father asked me...
_____ 5. The doctor told Ben...

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 對我來說,和我的女朋友手牽著手是浪漫的。
______________ ______________ romantic ______________ me ______________ hold hands with my girlfriend.
2. 我似乎感冒了。我現在感覺不太舒服。
It _______________ _______________ I _______________ a cold. I don’t feel so well right now.
3. Ian要我別再打電話給他。
Ian _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ call him again.
4. 能跟你們一起吃晚餐真的很好。
_______________ _______________ really _______________ _______________ have dinner with you.
5. Betty在跟我講電話時聽起來很難過。
Betty sounded _______________ _______________ while she was talking to me on the phone.

