
2021年6月6日 星期日

Simulation Tests for CEE Test 02


一、詞彙 (15%)


(   ) 1. Our courses place great _____ on communication skills apart from grammar knowledge. You can learn not only to read but also to speak English.

(A) qualification               (B) resource                    (C) schedule                                                 (D) emphasis

(   ) 2. My eyes are very _____ to light and meanwhile I can't see well in the dark: that's why I always avoid driving during the night.

(A) sensitive                      (B) allergic                     (C) irritable                                                 (D) resistant

(   ) 3. When you go through customs, you walk through a “door" that can _____ anything made of metal.

(A) beware                        (B) detect                        (C) insert                                                 (D) determine

(   ) 4. Though the company offers me a well-paid job with great benefits in Shanghai, I've decided to turn it down as family is my top _____.

(A) principal                     (B) policy                       (C) priority                                                 (D) promotion

(   ) 5. Don't be scared of the dog! He's got proper training, so he is quite _____.

(A) obedient                      (B) timid                         (C) efficient                                                 (D) clumsy

(   ) 6. Having failed the driving test for the third time, I really feel _____ and want to give up.

(A) frustrated                    (B) courageous               (C) complicated                                                 (D) awkward

(   ) 7. After the _____ of her autobiography, many embarrassed politicians claim that they are not in any sense related to this film star.

(A) statement                    (B) exhibition                 (C) establishment                                                 (D) publication

(   ) 8. Many fans were shocked after the magazine _____ the famous pop singer is actually married and has two kids.

(A) edited                          (B) confessed                  (C) revealed                                                 (D) concealed

(   ) 9. For more detailed instructions, please consult the _____ that comes with the machine.

(A) device                         (B) manual                      (C) catalogue                                                 (D) additive

(   ) 10. Every time I buy trousers, I need to have the length _____. My legs are probably shorter than the average.

(A) blended                     (B) installed                    (C) altered                                                 (D) extended

(   ) 11. I have to stay awake to study for the tests. I don't want to take any medicine because it normally makes me _____.

(A) delightful                  (B) drowsy                      (C) slippery                                                 (D) sorrowful

(   ) 12. People who are _____ usually learn sign language to help themselves in communication.

(A) deaf-and-dumb         (B) absent-minded          (C) frozen-stiff                                                 (D) near-sighted

(   ) 13. I don't drink alcoholic beverages. Even one _____ of wine will make my face turn red.

(A) slice                           (B) sprinkle                    (C) sheet                                                 (D) sip

(   ) 14. This is the best thriller I have seen this year; the audience was all kept _____ throughout the film until the last minute.

(A) in suspense                (B) in touch                     (C) on purpose                                                 (D) on track

(   ) 15. Competing with the world's top-ranked player Federer, Chen absolutely _____ of winning the match.

(A) stands no chance       (B) takes no risk             (C) does no harm                                                 (D) has no choice




Hotels appeared originally in the late 17th century, and they were for people who needed to get some sleep after a long day of walking or riding. These early hotels _16_ mostly on the side of the road and were not very fancy. Then, when cars were invented in the 18th century, a new kind of hotel was needed _17_ people with cars had to find a place to park while they slept. Later, a new kind of hotel, called a "motel, was soon invented.

In the beginning, many motels only had one floor. In front of each room, guests could park so it would be easy for them to leave the next day. Today, many expensive and beautiful motels are _18_ as hotels. You can get big and _19_ rooms with swimming pools, and some motels even have 10 or 20 floors. They are now not only convenient but also comfortable to stay in. So, motels and hotels have become _20_ popular that some people get a room just to relax and enjoy living in them.

(   ) 16. (A) built                           (B) were built                (C) which were built     (D) that had been built

(   ) 17. (A) if                                (B) since                        (C) though                     (D) when

(   ) 18. (A) the same                    (B) alike                         (C) better                       (D) similar

(   ) 19. (A) luxurious                   (B) conventional            (C) artificial                  (D) intensive

(   ) 20. (A) too                             (B) quite                         (C) such                         (D) so

The United States government in January 2004 began a new program to identify visitors. _21_ US-VISIT, this program is for all visitors who need a visa to enter the United States. It requires these visitors to be photographed and fingerprinted when they enter America. However, visitors from more than two dozen countries who can enter the USA for ninety days without a visa are not _22_ by the new program.

Some visitors are angry about this new process. One French woman said that it made her feel like a prisoner. And government officials in Brazil, _23_ the program, began to make taken arriving Americans have their photographs and fingerprints _24_ there.

But not all visitors are upset. One Australian tourist entering the USA said that he didn't _25_ the program because he was not a criminal, so he had nothing to worry about.

(   ) 21. (A) Calling                       (B) Called                      (C) To call                      (D) To be called

(   ) 22. (A) affected                      (B) applied                     (C) included                   (D) expired

(   ) 23. (A) in charge of               (B) in response to           (C) in spite of                 (D) by means of

(   ) 24. (A) being taken                (B) to be taken               (C) taken                        (D) be taken

(   ) 25. (A) approve                      (B) disgust                     (C) mind                        (D) violate


School can be a miserable experience for the victims of bullying. Bullying happens when a person keeps hurting others by words or by actions to have power over them. Some bullies use physical force to threaten smaller children. Others discriminate against kids who are different in some way, such as insulting overweight children and teasing _26_ with speech problems.

Unfortunately, those who dare to confront their bullies often suffer _27_ further bullying. _28_, bullied children are often advised to inform someone in authority about their situation. Yet this also presents a dilemma, because their classmates may then consider them as weak “tattle tales.

Nevertheless efforts should be made to reduce bullying. Schoolteachers can _29_ bullying during break times. They can explain to their classes that bullying is cruel and _30_, and encourage mature students to report cases of bullying.

(   ) 26. (A) ones                           (B) them                         (C) who                          (D) those

(   ) 27. (A) from                           (B) against                     (C) on                            (D) for

(   ) 28. (A) Practically                 (B) Respectively            (C) Consequently          (D) Conversely

(   ) 29. (A) look forward to          (B) put up with               (C) let go of                   (D) watch out for

(   ) 30. (A) tolerable                    (B) punishable               (C) irresistible               (D) remarkable




There are many reasons why people go into debt. Some are not able to live a happy life with the money they earn. Others need to borrow money for a family _31_. Some people love shopping so much they can't control _32_ they buy. However you look at it, debt has become a serious problem in society. In the past, people believed in _33_ up their money to buy something. Nowadays, people want everything right away.

Today, it is very easy to get a credit card. Even college students with _34_ or no income can get a student visa card. Although this may _35_ great, many people have problems paying back the money they have borrowed.

Some people are so desperate to borrow money that they _36_ to illegal money lenders known as loan sharks. This can be both expensive and dangerous. The interest rates they must pay are _37_ high. And if they are _38_ to pay, loan sharks may send people to take their things or hurt them.

There are so many lessons to _39_ from those cases. People could avoid a lot of financial trouble by having _40_ patience and spending their money wisely.

(A) little                  (B) a little               (C) what                  (D) seem                 (E) emergency

(F) extremely          (G) saving               (H) unable               (I) learn                   (J) turn

31. _____ 32. _____ 33. _____ 34. _____ 35. _____ 36. _____ 37. _____ 38. _____ 39. _____ 40. _____




"Look out!" --- "Oh, no! I'm hit!" Bright red liquid is running down your shirt. You're dead.

This is paintball, an exciting "kill or be killed" action game. Paintguns were originally used by US forest workers to mark trees. When in the 1980s a few foresters shot the guns at each other for fun, the game of paintball was born.

Soon rules were made, and paintball developed into a team game. In an area, such as a field or a wood, two teams try to capture each other's flag, without getting shot. A player firing a paintgun hopes the small paint "bullet" will hit his enemy. If it does, the bullet bursts like a small balloon, leaving a red paint splash mark. The hit player is then "dead," and is out of the match. It's a little like "hide and seek," but with shooting skills required. Players must wear protective goggles over their eyes and ear-covers, to prevent injury to these areas.

Because the game develops teamwork and shooting skills, professionals such as the police and the army now train using special kinds of paintball games. For example, one team may be terrorists in a building, and the other may be policemen on the street.

Paintball has now reached Taiwan. So if anyone asks you for a game of paintball, have fun, but be sure to wear the protective gear. Oh---and watch your back!

(   ) 41. Which of the following items is NOT used in a paintball game?

(A) Red paint in the bullets. (B) Teamflags. (C) Balloons. (D) Protective glasses.

(   ) 42. According to the passage, the paintgun functioned in the beginning as _____.

(A) a training tool in the army (B) a marking tool used by foresters

(C) a wood cutting tool die (D) a shooting gun in hunting

(   ) 43. What is TRUE about the game of paintball?

(A) It is a game played either by individuals or by a group of players.

(B) Once a player gets shot, the opponent team hides him/her in their base.

(C) It's better to have this game in an open field, like on the street.

(D) A good game requires some extent of professional shooting skills.

(   ) 44. What is the author's opinion about paintball?

(A) It can be enjoyable if players use proper equipment.

(B) It is a game suitable for people of all ages.

(C) It will soon be used by criminals as a weapon.

(D) It is a violent and uneducational game about killing.


CPR is a way of bringing people back to life when their hearts stop. In an emergency, it can keep them alive before they are sent to hospital. To perform CPR, you breathe into the patient's mouth to make his or her lungs work. Then, you push on the heart with your hands to make it start beating again.

CPR is very helpful, especially in three kinds of circumstances. The first is when people are having a heart attack. The second is when people are drowning. In this kind of situation, they may have water in their lungs and can't breathe well. CPR helps to clear out the water so they start breathing again. Finally, CPR is useful when people get an electric shock. If the electricity is to strong, the heart may stop. Without any help, people can die from the electric shock.

Even though you can find CPR instructions in a book or magazine, you should really learn from a teacher. It is important to know that you are doing CPR correctly. If it is not done right, you can actually hurt the person you are trying to save. Many hospitals and colleges offer free classes in CPR. If you can't find any classes in your city, you may even ask a hospital to help you start a class. You never know when you will need to use CPR. but you might save somebody's life one day.

(   ) 45. This passage is mainly about _____.

(A) how CPR is performed step by step                 (B) who can carry out CPR correctly

(C) on whom CPR is performed                              (D) whether or not CPR is dangerous

(   ) 46. According to the passage, how does CPR work to save people's life?

(A) By giving someone heart attack to start the beating.

(B) By giving air into someone's lungs to make the lungs work.

(C) By electrifying the body to restart the heartbeat.

(D) By clearing out someone's mouth to help him/her breathe again.

(   ) 47. According to the passage, who does NOT need CPR?

(A) One who has lung cancer.                                 (B) One whose heart stops beating.

(C) One who just got electric shock.                       (D) One who is drowning.

(   ) 48. The underlined word "circumstances" in the second paragraph probably means _____.

(A) people who need helps                                     (B) the ways of doing something

(C) the time when an action is necessary                (D) the reasons of doing something


The most famous Egyptian pharaoh is the "boy king" Tutankhamun, who died, aged 17 66 or 18, over 3300 years ago. Although he wasn't as powerful as other pharaohs, his fame is due to three reasons. The first is that when his tomb was discovered in 1922, it was filled with treasures, including Tutankhamun's famous gold ‘funeral mask.’

The second reason is the mysterious curse Tutankhamun is said to have put on anyone entering his tomb. Several of the people who first entered Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 died soon afterwards. A lot of people still believe the deaths were because of the curse of Tutankhamun.

The final reason is that archaeologists still aren't sure how Tutankhamun died. With modern techniques, new work has been done to try to discover the cause. Originally, scientists discovered injuries to the back of his head, which might have been caused by an accidental blow. It might also have been murder. One theory suggests that the king's successor, Ay, may have been responsible for killing him.

But in March 2005, Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass found no evidence of a blow to the back of Tutankhamun’s head. Instead, he found a break in the pharaoh's left leg. Hawass suggests that a broken leg that became diseased was the cause of Tutankhamun's early death.

As the debate continues over how Tutankhamun died, there's one thing we know for sure: because of the treasures found in his tomb, the memory of this young king will stay alive forever.

(   ) 49. This passage is most likely taken from a _____.

(A) fairy tale                    (B) geography textbook (C) book critic                                         (D) travel magazine

(   ) 50. Which of the following statements about Tutankhamun is NOT true?

(A) He died young.                                                  (B) He was an Egyptian pharaoh.

(C) He was born with a broken leg.                        (D) He became king when he was still a boy.

(   ) 51. According to the passage, one of the reasons why Tutankhamun is well known is that _____.

(A) he was buried with a lot of precious jewels

(B) he died of a mysterious curse

(C) he was murdered by his followers

(D) he is the most powerful pharaoh in the Egypt history

(   ) 52. Which of the following about the passage is NOT mentioned?

(A) That many died soon after they had entered Tutankhamun's tomb.

(B) That an archeologist finally proved that Tutankhamun died of a disease.

(C) That Tutankhamun's tomb was not discovered until the early 20th century.

(D) That the best-known item of the treasures found in Tutankhamun's tomb is a gold mask.


With tigers to butterflies finding shelter beneath the tall rainforest trees, tropical rainforests are home to a vast number of creatures. Most of the world’s tropical rainforests are found in South and Central America, Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. Rainforest trees are huge, often 45 meters high, and have layers of branches that form the rainforest canopy. There are several levels of canopy in a rainforest, and the temperature and humidity within one level can often be quite different from the next level.

Animals living in the rainforest's highest level can travel large distances without ever climbing down to the ground. Instead they move about on paths made in the branches of trees. Even tiny ants have been observed using paths only 3 mm wide.

Sadly, these interesting environments are in danger of being destroyed by humans. About 80,000 square kilometers of rainforest are cut down every year, often for fuel or to make grasslands for cattle. Many trees are also cut down for construction industry, and sometimes thousands of trees are combined to construct a large modern building.

The rainforests are essential as part of the world's eco-system. They provide a home for many creatures, and help keep our Earth cool and watered. Once the rainforest is gone, the soil left behind will become too poor and dry to farm with. Animals get endangered and plants extinct. It is important that people value the rainforests before they are all destroyed.

(   ) 53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

(A) The value of rainforests.                                 (B) The system of canopy.

(C) The biological diversity of the rainforests.     (D) The danger of deforestation.

(   ) 54. Which of the following is NOT the reason human beings cut down trees in rainforests?

(A) They need the wood for construction.            (B) They use trees for fuel.

(C) They want the land to raise cattle.                   (D) They want the soil for farming.

(   ) 55. Which of the following about "canopy" in rainforests is NOT true?

(A) Each level of canopy is different in humidity.

(B) Canopy is formed by tree branches.

(C) The highest level of canopy has the shortest travel distance.

(D) Animals living there use branches as traveling paths.

(   ) 56. The rainforests are important to our world's eco-system because _____.

(A) many human beings are sheltered there

(B) they help the soil remain wet for farming

(C) they protect animals from danger

(D) they provide resources for our construction industry


翻譯題 (8)

說明:1. 請將以下兩個中文句子翻譯成正確通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在答案線上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明題號,每題4分,共8分。

(1) 如預期地,每年都有許多颱風侵襲臺灣並造成傷害。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________

(2) 然而人們依然無法做到完全的預防措施以減少損失。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________

