
2021年6月27日 星期日

Reading Smart HI: Test 11

 Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. The house is said to be _____ by a little girl who passed away there in the 18th century.

(A) applauded    (B) suggested            (C) haunted               (D) motivated

(   ) 2. The city has several buildings that show traditional _____ styles.

(A) architectural (B) literal                   (C) agricultural          (D) neutral

(   ) 3. It will take us around half an hour to get to our _____.

(A) radiation       (B) motivation           (C) fascination          (D) destination

(   ) 4. The movie offers a _____ look at the baseball player's life as a child.

(A) vulnerable    (B) fascinating          (C) synthetic             (D) analog

(   ) 5. Jim has a problem with _____ and will often get angry quickly and want to fight.

(A) aggression    (B) possession           (C) emission              (D) profession

(   ) 6. Walking for just 30 minutes every day can have many _____ health effects.

(A) artificial        (B) beneficial            (C) financial              (D) superficial

(   ) 7. You should tell Nancy _____ that she is not allowed to borrow your things without asking.

(A) merely          (B) slightly                (C) firmly                  (D) highly

(   ) 8. These research _____ are of great significance to environmental science.

(A) downsides    (B) scammers            (C) collisions             (D) findings

(   ) 9. The firefighter, at the risk of _____, bravely went into the burning building to save the little girl.

(A) be injured     (B) being injured       (C) injuring               (D) being injuring

(   ) 10. David comes across _____ a friendly and sweet guy.

(A) as                 (B) for                       (C) by                       (D) in


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) adventurous (B) span             (C) remains        (D) random        (E) miserably

(F) startling         (G) outlook        (H) royalty         (I) lessen             (J) spooky

(   ) 11. Purple is known as the color of _____ in many European countries.

(   ) 12. The men discovered the _____ of a city where an ancient civilization once lived.

(   ) 13. Mark is the most _____ among us, so he was the first to jump into the water.

(   ) 14. I heard someone call my name, but there was no one there! It was really _____.

(   ) 15. The sudden explosion was _____, and people quickly ran away from where it happened.

(   ) 16. We need to _____ our reliance on fossil fuels so that we'll have a healthier environment.

(   ) 17. For this scientific study, researchers studied the participants over the _____ of five years.

(   ) 18. Even during tough times, Sophia retained her positive _____ on life.

(   ) 19. I chose a(n) _____ string of letters and numbers for my Facebook password.

(   ) 20. Rebecca failed _____ on her test because she did not study.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Many tourists come to Great Britain to see castles and other famous royal buildings like the well-known Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Windsor Castle. However, there are less-famous places to see that are also much more creepy.

The monastery of Melrose Abbey in Scotland is famous for its Gothic carvings of dragons and other beasts on its crumbling walls. But under these walls was something much more sinister: a small metal box containing a human heart that is reputed to have belonged to a Scottish king. Another castle, St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, has a menacing appearance which has been the perfect background for horror movies. Underneath this castle was a sealed-off room with the body of a monk who had spent his life in a small cell.

Called the scariest castle in Britain, St. Briavels Castle has been a lot of different things in the past, including a hunting lodge and a courthouse, but it is now a hostel known for its air of fear. Many report hearing strange sounds in the castle, such as the cries of a baby. Others have seen ghosts wandering the building, including a knight in armor. If you're brave enough, you can stay there for a ghost-hunting vacation!

(   ) 21. What can we infer from the article?

(A) The monk under St. Michael's Mount was murdered.

(B) St. Briavels castle will become a monastery in the future.

(C) The castles in the article are not the most popular places to visit in Great Britain.

(D) Melrose Abbey's Gothic carvings make it a great background for movies.

(   ) 22. What is true about Melrose Abbey?

(A) It was once a hunting lodge.       (B) It has carvings of animals on its walls.

(C) You can stay in the hostel there.  (D) A monk was buried there.

(   ) 23. The article does NOT tell us that St. Briavels Castle has been a _____.

(A) courthouse        (B) hostel                  (C) prison               (D) movie set

(   ) 24. Which of the following is NOT a reason a person might find one of these castles or abbeys scary?

(A) Its outside appearance                        (B) A horrible crime that was done there

(C) What was found under it                    (D) Reports of spooky sounds

