
2021年6月20日 星期日

Reading Smart HI: Test 10

Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. Though he was criticized, the teacher took a _____ course of action when dealing with the problem student.

(A) punctual       (B) legitimate            (C) versatile              (D) redundant

(   ) 2. People living in the coastal regions are most to rising sea levels and storms.

(A) intensive       (B) stressful              (C) affectionate         (D) vulnerable

(   ) 3. The parents did everything for their son, but in _____, they should have just let him figure things out for himself.

(A) aspect           (B) retrospect            (C) prospect              (D) suspect

(   ) 4. Once it rains, there's no stopping the pesticides from washing off the crops and _____ the soil.

(A) harassing      (B) nourishing          (C) contaminating     (D) discouraging

(   ) 5. Someone hacked into the company's system and released some confidential information _____.

(A) upstairs        (B) downstairs          (C) online                  (D) offline

(   ) 6. The shutting down of the factory was the final nail in the small town's _____.

(A) funeral         (C) grave                   (D) coffin                 (B) tomb

(   ) 7. I'm not afraid of getting my jacket wet because it's water-_____.

(A) conscious     (B) resistant               (C) friendly               (D) challenged

(   ) 8. The cake the baker designed for the couple's wedding went _____ the bride's wildest dreams.

(A) beyond         (B) through               (C) ahead of              (D) prior to

(   ) 9. The disease was thought to have been but unfortunately, it has returned to the country.

 (A) passed on   (B) blown up             (C) wiped out            (D) called off

(   ) 10. The school has launched a new program aiming to _____bullying.

(A) adapt            (B) imply                  (C) reward                (D) combat


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) visibility       (B) partly            (C) leftover         (D) downside     (E) antibiotics

(F) manipulate    (G) venture         (H) pneumonia   (I) livestock        (J) sole

(   ) 11. After taking _____ to treat a simple cold for many years, Peter had grown immune to them.

(   ) 12. The _____ of leaving in the morning is that the roads will be busier.

(   ) 13. The snowstorm reduced _____ and resulted in several car accidents.

(   ) 14. I dislike it when people try to _____ me into doing things I don't want to do.

(   ) 15. I didn't complete the race, _____ because I was so tired from the night before.

(   ) 16. The business _____ was a success and the company soon had several stores.

(   ) 17. Bert is the _____ survivor of a plane crash that killed 49 people.

(   ) 18. The farmer raises _____, such as cows and chickens, for meat.

(   ) 19. In the corner of the kitchen was a large bin that held _____ vegetable parts.

(   ) 20. Already weak from the flu, the child's lungs became infected and developed into _____.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

With crowdsourcing, advertising costs can be greatly reduced, However, giving people the freedom to access and change information may actually come back to bite you and your business.

A prime example of what a double-edged sword crowdsourcing can be is Google Maps. Partially crowdsourced, the site lets anyone enter information about a business. This includes its hours of operation contact numbers, address, and more. For the most part, what you find on the site is genuine, but some underhanded folks are playing dirty. These people, who may or may not include dishonest competitors. control the system to their advantage by inputting false information about their rivals. Besides, Google Maps is littered with thousands of fake businesses. Unsuspecting individuals clicking on their links are directed to malicious sites and often fall victim scam artists who are only out for their money.

Another shady practice involves posting fake negative reviews of businesses on sites like Yelp. This makes it difficult for people to determine what is true and what is not. For honest business owners, cyber attacks like these are a nightmare and may make or break them.

(   ) 21. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a downside of crowdsourcing?

(A) Advertising costs will increase.

(B) Information about businesses may be false.

(C) People may post fake information.

(D) Negative reviews of business may be lies.

(   ) 22. What does the article imply about people who control Google Maps to their advantage?

(A) They are a great example of a benefit of crowdsourcing.

(B) They may be competing businesses looking for an advantage.

(C) They are dirty people who probably need a bath.

(D) They might be trying to compete with Google Maps.

(   ) 23. What is a "double-edged sword" in the second paragraph?

(A) A software for using maps

(B) A way to scam somebody

(C) Something with major advantages and disadvantages

(D) A weapon designed by Google

(   ) 24. What does the article imply about most Internet users?

(A) They prefer Google Maps to Yelp.

(B) They are scam artists who only want money.

(C) They give honest business owners nightmares.

(D) They are not aware of how often people post fake reviews.

