
2021年6月5日 星期六

Reading Smart I Test 7

 EliteABC  Reading Smart (Intermediate) Test 7 Section 2: Units 05-06 得分:_______

班級:__________ 座號:_____ 姓名:____________________

Part I. GrammarVocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. You could see the _____ concentration on Erin's face as she raced to solve the puzzle.

(A) artistic                (B) vertical                (C) distant                (D) intense

(   ) 2. Angela knows all of the words to the song of her favorite TV show.

(A) scope                  (B) theme                  (C) squat                  (D) hype

(   ) 3. It's best to avoid _____ topics like the death penalty during tonight's dinner party.

(A) appropriate         (B) permanent           (C) harmonious        (D) controversial

(   ) 4. The factory's ____ was in question after it failed to complete several orders last month.

(A) consequence (B) democracy          (C) efficiency            (D) knowledge

(   ) 5. For our _____, the coach had us stretch and then swim 1,000 meters in the pool.

(A) sit-up                  (B) warm-up             (D) pop-up               (C) push-up

(   ) 6. Said to be _____ difficult to pass, the test was the cause of many students’ stress.

(A) luxuriously         (B) smoothly             (C) incredibly           (D) previously

(   ) 7. The national flag of Italy is made up of three _____ stripes in green, white, and red.

(A) electrical             (B) vertical                (C) practical              (D) critical

(   ) 8. From the top of the mountain, we were able to take in all of the beautiful _____ below.

(A) documentary      (B) background         (C) interview            (D) landscape

(   ) 9. Eva supports many causes, _____ a girl's right to an education and equal rights for all.

(A) including            (B) included              (C) include               (D) includes

(   ) 10. That woman's ring is made of diamond, making it quite expensive.

(A) nonclassical        (B) genuine               (C) masterful            (D) farmable


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) fleeing          (B) urban            (C) aspect           (D) incapable      (E) build up

(F) obstacles       (G) community   (H) eventually    (I) accuracy        (J) coordination

(   ) 11. Everyone in the surfing _____ praised the surfer for his daring feat.

(   ) 12. I'm not very good at sports because I don't have any hand-eye _____.

(   ) 13. There are some who question the _____ of the information provided by the government.

(   ) 14. The refugee camp was full of people _____ the violence in their home country.

(   ) 15. A lot more money goes into improving _____ areas than developing the countryside.

(   ) 16. To _____ strength in his injured knee, the athlete first did some low-stress exercises.

(   ) 17. The new employee is _____ of dealing with the problem alone, so you need to assist him.

(   ) 18. Growing up without the use of her arms or legs, Mary has learned how to deal with many _____.

(   ) 19. Having hundreds of restaurants to choose from is one _____ of city that I really like.

(   ) 20. That horrible accident is on everyone's mind now, but it will _____ stop being news.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

German composer Richard Wagner came into this world in 1813 in Leipzig. He didn't take to music at an early age like other musicians of his time. Instead, he was more into writing poetry. It wasn’t until he reached the age of 18 that Wagner started studying music. Having been exposed to and fond of the works of Beethoven and Mozart, it was not long before he was writing his own music.

Wagner went on to become a masterful opera composer. Unlike others in his profession in the 19th century, he wrote both the words and the music for his pieces. He also put more instruments in his orchestras, giving his music an epic scope and taking it to a higher, more powerful level. Wagner preferred to control every aspect of his operas, and a great example of this is The Ring Cycle. He linked this group of four separate operas together with short musical themes repeated throughout called leitmotifs.

Wagner and his use of leitmotifs have found their way into Hollywood. Countless film composers have been inspired to utilize them in their epic scores, including those for the Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings series. Wagner's impact doesn't stop there, for it reaches into the world of modern, nonclassical music as well.

(   ) 21. What did Richard Wagner prefer to do at an early age?

(A) Study music      (B) Watch operas      (C) Play sports        (D) Write poetry

(   ) 22. What is true about Richard Wagner, according to the article?

(A) He was Italian.

(B) He didn't like Beethoven's works.

(C) He controlled every aspect of his operas.

(D) He didn't use many instruments in his orchestras.

(   ) 23. According to the article, which of the following film series has used a score inspired by Richard Wagner?

(A) Harry Potter     (B) Star Wars            (C) Transformers     (D) The Matrix

(   ) 24. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

(A) To show that Wagner's impact spans multiple genres

(B) To reveal that Wagner was a fraud

(C) To discuss a controversy surrounding Wagner

(D) To present the viewpoint of those who don't think Wagner is a great composer

