
2021年6月27日 星期日


Unit 13

(   ) 1. To avoid a food shortage, the government spends a lot of money trying to improve the nation's _____.

(A) admiration          (B) agriculture           (C) adventure            (D) anniversary

(   ) 2. Modern offices have _____ to adjust the room temperature so that the staff can work comfortably inside.

(A) air-conditioners  (B) containers           (C) refrigerators        (D) stoves

(   ) 3. Jason is taking _____ at the community college. As a manager at a department store, he wishes to know more about human behavior.

(A) history                (B) geography           (C) psychology         (D) biology

(   ) 4. That daily newspaper holds a powerful _____ in the society and might change people's views about the current administration.

(A) essay                   (B) occasion              (C) attention             (D) position

(   ) 5. A temporary job won’t _____ Eve' s problems; she needs a permanent one.

(A) solve                   (B) respond               (C) restrict                 (D) limit

(   ) 6. To become a member of our health club, all you have to do is _____. Please bring a photo ID and a fee of ten dollars.

(A) regulate               (B) register                (C) regret                  (D) research

(   ) 7. There were several suspects at the police station, but the witness was unable to positively _____ any of them as the criminal.

(A) infect                 (B) survey                 (C) identify               (D) transfer

(   ) 8. When my mom does not agree with me, she usually does not say anything. Then know that her silence is _____ of her disapproval.

(A) expressive           (B) familiar               (C) normal                (D) ashamed

(   ) 9. A birthday pool party is usually very _____ for all the kids who take part; they are likely to talk about it for a long time.

(A) forgetful             (B) memorable          (C) affordable           (D) attainable

(   ) 10. The two brothers live completely different lifestyles one absolutely frugal, the other extremely _____.

(A) intellectual          (B) intimate               (C) literary                (D) luxurious

(   ) 11. My grandparents like to stroll _____ around the neighborhood before they have breakfast.

(A) leisurely              (B) passively             (C) peculiarly            (D) strangely

(   ) 12. Bob has been _____ since his girlfriend left him; let's try to cheer him up.

(A) spiritual              (B) reflective             (C) tremendous         (D) sorrowful

(   ) 13. If we want to stay fit, we must eat properly and exercise _____.

(A) regularly             (B) physically           (C) diligently             (D) hardly

(   ) 14. If you learn some English every day, _____ you will become very good at it.

(A) hastily                 (B) gradually             (C) accordingly         (D) instead

(   ) I5. The sergeant _____ his men not to fire until the enemy moved within range of their rifles.

(A) scolded               (B) gambled              (C) instructed            (D) professed

Unit 14

(   ) 1. Sherry is _____ about her looks; she spends a lot of time at the fitness center.

(A) proud                  (B) luxurious            (C) loyal                    (D) vain

(   ) 2. The university works wonders. It is as though it has the _____ power to turn ordinary people into medical doctors and national leaders.

(A) magical               (B) surgical               (C) critical                 (D) local

(   ) 3. The TV debate was _____ because it helped the audience to see the current situation from different angles.

(A) awful                  (B) lawful                 (C) meaningful          (D) mutual

(   ) 4. To make the campus a safe place for children, the school has a standard operating procedure for any unexpected event _____.

(A) social                  (B) imaginable          (C) miserable             (D) unthinkable

(   ) 5. The job applicants waited _____ in the lobby for the interview because only one of them would be hired.

(A) knowingly          (B) wonderfully        (C) terrifically           (D) nervously

(   ) 6. Some day it might be _____ possible to cure cancer and for human beings to live longer.

(A) morally               (B) medically            (C) profitably            (D) radically

(   ) 7. The representatives from the two competing companies expected conflicts during the conference, but to everyone's relief it went _____ and had a happy ending.

(A) roughly               (B) flatly                   (C) smoothly             (D) entirely

(   ) 8. Some stories reported in the local newspaper are _____ sources of information, because they only translate the stories from other newspapers published abroad.

(A) minor                  (B) major                  (C) secondary           (D) primary

(   ) 9. Ronald was not nervous during the speech; he had _____ because he was well prepared.

(A) assurance            (B) insurance            (C) confidence          (D) performance

(   ) 10. It is a common _____ in many cultures for people to return a kindness.

(A) courtesy              (B) convention          (C) content                (D) constitution

(   ) 11. The two colors, black and white, are in sharp _____. So are good and evil.

(A) classification       (B) concentration      (C) contrast               (D) comparison

(   ) 12. The principal wishes to thank all the people who have _____ money, to the construction of the new school auditorium.

(A) contributed         (B) sacrificed            (C) attributed             (D) distributed

(   ) 13. With no ammunition left and no help in sight, the soldiers had no choice but to _____.

(A) surrender            (B) yield                    (C) abandon              (D) prosper

(   ) 14. After the engine was taken apart and repaired, the mechanic _____ it and reinstalled it in the engine room.

(A) integrated            (B) assembled           (C) summoned          (D) persuaded

(   ) 15. Charlie found the job of a salesman unsuitable and _____ to the field of education; he became a schoolteacher.

(A) switched             (B) stepped               (C) advanced             (D) opposed

Unit 15

(   ) 1. Nowadays most families have refrigerators to _____ food in hot weather.

(A) conserve             (B) preserve              (C) reserve                (C) observe

(   ) 2. Jenny has written a novel, and she is looking for a(n) _____ to print it.

(A) salesperson         (B) prominent           (C) publisher             (D) guardian

(   ) 3. Janet is a _____ young lady. Besides being intelligent, she also works hard. She is sure to have a bright future.

(A) promising           (B) prominent           (C) provocative         (D) pertinent

(   ) 4. Arthur has never been to China, but he speaks Chinese _____ well. I wonder how he learned it.

(A) remarkably         (B) awkwardly          (C) lousily                 (D) Inevitably

(   ) 5. The news that all passengers survived the crash landing _____ us tremendously. We had been worried about our parents' safety.

(A) released              (B) relieved               (C) repressed             ( D) oppressed

(   ) 6. Doctors warn that women should not smoke during _____ because smoking may hurt the baby or cause a premature birth.

(A) occupation          (B) abortion              (C) abandonment      (D) pregnancy

(   ) 7. Educated people do not need the law to _____ their behavior; their conscience and moral concepts are their best guides.

(A) refine                  (B) construct             (C) regulate               (D) flow

(   ) 8. The idea that one day we might travel faster than the speed of light is _____; it is hard to believe for most people.

(A) reactionary          (B) commonplace      (C) extraordinary      (D) measurable

(   ) 9. A salesperson knocked at the door and woke up Mrs. Taylor from her nap. Instead of being angry, she _____ asked her in and offered tea.

(A) gloriously           ( B) triumphantly      (C) gracefully            (D) tentatively

(   ) 10. Derek thought he had done _____ on the exam. It turned out that he was at the top of his class.

(A) poorly                 (B) nicely                  (C) kindly                 (D) scarcely

(   ) 11. People in business circles regarded Bill as a(n) _____ man and liked to conduct business with him. As a result, he prospered.

(A) controversial       (B) suspicious           (C) conspicuous        (D) honorable

(   ) 12. Born into a poor family, Calvin underwent many _____ including working forty hours a week, to finish his college education.

(A) hardships            (B) incentives            (C) toughness            (D) experiments

(   ) 13. During a math test, the use of _____ is not allowed.

(A) cabinets              (B) chambers            (C) conductors          (D) calculators

(   ) 14. My uncle is very interested in politics; he supports his candidate in every election _____.

(A) ballot                  (B) vote                     (C) campaign            (D) demonstration

(   ) 15. In the movie Home Alone, Calvin _____ fought with the burglars and outwitted them.

(A) courageously      (B) cowardly             (C) cooperatively      (D) clumsily

Unit 16

(   ) 1. There are some stray dogs in our neighborhood. I found their barking at night _____. I was unable to sleep well most of the time.

(A) delightful            (B) annoying             (C) dynamic              (D) earnest

(   ) 2. Having a broad range of knowledge helps us to be more _____, which enables us to tell facts from mere opinions.

(A) synthetic             (B) analytical             (C) practical              (D) enthusiastic

(   ) 3. Bella had a car accident. The _____ loss of her sight was a heavy blow to her and her family.

(A) consequent         (B) admirable            (C) aggressive           (D) charitable

(   ) 4. The plane left San Francisco at 2:00 am. After flying _____ for sixteen hours, it reached its destination.

(A) subsequently       (B) continuously       (C) singularly            (D) respectfully

(   ) 5. The sales of our new product have increased; _____, last year's model saw a decrease in sales.

(A) approvingly        (B) conversely          (C) likewise               (D) seemingly

(   ) 6. When asked when would be a good time to meet, Eve said that her schedule was _____ and that she could easily change it to suit my convenience.

(A) plastic                 (B) realistic               (C) fantastic              (D) elastic

(   ) 7. The old man is _____ ill. The doctors at the hospital are doing their best to save him.

(A) casually              (B) routinely             (C) scarcely               (D) critically

(   ) 8. You had better not get into the habit of drinking or gambling; it might _____ your life.

(A) ruin                     (B) run                      (C) manage               (D) spare

(   ) 9. Inspired by her father, Sara wishes to have a _____ in teaching.

(A) career                  (B) volunteer             (C) employment        (D) rhythm

(   ) 10. People often connect success with fame and wealth. In fact, we can also _____ it to happiness and satisfaction.

(A) relate                   (B) consist                 (C) mend                   (D) motivate

(   ) 11. To protect workers, the law requires that employers pay a(n) _____ hourly wage of five dollars.

(A) smallest               (B) largest                 (C) maximum            (D) minimum

(   ) 12. Foreigners in Taiwan often _____ local people's greeting, "Have you eaten?" They take it as an invitation to dinner.

(A) misunderstand    (B) misuse                 (C) mislead               (D) multiple

(   ) 13. The hen sits on her nest in the henhouse, _____ the ten eggs she has laid.

(A) disguising           (B) hatching              (C) pretending           (D) grinding

(   ) 14. Because sales had increased twenty percent, the president considered the promotion campaign a success and gave the _____ to the sales department.

(A) credit                  (B) acre                     (C) acid                     (D) cord

(   ) 15. When you check in at a hotel, a(n) _____ will offer to take your luggage to your room. It is expected that you give him or her a tip.

(A) passenger            (B) customer             (C) porter                  (D) reliever

Reading Smart HI: Test 11

 Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. The house is said to be _____ by a little girl who passed away there in the 18th century.

(A) applauded    (B) suggested            (C) haunted               (D) motivated

(   ) 2. The city has several buildings that show traditional _____ styles.

(A) architectural (B) literal                   (C) agricultural          (D) neutral

(   ) 3. It will take us around half an hour to get to our _____.

(A) radiation       (B) motivation           (C) fascination          (D) destination

(   ) 4. The movie offers a _____ look at the baseball player's life as a child.

(A) vulnerable    (B) fascinating          (C) synthetic             (D) analog

(   ) 5. Jim has a problem with _____ and will often get angry quickly and want to fight.

(A) aggression    (B) possession           (C) emission              (D) profession

(   ) 6. Walking for just 30 minutes every day can have many _____ health effects.

(A) artificial        (B) beneficial            (C) financial              (D) superficial

(   ) 7. You should tell Nancy _____ that she is not allowed to borrow your things without asking.

(A) merely          (B) slightly                (C) firmly                  (D) highly

(   ) 8. These research _____ are of great significance to environmental science.

(A) downsides    (B) scammers            (C) collisions             (D) findings

(   ) 9. The firefighter, at the risk of _____, bravely went into the burning building to save the little girl.

(A) be injured     (B) being injured       (C) injuring               (D) being injuring

(   ) 10. David comes across _____ a friendly and sweet guy.

(A) as                 (B) for                       (C) by                       (D) in


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) adventurous (B) span             (C) remains        (D) random        (E) miserably

(F) startling         (G) outlook        (H) royalty         (I) lessen             (J) spooky

(   ) 11. Purple is known as the color of _____ in many European countries.

(   ) 12. The men discovered the _____ of a city where an ancient civilization once lived.

(   ) 13. Mark is the most _____ among us, so he was the first to jump into the water.

(   ) 14. I heard someone call my name, but there was no one there! It was really _____.

(   ) 15. The sudden explosion was _____, and people quickly ran away from where it happened.

(   ) 16. We need to _____ our reliance on fossil fuels so that we'll have a healthier environment.

(   ) 17. For this scientific study, researchers studied the participants over the _____ of five years.

(   ) 18. Even during tough times, Sophia retained her positive _____ on life.

(   ) 19. I chose a(n) _____ string of letters and numbers for my Facebook password.

(   ) 20. Rebecca failed _____ on her test because she did not study.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Many tourists come to Great Britain to see castles and other famous royal buildings like the well-known Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Windsor Castle. However, there are less-famous places to see that are also much more creepy.

The monastery of Melrose Abbey in Scotland is famous for its Gothic carvings of dragons and other beasts on its crumbling walls. But under these walls was something much more sinister: a small metal box containing a human heart that is reputed to have belonged to a Scottish king. Another castle, St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, has a menacing appearance which has been the perfect background for horror movies. Underneath this castle was a sealed-off room with the body of a monk who had spent his life in a small cell.

Called the scariest castle in Britain, St. Briavels Castle has been a lot of different things in the past, including a hunting lodge and a courthouse, but it is now a hostel known for its air of fear. Many report hearing strange sounds in the castle, such as the cries of a baby. Others have seen ghosts wandering the building, including a knight in armor. If you're brave enough, you can stay there for a ghost-hunting vacation!

(   ) 21. What can we infer from the article?

(A) The monk under St. Michael's Mount was murdered.

(B) St. Briavels castle will become a monastery in the future.

(C) The castles in the article are not the most popular places to visit in Great Britain.

(D) Melrose Abbey's Gothic carvings make it a great background for movies.

(   ) 22. What is true about Melrose Abbey?

(A) It was once a hunting lodge.       (B) It has carvings of animals on its walls.

(C) You can stay in the hostel there.  (D) A monk was buried there.

(   ) 23. The article does NOT tell us that St. Briavels Castle has been a _____.

(A) courthouse        (B) hostel                  (C) prison               (D) movie set

(   ) 24. Which of the following is NOT a reason a person might find one of these castles or abbeys scary?

(A) Its outside appearance                        (B) A horrible crime that was done there

(C) What was found under it                    (D) Reports of spooky sounds

2021年6月26日 星期六

Phrases: T47

 1. You __________ __________ __________ take care of your aged parents. (應該)

2. Tom left home because he __________ __________ __________ __________ his wife’s nagging. (受夠了)

3. We should be courageous when we __________ __________ __________ difficulties. (面臨)

4. The medium __________ now __________ __________ the Third Prince. (被鬼神附身)

5. I don’t believe Tom because he always __________ __________. (說大話)

6. Mr. Lin compromised with me in order to __________ __________ __________. (保住面子)

7. Don’t make me __________ __________ __________ in front of Nancy. (丟臉)

8. I __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ get up at six every morning. (定為規定)

9. __________ __________ __________.  Tom won’t listen to you. (不費脣舌)

10. My hair stood on end while I was seeing the movie “__________ __________ __________ for A While.” (停止呼吸)

11. It __________ __________ __________ to me whether you are rich or poor. (沒有差別)

12. Mr. Wei __________ __________ __________ by teaching English. (謀生)

13. Your explanation doesn’t __________ __________ __________. (有道理)

14. The police __________ __________ in the midnight to rescue the underage prostitutes. (採取行動)

15. Prof. Wei __________ __________ __________ __________ his naughty students, so he becomes angry. (受夠了)

16. Tom __________ __________ __________ a difficult choice. (面臨)

17. A gentleman __________ __________ __________ be polite to ladies. (應該)

18. I don’t believe politicians because they often __________ __________. (說大話)

19. Tom’s English composition doesn’t __________ any __________. (有道理)

20. __________ __________ __________!  Some zombis are coming. (停止呼吸)