
2021年7月11日 星期日

CEE Test 3


一、詞彙 (15%)


(   ) 1. To be a good kindergarten teacher, patience is an _____ quality.

(A) indispensable              (B) inevitable                 (C) industrious                                                 (D) intermediate

(   ) 2. A single parent usually has to _____ with the balance of work and family responsibility.

(A) stumble                       (B) struggle                    (C) account                                                 (D) annoy

(   ) 3. James will be suspended from the next five games as a(n) of _____ using violence in last Friday's basketball game.

(A) achievement               (B) offense                      (C) justice                                                 (D) punishment

(   ) 4. My grandpa has heart problems; he has a tiny machine in his heart that helps _____ the speed of heart beats.

(A) Strengthen                  (B) motivate                   (C) regulate                                                 (D) standardize

(   ) 5. The investigator suspected that Wang _____ set the house on fire to claim money from the insurance company.

(A) accidentally                (B) intentionally             (C) cautiously                                                 (D) incidentally

(   ) 6. I regret going to the movie. I was fooled by the title of the film. The name is absolutely not _____ to the subject of the movie.

(A) relevant                       (B) distinct                     (C) universal                                                 (D) apparent

(   ) 7. There was no room to _____ the price with the shop owner; he claimed that he already offered the best quality product at the most reasonable price.

(A) deceive                        (B) assign                       (C) negotiate                                                 (D) multiply

(   ) 8. Seeing many people protesting in front of the factory, the president of the company, even though _____, couldn't help but declare there wouldn't be further lay-offs.

(A) logically                      (B) reluctantly                (C) willingly                                                 (D) stubbornly

(   ) 9. There is grave danger that the current tense and _____ situation between the two countries may end in war any second.

(A) reliable                        (B) significant                (C) stable                                                 (D) delicate

(   ) 10. It's hard to imagine that thirty percent of the population in Taiwan lives in the state of _____, while still so many people live in great luxury.

(A) rebel                            (B) recreation                 (C) progress                                                 (D) poverty

(   ) 11. A ship broke down on its way to Norway and was gradually sinking. The crew members had to _____ the ship and waited in the cold for rescue.

(A) alarm                           (B) abandon                    (C) approach                                                 (D) ascend

(   ) 12. The act of stealing something from a shop is called shoplifting, but _____ is stealing from a house.

(A) burglary                      (B) robbery                     (C) piracy                                                 (D) bribery

(   ) 13. As the business of bio-products seems _____ now, do you have any interest in investing in my organic food shop?

(A) risky                            (B) costly                        (C) democratic                                                 (D) profitable

(   ) 14. My husband usually thinks a lot before making a move, but the other day, he saw _____ this 1950s-style antique radio and bought it without thinking.

(A) out of the question      (B) on impulse                (C) on the run                                                 (D) below normal

(   ) 15. As the use of the Internet has rapidly _____ in the past few years, people not only search for information but also conduct business through it.

(A) taken off                      (B) made over                 (C) run up                                                 (D) broken off




Alan Anderson's father-in-law could fly a light plane, and Alan was excited to join him for the first time. It was going to be a good time for them to share.

But Alan Anderson never expected to see his father-in-law _16_ a heart attack and to have to land the light plane. He had never learned to fly a plane before, but he had to learn within a few minutes. Luckily, the father _17_ him how to use the radio before he had the heart attack, so Alan Anderson called for help. Robert Legge, a flying teacher from the Cardiff Flying School, was flying a few miles away, so he flew next to the plane. Robert gave Alan _18_ on how to land the plane to Cardiff Airport in California.

It was a successful landing and an amazing job; Alan Anderson _19_ to land the plane safely. However, he was in so much shock after this event, so he went to the hospital and rested for a few days. It was really a(n) _20_ time for both him and his father-in-law.

(   ) 16. (A) have                           (B) to have                     (C) has                           (D) had

(   ) 17. (A) has shown                  (B) shown                      (C) was shown               (D) had shown

(   ) 18. (A) expressions                (B) instructions              (C) operations                (D) demonstrations

(   ) 19. (A) succeeded                  (B) failed                       (C) managed                  (D) rescued

(   ) 20. (A) devastating                (B) unexpected              (C) splendid                   (D) exceptional


Some people say that the custom of tipping began in English pubs, where customers gave their waiter a coin wrapped in a note that _21_ "To ensure prompt service." Tipping soon developed into an understanding between two people: A waiter promised to give good and fast service in _22_ for a small amount of money from the customer.

However, tipping has _23_ into something very different in America today. It has become a social necessity. Customers in the United States today don't give tips because they have received good service, _24_ because they don't want to appear cheap or stingy.

Recent studies show that emotion may be the most important part of tipping. One study showed that there is not a strong connection between the quality of service and the size of the up. _25_, the amount of the tip usually depends on how well the customer and the waiter interact.

(   ) 21. (A) wrote                         (B) read                          (C) spoke                       (D) indicated

(   ) 22. (A) return                         (B) place                        (C) token                        (D) exchange

(   ) 23. (A) gotten                        (B) become                    (C) turned                      (D) seemed

(   ) 24. (A) but                             (B) therefore                  (C) just                           (D) otherwise

(   ) 25. (A) Therefore                   (B) Rather                      (C) Accordingly             (D) Hence


Dolphins are one of the most beloved creatures on earth. Many people go on trips just to _26_ dolphins. We like to see them speed through the water and leap in the air. Because they travel in groups or “schools," their actions are made even _27_ spectacular.

The ways dolphins communicate are also amazing to us. They use whistles, grunts and moans to communicate with each other. When they "talk" to each other, they are musical. Sometimes a dolphin signals another by using high-pitched clicks that humans cannot hear. Dolphins communicate to _28_ each other of danger, to provide information or just to say how they feel.

People are also attracted to dolphins because of their good nature. Dolphins are known to help humans fight off sharks. Some people _29_ believe dolphins are signs of good luck. However, some species of dolphins are endangered because of excessive hunting. Strict extinction laws should be made to save these astonishing animals from _30_.

(   ) 26. (A) preserve                     (B) conserve                  (C) observe                    (D) reserve

(   ) 27. (A) than                            (B) so                             (C) that                          (D) more

(   ) 28. (A) warn                           (B) depart                       (C) overcome                 (D) inquire

(   ) 29. (A) probably                    (B) thus                          (C) however                   (D) yet

(   ) 30. (A) exception                   (B) extinction                (C) civilization              (D) consequence




Since the 911 attacks, people around the world have become more _31_ of global terrorism. There are many different types of terrorist groups. They launch their attacks _32_ different reasons. Some groups believe they are supporting their religion _33_ others think they can make a political statement. A few groups attack just because they hate the people or country they are attacking. The most difficult thing about catching terrorists is _34_ they act secretively. After they_35_ their crimes, they quickly go back into hiding. Suicide bombers are very _36_ to fight because they are ready to die for their beliefs. They don't care about death. They just want to make sure they do harm to the people they are fighting _37_. The U.S. was completely shocked at the 911 attacks. Americans had always felt safe because the country's military is so powerful. They had a hard time (B) cause believing that a small group of terrorists could _38_ so much damage to New York and Washington D.C. Terrorism is _39_ a big threat to world peace that many nations have begun working together to share information. Hopefully, with international cooperation and increased security, nations will be able to _40_ an end to terrorism.

(A) put                    (B) cause                 (C) that                   (D) such                  (E) against

(F) commit              (G) tough                (H) while                (I) aware                 (J) for

31. _____ 32. _____ 33. _____ 34. _____ 35. _____ 36. _____ 37. _____ 38. _____ 39. _____ 40. _____




A slice of fresh fish on top of a mouth-sized portion of vinegar-flavored rice---this is a simple form of sushi, Japan's most famous food.

Sushi has its origins nearly 2,000 years ago in China, when salted fish was preserved inside vinegar-soaked rice. After a few months the Chinese would throw away the rice and only eat the fish. Just over a thousand years ago Japanese traders brought this food back to Japan. However, the Japanese developed a taste for the rice eaten together with the fish.

Modern sushi was invented in the 1820s, when a chef named Hanaya Yohei simply put fresh raw fish inside the vinegar-soaked rice for customers to eat immediately. Soon many street stalls were selling this new sushi as a kind of fast food snack. Then different kinds of fish, seafood, and sauces were added to bring more variety to sushi. By 1900 there were thousands of sushi bars in Japan's cities, and it was a great honor to be known as a good sushi chef.

In the 1970s Japan started to have more global business and cultural relationships. Many Western people became interested in Japanese culture, including its food. Sushi became popular in countries, such as the USA and Britain, especially with the increasing number of people who wanted to eat more healthy food. Unlike Western fast food, such as burgers or French fries, sushi is low in fat and high in healthy fish protein. It seems that this ancient dish will have a long future as one of the world's tastiest---and healthiest---foods.

(   ) 41. The difference between the Chinese and the later Japanese ways of making sushi is that _____.

(A) Chinese used cooked fish                               (B) Chinese ate the fish instead of the rice

(C) Chinese used salt to soak the rice                   (D) this dish was only served in restaurants in China

(   ) 42. We can infer that vinegar is added into sushi rice to make _____.

(A) the rice sweet            (B) the fish salty           (C) the fish stored longer                                         (D) the fish soft

(   ) 43. Having sushi with fresh raw unsalted fish first started _____.

(A) two thousand years ago                                   (B) one thousand years ago

(C) from the 1820s                                                (D) from the 1970s

(   ) 44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

(A) A cooking master in sushi is well respected in Japan.

(B) Sushi was once sold on the street stands as fast food.

(C) Western people accept sushi pretty well because more people are becoming health conscious.

(D) Since the late 19th century, more Western people have become interested in Japanese cuisine and culture.


Do you ever have the feeling doctors and politicians speak a different language than everybody else? Do you think that professors invent words just so you can't understand them? Well, you are not alone. Many of us have a difficult time deciphering the language of our rulers. In fact, there is a new movement demanding that people in authority speak like the rest of us.

In Britain, the Plain Language Commission promoted a campaign against complicated language. They complained that most legal documents are unnecessarily obscure, and they thought that this prevents regular people from clearly understanding what the papers say. To illustrate this, one member of the group rewrote a toy safety report. The original report contained rambling sentences and complex language. The new report was simple and easy to comprehend.

Why do professionals use complicated language? One reason is that jobs have specific words to describe the work done. These words are commonly known as jargon, and jargon is sometimes technical and difficult. Even the word "e-mail" was once considered jargon, because it was used by a small group of people who understood the Internet.

Another reason people use jargon is to appear intelligent. These people think that verbose sentences will show how smart they are. In fact, it only makes the person seem arrogant. The purpose of speech is to communicate ideas. This is impossible if no one can understand you. Think about that the next time you write a school paper!

(   ) 45. The British Plain Language Commission is trying to _____.

(A) promote some formal documents to be written in simplified language

(B) offer the authority help with document rewriting

(C) explain to common people the difficult language in documents

(D) justify why complicated language is needed in official documents

(   ) 46. Which of the following is NOT the reason why professionals like doctors and lawyers enjoy using jargon?

(A) Their job needs these special terms.

(B) They are tempted to show off their intelligence.

(C) They think the more complex language they use, the smarter they are.

(D) They attempt to prevent ordinary people from knowing their inside secrets.

(   ) 47. There are four words in BOLD in the passage. Which one does NOT have a similar meaning to the other three?

(A) verbose                      (B) specific                     (C) rambling                                         (D) obscure

(   ) 48. Which statement related to the passage above is NOT true?

(A) The authority is now asked to use simple and common language.

(B) Many people do not understand when doctors are talking to them.

(C) School papers, in order to look formal, still need to be long and complicated.

(D) Even a safety report about a toy is too difficult to understand.


There is a clothes store in London, England, which is worth visiting if you are looking for something unusual. The shop, called Cyberdog, is located in a busy tourist area called Camden Market. Outside, the street is quiet and old-fashioned, but inside you will find yourself in something that resembles a spaceship. Here in this technological paradise, you will find battery-powered shirts, pants and jackets that light up with moving patterns or even flash along with a disco beat.

But although these clothes might seem like something from a science fiction movie, there will soon be even more advanced "smart clothing" for sale in your local stores. For example, a German clothes maker has recently come up with the "mp3blue jacket" that combines an mp3 player and a mobile phone. There are cloth buttons in the sleeves and a microphone in the collar. A British manufacturer has also created a keyboard, made of cloth, which can be sewn onto your pants so you can type wherever you go.

These inventions work by tiny hi-tech threads in the cloth, which allow information to be transferred. There are all kinds of ideas on how this will be useful in the future: to keep track of your health, temperature, location, or even the climate around you. But for now, if you decide to purchase clothes that flash, play music, or through which you can talk to your friends, remember one thing: always remove the batteries before you wash them!

(   ) 49. The most important part of the advanced clothing that makes it work as a telephone is _____.

(A) batteries                     (B) the keyboard             (C) the microphone                                         (D) the electronic threads

(   ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE about the shop Cyberdog?

(A) This shop looks very old-fashioned in design.

(B) It lies in Camden Market, London.

(C) It mainly sells technological parts.

(D) The products you find here are fictional and impractical.

(   ) 51. According to the passage, which part of the smart clothing is NOT washable?

(A) threads                       (B) buttons                      (C) the cloth keyboard                                         (D) batteries

(   ) 52. In the passage, which function is NOT mentioned in the future clothing production?

(A) To transfer images.                                            (B) To transfer data.

(C) To key in information.                                      (D) To track personal health conditions.


At a 1997 meeting in Kyoto, Japan, officials from the world's most powerful developed industrial nations discussed the issue of global warming. They accepted that carbon gases, for example from factories and cars, were dangerously raising the Earth's temperature. An international agreement was thus made to reduce gas emissions.

Many nations, such as Japan, have now officially signed the contract, and are trying to reduce their waste gases by as much as 5% of 1990 levels before 2012. Some environmentalists believe that the Kyoto Protocol has been an important first step in slowing down global warming. However, others think that not enough countries have put the agreement into practice. They estimate that by 2012 there will be only a tiny 1% reduction from present levels of emissions.

One major problem is that the US government has changed its mind about following the Kyoto Protocol. As the world's biggest industrial nation, the US claims that its cost would be unfairly high. In addition, although China and India, now two big carbon gas producers, have accepted the Kyoto Protocol, they are free from certain requirements. They are now developing their industries and won't let the agreement hold back their economic growth.

As a result of this lack of cooperation, many environmentalists say global warming is certain to continue, and the world is heading for disaster. They believe the USA, India and China will only get serious about reducing pollution when terrible climate changes begin to happen. But, by then, it may be too late.

(   ) 53. Overall this passage gives a _____ perspective on the earth's future environmental changes.

(A) positive                      (B) neutral                      (C) pessimistic                                         (D) indecisive

(   ) 54. How can humans do to make global warming less serious?

(A) By cutting down the level of gas emissions.    (B) By accepting machines using carbon gases.

(C) By slowing down the industrial growth.           (D) By holding back the economic growth.

(   ) 55. Why does China NOT follow some agreements in the Kyoto Protocol?

(A) It didn’t sign the Agreement.

(B) It doesn't produce carbon gases.

(C) As a communist country, it refuses any economic developments.

(D) It is not yet a developed country, and therefore still needs industries.

(   ) 56. Which can be inferred from the passage above?

(A) The Agreement is mainly designated for developing countries to follow.

(B) The temperature on the Earth is still going higher despite the Kyoto Protocol.

(C) The US government is currently raising the budget to help reduce the gas wastes.

(D) If the level of gas waste in 2005 is 5, some environmentalists expect by 2012 the level will go down to 4.5.


翻譯題 (8)

說明:1. 請將以下兩個中文句子翻譯成正確通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在答案線上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明題號,每題4分,共8分。

(1) 父母總是不斷抱怨小孩花太多時間打電動而不唸書。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________

(2) 其實孩子不聽勸導的原因通常是家長沒有為他們立下好榜樣。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________


說明:1. 依提示寫一篇英文作文。2. 文長120個單詞(words)左右。


