
2021年7月17日 星期六

Reading Smart I: Test 13

 Part I. GrammarVocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. The art museum took _____ to protect the valuable painting from being stolen.

(A) neurons               (B) measures             (C) roadways      (D) professors

(   ) 2. We felt excited about the _____ opportunity to collaborate with an award-winning director.

(A) incredible            (B) compatible          (C) dispensable   (D) vulnerable

(   ) 3. Out of a _____ sample of students, about 15 percent said they had been bullied at one time or another.

(A) domestic             (B) barren                 (C) vibrant          (D) random

(   ) 4. Mandy is taking _____ courses because she's interested in why people behave the way they do.

(A) astronomy           (B) mythology          (C) psychology  (D) calligraphy

(   ) 5. _____ are that your friends missed their scheduled train and are taking a later one.

(A) Fees                    (B) Traits                   (C) Odds            (D) Spells

(   ) 6. Upon seeing a photo of lavender fields, Mary happily _____ the delightful time she had in Provence, France.

(A) provoked            (B) confronted          (C) imposed       (D) recalled

(   ) 7. The failure of the project is not all your fault; I am _____ to blame for it, too.

(A) casually               (B) vividly                (C) barely           (D) partly

(   ) 8. Don't expect too much of Thomas. he's only a seven-year-old child.

(A) After all               (B) At least                (C) All told         (D) As usual

(   ) 9. The broken window resulted _____ the boys playing baseball too close to the house.

(A) to                        (B) of                        (C) from             (D) in

(   ) 10. The mayor disregarded the complaints from the bus drivers. _____, they went on strike.

(A) On the contrary   (B) To some extent    (C) For the moment (D) As a result


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%) [請忽略大小寫]

(A) telegraph      (B) maze             (C) defend          (D) ceased          (E) fortunately

(F) disconnected (G) outbursts      (H) complicated  (I) toddler           (J) misplaced

(   ) 11. The new health reform bill is so _____ that it confuses the majority of the general public.

(   ) 12. _____, we had a good harvest this year, so we won't go hungry in the winter.

(   ) 13. The man felt _____ from his children, whom he hadn't seen since he divorced their mother.

(   ) 14. After trying many times, the _____ finally climbed his way onto the sofa.

(   ) 15. The army will _____ the country if another nation tries to attack.

(   ) 16. I seemed to have _____ my wallet because I can't find it anywhere.

(   ) 17. Peter has difficulty controlling his hot temper, and his frequent _____ of anger scare people.

(   ) 18. Lost in the life-size garden _____, the guest needed to be rescued by the owners of the property.

(   ) 19. Fighting in the kingdom _____ after the leader of the rebel forces surrendered to the king.

(   ) 20. In the past, the war department would send a(n) _____ to the family of a soldier killed in action.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Do you lay on the horn when the car in front of you is moving at a snail's pace? Are you likely to shout foul language and make offensive hand gestures at drivers who fail to use their turn signals? When someone cuts you off, do you speed up, pass him, and give him a taste of his own medicine? If you’ve answered yes to any of these, you are probably guilty of road rage.

Psychologists attribute this condition to several factors. Rooted in early childhood, road rage is observed and absorbed by youngsters from adults, whether real or on TV, who react angrily while driving. When it's their turn to get behind the wheel, they naturally behave the same way. Road rage is also seen when people feel the need to defend themselves and their piece of the road. As territorial creatures, humans dislike it when others enter their personal space. Lastly, getting into their vehicles is like going to war for some, so they rage at tailgaters and cellphone users as a means of doing battle.

To prevent road rage from raising its ugly head, there are several measures drivers can take. Included are getting adequate sleep, eating regularly, and hitting the road early. Let's do all we can to keep road rage at bay.

(   ) 21. Which of the following is an example of road rage?

(A) Giving someone the finger as you speed past them

(B) Honking your horn to tell your friend to get in the car

(C) Letting other drivers pass as you pull over to the side of the road

(D) Screaming at the top of your lungs to your favorite song while driving

(   ) 22. Who are "they" in the second paragraph?

(A) Senior citizens who haven't driven in a long while

(B) Adults on television who react angrily toward bad drivers

(C) Young, newly licensed drivers who grew up with road

(D) Mental health experts who conducted a study on road rage

(   ) 23. What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

(A) To list the way people with road rage do battle with other drivers

(B) To illustrate how dangerous young drivers can be

(C) To show how to stop angry confrontations

(D) To explain the causes of road rage

(   ) 24. How can drivers keep road rage at bay?

(A) Keep energy levels low.                     (B) Don't leave at the last minute.

(C) Rush around from place to place.       (D) Drive with as little sleep as possible.

