
2021年7月24日 星期六

LEVEL 4: Test 45~46


Test 45: Unit 45

        1.   I felt a little dizzy this morning because did not get a _____ of sleep grief of sleep last night.
(A) wink                         (B) blink                     (C) cargo                     (D) glorious

        2.   A lot of students are _____ in the library for the final exams tomorrow.
(A) blending                   (B) cramming            (C) conquering           (D) wrecking

        3.   Sue found sticking stamps on envelopes not only boring but _____ as well.
(A) sincere                     (B) keen                     (C) tiresome               (D) bald

        4.   Mary survived the car _____, but her younger boyfriend died at the wheel.
(A) bankruptcy               (B) apology                (C) basin                     (D) wreck

        5.   After Julius Caesar _____ Egypt and married Queen Cleopatra, he took her back to Rome.
(A) blended                    (B) conquered            (C) blinked                 (D) congratulated

        6.   According to my father, my grandparents came to this country as _____ immigrants.
(A) penniless                  (B) biological             (C) virus                     (D) bacteria

        7.   The show reached a(n) _____ with a superb performance by Michael Jackson.
(A) germ                         (B) sincerity               (C) admiration            (D) climax

        8.   You stood Mary up last night, so you'll have to _____ to her.
(A) grieve                       (B) apologize             (C) wink                     (D) cement

        9.   Some species of birds, particularly eagles, are known for their extremely _____ eyesight.
(A) bald                          (B) sincere                 (C) keen                      (D) aging

     10.   Miss Hu is now working as a(n) _____ in that insurance company.
(A) accountant               (B) witch                    (C) cliff                       (D) cinema

     11.   I sent an e-mail to John to _____ him on being promoted to general manager..
(A) congratulate             (B) climax                  (C) cement                  (D) apologize

     12.   As a child, Tom was shy and _____. But now he is a brilliant and handsome young man.
(A) vowel                       (B) blinking               (C) winking                (D) clumsy

     13.   Compared to jogging, brisk walking is less dangerous but as effective in burning _____.
(A) basins                       (B) calories                (C) consonants           (D) cliffs

     14.   First prize is two free tickets from Taipei to Hong Kong, _____ Cathay Airlines.
(A) courtesy of               (B) instead of             (C) by way of             (D) in terms of

     15.   The new library _____ perfectly with the surrounding buildings.
(A) joins in                     (B) blends in              (C) hands in                (D) takes in

                        16. Although he was faced with danger then, John was as cool as a c_______r.

                        17. Because I majored in b_______y in college, I know something about insects.

                        18. Having lost a lot of money because of bad investments, this company is going b_______t.

                        19. Some types of b_______a bring diseases while others cause things to decay.

                        20. John risked his life to save a neighbor's life. His courage was a_______e.

It had always been Jenny's dream to become a good dancer. There was just one problem---Jenny was very   (21)  . Every day she had to   (22)   to many people for stepping on their feet, bumping them, dropping things, and more. This made her feel so   (23)   that she was afraid to take any dance classes. As Jenny was reading the newspaper one day, she saw an article about a dancer she had a lot of   (24)  for. She read it and learned that the dancer used to have the same problem as she did. Encouraged by the story, Jenny decided to model herself after the dancer and   (25)   her fears about dancing.

(A) admiration   (B) clumsy   (C) awkward   (D) apologize   (E) conquer

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 46: Unit 46

        1.   Although this sentence is correct in terms of _____ structure, it does not sound idiomatic.
(A) diligent                    (B) grammatical        (C) shortsighted         (D) farsighted

        2.   The newlyweds are going to a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean on their _____.
(A) honeymoon              (B) proverb                (C) insult                    (D) gene

        3.   Every time D time Dave talks to his wife or kids , he smiles and his voice _____.
(A) flushes                     (B) glides                   (C) dyes                      (D) softens

        4.   The Korean TV star speaks English quite _____ even though she has a heavy accent.
(A) disgustingly             (B) digitally               (C) fluently                 (D) insultingly

        5.   If any medicine like cough syrup is left over, _____ it down the toilet.
(A) flush                         (B) hook                     (C) horrify                  (D) idolize

        6.   All employees will have to work overtime to meet the _____.
(A) helicopter                 (B) inflation               (C) horror                   (D) deadline

        7.   A lot of students in our country are _____ because they've devoted a lot of time to video games.
(A) nearsighted              (B) fluent                   (C) dyed                      (D) disgusted

        8.   When the ballerina appeared and began to _____ across the stage, she got a round of applause.
(A) flush                         (B) glide                     (C) digest                    (D) diaper

        9.   If you drink and drive, it will _____ not only your life but those of other people.
(A) endanger                  (B) cushion                (C) feast                      (D) flatter

     10.   My mother is never a _____ person. In fact, she is very generous when it comes to helping the poor.
(A) habitual                    (B) fossil                    (C) stingy                   (D) insulted

     11.   When he got home after work, Ann 's husband helped feed their baby and change _____.
(A) diapers                     (B) idols                     (C) idioms                  (D) fireplaces

     12.   Nowadays you can hardly find a decent job without getting a college _____.
(A) output                       (B) errand                   (C) diploma                (D) feast

     13.   The local residents are all _____ with the bad smell coming from the polluted river.
(A) dyed                         (B) disgusted              (C) flattered                (D) surfed

     14.   I remember when I was just a little child, I often _____ for my parents or neighbors.
(A) ran errands               (B) ran articles           (C) ran a business       (D) ran risks

     15.   A few terrorist bombings happened just _____ election day.
(A) on the face of           (B) on the verge of     (C) on the eve of         (D) on the tip of

                        16. When I threw up the food I had eaten on the floor, all my classmates looked at me with d_______t.

                        17. Taking a leisurely walk after a meal is good for d_______n.

                        18. The person that stole your paintings must have been a h _______l thief.

                        19. When oil and food prices keep rising, i_______n seems to be inevitable.

                        20. A lot of young people spend more than 10 hours a day s_______g the Internet.

If you want to be able to speak a foreign language, there are certain things you need to do. To begin with, you must become a   (21)   student. You should review the new vocabulary and the   (22)   rules you learn every day. After doing this for a few weeks, it will become a   (23)   action. The second thing you must do is practice speaking the language. During that time, you can also practice using   (24)  , such as "raining cats and dogs." The more you study and speak, the more   (25)   you will become.

(A) idioms   (B) habitual   (C) grammar   (D) diligent   (E) fluent

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

