
2021年7月31日 星期六



Page 26



n. 效率; 效能


v. 爬行; 蠕動


n. 插座;插口


n.  葡萄乾


v.; (路等)(用於被動)




n.  峽谷


n.  一針






v. 跌跤; 墜落


n.辭職; 放棄


n.  文憑


n.  葬禮








n.  偵探




n.丁形柺杖, (支在腋下的)撐拐




n.  厭惡


adj.  支配性的


v.  評估


v.  批評


adj.  高雅的




n.服裝; 戲服




n.  均等、平等


n.  雕刻


v.  啜飲


n. 毛蟲, (蝶、蛾的幼蟲)


v. n. 遭遇(困難危險); 遇見


n.  味道;口味






v.  預估


n. 韻文;詩節


n.  諺語


v.  說服


n.蛋黃; 卵黃




n.鏟子, 鐵鍬




v.  忍受


n. 頻繁,屢次


v. 解散; 鄙視、不考慮


v.建立; 創立


n.  強調


Reading Smart I: Test 15

 Part I. GrammarVocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. _____ enables people to keep foods like meat and fish good and cool for longer periods of time.

(A) Perseverance      (B) Deforestation      (C) Maintenance       (D) Refrigeration

(   ) 2. Rather than signing a contract, the two executives sealed their business _____ with a handshake.

(A) transaction          (B) controversy         (C) hospitality          (D) attachment

(   ) 3. The promise of a _____ salary and better benefits convinced Melissa to take the job.

(A) vigorous             (B) deliberate            (C) substantial          (D) collaborative

(   ) 4. Dr. Smith is a heart surgeon who is highly respected by his _____ in the medical community.

(A) juries                  (B) tenants                 (C) peers                   (D) warriors

(   ) 5. To reach and entertain a larger audience, the concert will be broadcast on TV and the Internet _____ at eight o'clock tonight.

(A) indifferently       (B) simultaneously    (C) comparatively      (D) unanimously

(   ) 6. The hairdresser used several styling techniques to give her customer's hair more _____.

(A) distance              (B) altitude                (C) maturity              (D) volume

(   ) 7. The first known tarot cards on record _____ in northern Italy in the 1400s.

(A) withdrew            (B) inhabited             (C) originated           (D) specialized

(   ) 8. It's extremely difficult to get into that _____ university, but if you do, you'll be set for life.

(A) amateur              (B) hostile                 (C) prior                   (D) elite

(   ) 9. It _____ until the twilight of his life that the writer finally became famous.

(A) was                     (B) wasn't                  (C) is                        (D) isn't

(   ) 10. There's nothing like a glass of ice-cold lemonade to help people _____ the heat.

(A) beat                    (B) scratch                (C) grab                    (D) punch


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) concoctions  (B) version         (C) aristocracy    (D) production   (E) lift

(F) delectable      (G) lodging        (H) composition (I) invention       (J) pasteurized

(   ) 11. Luckily, we were able to get a(n) _____ home from our friends after the buses stopped running.

(   ) 12. The camera is designed in Japan, but its _____ takes place in China, where labor costs are low.

(   ) 13. The Moon Hotel was too expensive for Tim, so he continued his search for affordable _____.

(   ) 14. This particular piece of equipment can determine the _____ of any substance in seconds.

(   ) 15. The bartender always comes up with new _____ because he refuses to serve boring drinks.

(   ) 16. After I saw the remake of the movie, I realized that I liked the original _____ better.

(   ) 17. In general, freshly squeezed milk has not been _____ and may contain harmful bacteria.

(   ) 18. For Quinn, there’s nothing more _____ than hot chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven.

(   ) 19. The _____ of the telephone brought about the birth of a new era of communication.

(   ) 20. The high-class club only allows members of the _____ to pass through its doors.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Have you used Airbnb to rent out a spare room and find a cheap place to stay while on a trip? Have you used Uber to get a ride from a stranger? If the answer then you ’ve taken part in the sharing yes, economy, the most popular trend to hit the Internet. The sharing economy, which allows people to use websites to share things they own, is completely altering the way that business deals occur.

Advocates of the sharing economy have claimed that it is more effective in providing services to consumers than traditional businesses, and has led to lower costs for consumers as businesses compete with each other. Opponents, on the other hand, point to the extremely high level of trust required in the sharing economy, which can put people in danger. Furthermore, business activities that occur in the sharing economy can be illegal, as many countries have outlawed websites such as Uber for avoiding taxes and failing to adhere to strict regulations.

As the debate about the pros and cons of the sharing economy rages on, the sharing economy has continued to grow. Some estimates have valued it at around US$26 billion, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. It looks like the sharing economy won’t be disappearing any time soon.

(   ) 21. Why would someone use Airbnb?

(A) To rent out a room                      (B) To compare prices on clothes

(C) To get a lift                                  (D) To order food

(   ) 22. Which of the following is an argument made in the article in support of the sharing economy?

(A) It results in higher profits for local businesses.

(B) It provides services to customers more effectively than traditional businesses.

(C) It is environmentally friendly.

(D) It promotes the creation of small-and-medium enterprises.

(   ) 23. Why have some countries outlawed Uber, according to the article?

(A) Because it has revealed confidential information about its users

(B) Because it has caused the deaths of several customers

(C) Because it has put local companies out of business

(D) Because it has avoided paying taxes

(   ) 24. What is inferred by the last sentence of the article?

(A) The sharing economy will collapse soon.

(B) The sharing economy will face strict regulations from all governments.

(C) The sharing economy will continue to play a prominent role in society.

(D) The sharing economy will be dominated by Airbnb and Uber.