
2021年8月15日 星期日

CEEC Unit 4


一、詞彙 (15%)


(   ) 1. Tina broke Jerry's heart when she _____ his invitation to the school dance party.

(A) denied                         (B) refused                      (C) overthrew                                                 (D) intended

(   ) 2. John, can you tidy up your room? Look, your books and clothes are _____ everywhere. I can hardly walk around.

(A) hindered                      (B) cast                           (C) scattered                                                 (D) divided

(   ) 3. While Helen was driving home, a car came out of nowhere and crashed into her car. The _____ sent her through the windscreen.

(A) horizon                        (B) exposure                   (C) effort                                                 (D) impact

(   ) 4. Many people go for teeth whitening to improve the _____ of teeth to give perfect first impressions.

(A) therapy                        (B) appearance               (C) medication                                                 (D) outfit

(   ) 5. My _____ apartment is noisy and located in a not-so-safe neighborhood. But the previous one is even worse. It is basically inside a market.

(A) contemporary             (B) ancient                      (C) former                                                 (D) current

(   ) 6. Once the police showed up at the night market, all the vendors vanished _____ leaving the buyers standing in the middle of the street.

(A) instantly                      (B) constantly                 (C) deliberately                                                 (D) slightly

(   ) 7. In this lamp superstore, everyone can find things he or she needs. They have a(n) _____ selection of lamps.

(A) extensive                     (B) flexible                     (C) intensive                                                 (D) durable

(   ) 8. This foundation is a(n) _____ that raises funds for children with facial disfigurements.

(A) orphanage                   (B) clinic                        (C) instrument                                                 (D) charity

(   ) 9. Experts say that television violence and battling scenes in video games might encourage teenagers to become more _____.

(A) suspicious                   (B) aggressive                (C) ignorant                                                 (D) tolerant

(   ) 10. The once award-winning director has received _____ criticism for his latest film. The critics say it is a torture to sit in the cinema for two hours to watch it.

(A) pleasant                       (B) conservative             (C) harsh                                                 (D) tremendous

(   ) 11. The newly-open shop is doing _____; you can get a 35% discount and free delivery.

(A) promotions                 (B) renovations               (C) commercials                                                 (D) improvements

(   ) 12. Once having nobody to turn to, now after receiving so much care from those who have hardly known him, Tom _____ again his faith in mankind.

(A) defends                       (B) longs                         (C) distracts                                                 (D) restores

(   ) 13. Many studies show that using drugs such as ecstasy can cause _____ damage to brain cells that are involved in thinking and memory.

(A) primitive                     (B) arithmetic                 (C) permanent                                                 (D) adventurous

(   ) 14. I attempted to _____ my friends' quarrels for weeks. But I found out it was a waste of time and decided to stay out of trouble.

(A) turn out                       (B) sort out                     (C) pass up                                                 (D) end up

(   ) 15. The newest Play Station has included all the _____ technological functions one can think of. You can say it is a mixture of a laptop, internet, and stereo.

(A) eyeball-to-eyeball      (B) once-in-a-lifetime    (C) state-of-the-art                                                 (D) long-term




Community colleges have become very popular in the United States. Unlike four-year colleges, these schools have two-year programs. There are two main reasons why people go to community colleges instead of four-year schools.

The first reason is the tuition. Students don’t need to live at the school. Instead, they can since go to school within a few minutes and live at home, _16_ community colleges are usually near their houses. Besides, the tuition fees for each year at community colleges are also much _17_ than others.

The second reason is the course schedule. They have many classes at night, so people can go after they finish their work. _18_, people don't have to worry that there is no time to learn.

Community colleges keep getting more popular as they _19_ new and interesting courses. Some people who have already graduated from college even _20_ to community colleges to learn something new.

(   ) 16. (A) even                           (B) though                      (C) since                        (D) therefore

(   ) 17. (A) lower                         (B) less                           (C) fewer                       (D) further

(   ) 18. (A) As a result                 (B) On the other hand    (C) By and by                (D) On no account

(   ) 19. (A) publish                       (B) provide                    (C) charge                      (D) reproduce

(   ) 20. (A) register                      (B) retreat                      (C) review                      (D) return


The Global Positioning System is often called GPS. It uses a system of at least 24 satellites to find out exactly where a person is. It can also _21_ to tell the correct time almost anywhere on Earth.

The United States Department of Defense created and designed the GPS system. Though the department still controls it today, it has decided to _22_ anyone in the world use it---for free. There are three important parts of the GPS system. The first is space. This means the satellites that are in outer space. Next is control. Control _23_ to the stations on the ground that watch the satellites and also send information to them. The final part of the GPS system is the user. In this _24_, GSP receivers on the ground are used to receive information from several different satellites and then _25_ an exact location.

(   ) 21. (A) use                             (B) used                         (C) be used                    (D) to be used

(   ) 22. (A) have                           (B) let                             (C) make                        (D) allow

(   ) 23. (A) means                        (B) implies                     (C) devotes                    (D) refers

(   ) 24. (A) term                           (B) case                          (C) order                        (D) way

(   ) 25. (A) calculate                    (B) appoint                     (C) arrange                    (D) grasp


During puberty, hormone levels in a teenager's body change. This causes acne, sometimes called pimples or zits. Though acne is common, there are many misconceptions about it.

The first mistake many people make is popping their pimples. This only presses germs mistakenly into the skin, causing redness and even _26_. Next, some people _27_ believe that eating oily food or chocolate causes pimples. This is untrue, though a healthy diet is important. Another misconception is that stress causes acne. Stress does make your skin _28_ more oil, but this does not create more pimples. But you shouldn’t wash your face too much, because this can irritate your skin. A final misconception about acne is that makeup causes it. _29_, special acne-fighting medicine is found in most makeup today.

Thought there are many misconceptions about acne, one thing is for certain: _30_ a doctor for the treatment that works best for you.

(   ) 26. (A) injection                    (B) inflation                   (C) reflection                 (D) infection

(   ) 27. (A) mistakenly                 (B) faithfully                 (C) confidently              (D) mistrustfully

(   ) 28. (A) producing                  (B) to produce                (C) produce                    (D) not produce

(   ) 29. (A) Eventually                 (B) Actually                   (C) Ultimately               (D) Naturally

(   ) 30. (A) Console                     (B) Consent                    (C) Counsel                   (D) Consult




Populations in countries in the West Pacific Region are aging. This is _31_ old people are living longer than in the past. More than a third of the world's people over 65 live in this region and _32_ of these are women. To _33_ things worse, within the next forty years, the number of old people in this region will _34_. This is a situation that governments in this area of the world will soon have to address.

Because families now have fewer members than in days gone by, it is harder for them to _35_ the older generation. Also, more families live in towns and cities than before and many old people _36_ urban life more difficult. Another issue is the fact that women _37_ a large percentage of the elderly population in the Western Pacific Region and they have special needs.

Governments will need to do several things to help with these problems. Firstly, they will need to _38_ in housing and healthcare for the elderly. They will also have to provide care-giving services _39_ that families who need to work can be sure their older relatives are being taken care of. Finally, they must set up programs specifically _40_ for women, as they comprise such a high percentage of today's elderly.

(A) make up            (B) designed           (C) double               (D) half                   (E) because

(F) look after          (G) invest                (H) find                   (I) make                  (J) so

31. _____ 32. _____ 33. _____ 34. _____ 35. _____ 36. _____ 37. _____ 38. _____ 39. _____ 40. _____




As a highly complicated organism, the human body can endure a lot and can be very strong, though at times, the body seems to be quite fragile. _41_ Stress is a regular experience, which people feel when they are very busy, taking tests at school, losing a job, sitting in traffic and so on. _42_

Workplace is usually a source of stress, but some jobs make people strain their bodies to the limits of endurance. _43_ Moreover, while in space, they lose bone density and muscle strength, due to the absence of gravity. Rather than using their muscles, astronauts float in their space ship for long periods of time and for this reason they have difficulty walking upon their return on earth.

_44_ Athletes often injure themselves by regularly trying to be the fastest, the strongest, and the best in their sport. _45_ Some never restore their health.

(A) Professional sport is another activity that tests a human body's capacity.

(B) Our bodies were designed to cope with physical illness or emotional pressure, commonly called stress.

C) For example, when astronauts go into space, their bones start to lose calcium and other important minerals almost immediately.

D) All of that puts pressure on our nervous system, makes us feel tense and influences our health.

(E) Many of them waste weeks or months recovering from harm they have suffered attempting to outdo prior achievements.

41. __________ 42. __________ 43. __________ 44. __________ 45. __________




Aspirin, the wonder drug of the past one hundred years, seems to offer more health benefits every year. Besides just easing pain or curing a headache, aspirin has now been found to be effective in reducing the risk or severity of heart attacks and strokes. Since it is an over-the-counter drug, it is widely accessible. With all of these benefits, people may think of taking aspirin as they feel uncomfortable. In fact, it's one of the most common medications used worldwide. But for some people, its benefits are unattainable because they have a resistance to, or are immune from, aspirin. This immunity or "aspirin resistance" is found in 30% of all Americans, according to "Circulation," a medical journal published by the American Heart Association. These people also have a greater chance of death after a heart attack than people who are not aspirin resistant.

This miracle drug, aspirin, seems to be a cure-all, but not for all of us. Nearly one third of us are not able to take advantage of its benefits. We can only hope that someday researchers will be able to invent an equally effective substitute for the rest of us. In the meantime, aspirin resistant individuals will have to take extra precautions by controlling one's diet and weight, as well as maintaining one's general health, in order to lower their odds for suffering heart disease or stroke.

(   ) 46. What does the passage mostly focus on?

(A) Aspirin is a one hundred-year-old cure-all.

(B) Aspirin has tremendous medical function, but not everyone can take advantage of it.

(C) People who take aspirin should control their diet.

(D) The American Heart Association published a medical journal called "Circulation."

(   ) 47. Aspirin works in the following EXCEPT __________.

(A) avoiding heart attacks                                      (B) easing pain

(C) curing a headache                                             (D) reducing the risk of strokes

(   ) 48. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

(A) Aspirin is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world.

(B) Some people are resistant to aspirin.

(C) 30% of all Americans suffer heart diseases.

(D) Some people have greater chance of death after a heart because they are aspirin resistant


Jane Goodall, the world's leading zoologist and naturalist, was born in London in 1934 and was raised in Bournemouth. She grew up reading about the adventures of the fictional Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. Ever since she was young, she had always wanted to go explore the world and encounter its living creatures. So she attended secretarial school, worked for a film company and saved up on money. At the age of 23, she finally made her dream-come-true trip to Africa. She reached Kenya and met the famous anthropologist, Louis Leaky. He hired her as his assistant and became his secretary at the Museum of Natural History for a time.

In 1960, Jane began her lengthy study of chimpanzees. Her discoveries about them were significant. She found out that chimpanzees show affection the way humans do; she was impressed by their intelligence, social and hunting skills, and systems of communication. Most amazing of all, Jane realized that chimpanzees can make tools---a skill scientists thought only humans were capable of. After a lifetime of working with chimpanzees and other animals, Jane helped establish the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation in 1977.

With her passion for anthropology and her non-profit institute, Jane Goodall tells us that we should respect the animal world and all creatures are precious. Jane and her work are constant reminders that understanding and being good to all living things can only be good for our planet.

(   ) 49. This passage is most likely taken from a __________.

(A) novel                         (B) biography                 (C) romance                                        (D) play

(   ) 50. According to the passage, which of the following about chimpanzees amazed the scientists most?

(A) Chimpanzees can make their dreams come true.

(B) Chimpanzees can communicate like human beings.

(C) Chimpanzees can make tools.

(D) Chimpanzees can work with other animals.

(   ) 51. When Jane first arrived in Kenya at 23. she __________.

(A) was reading about the adventures of the fictional Tarzan, Lord of the Apes

(B) became Louis Leaky's assistant and secretary

(C) wanted to go explore the world

(D) helped set up an institute for wildlife research

(   ) 52. According to the passage, which of the following is not regarded as Jane's significant discoveries about chimpanzees?

(A) The way chimpanzees show their affection.

(B) Chimpanzees have great intelligence.

(C) Chimpanzees have good social skills.

(D) Chimpanzees have the same systems of communication as humans'.


When you were young, your parents and teachers taught you how to act properly. They demonstrated good manners and explained which behaviors were not acceptable. Most of those behaviors are so natural to you now that you can't imagine people behaving differently. However, those manners are not all universal. Each culture has its own set of expectations for how people behave. Each culture also has its own taboos, or behaviors that are not acceptable. If you travel to another country, it is important that you learn that country's cultural practices so that your behavior is not offensive to your hosts.

Some cultural rules involve the way people speak and what they say. Different cultures have different ideas about which topics are too personal to discuss with acquaintances. For example, in some cultures it is very bad manners to ask an adult how old he/she is in casual conversation. Politics, religion, and sex are taboo topics of conversation in some cultures, but not in others. Rules for how conversations are conducted and how people speak vary from culture to culture as well. In some cultures, a conversation is expected to move back and forth quickly between the participants. Long pauses are considered uncomfortable and should be avoided. In other cultures, it is expected that you pause in silence before you reply to someone. This shows that you are carefully considering what your conversational partner has said.

(   ) 53. Some behaviors are so natural to us because __________.

(A) we have been constantly told since we were young that they are good and acceptable

(B) they are the same worldwide

(C) we are not allowed to imagine that they are unnatural

(D) they are not acceptable in other countries

(   ) 54. According to the passage, which of the following is not considered one of the taboo topics?

(A) Age.                          (B) Sex.                           (C) Friendship.                                        (D) Religion.

(   ) 55. According to the passage, before we travel to another country, we should __________.

(A) learn its language                                             (B) show that we like its national politics

(C) know where the host is                                     (D) learn its cultural practices first

(   ) 56. Which of the following is NOT true based on the passage?

(A) In some countries, it's not proper to discuss personal topics with acquaintances.

(B) It's impolite to ask a lady how old she is in some cultures.

(C) Long pauses in conversation should be avoided in some cultures.

(D) It's a worldwide agreement that you have to pause before you reply to someone.


翻譯題 (8)

說明:1. 請將以下兩個中文句子翻譯成正確通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在答案線上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明題號,每題4分,共8分。

(1) 別擔心只要你專心上課一定會通過考試。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________

(2) 不用說,成功通常是屬於那些有決心達到目標的人。

à ______________________________________________________________________________________


說明:1. 依提示及圖片寫一篇英文作文。2. 文長120個單詞(words)左右。

提示:以During the last three months…開頭,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局




