
2021年8月22日 星期日

Reading Smart HI: Test 18

Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (36)

(   ) 1. The Nobel Prize honors _____ individuals in a variety of fields for their pioneering work.

(A) instructional        (B) promotional        (C) exceptional   (D) conventional

(   ) 2. The children _____ along the street, looking at all of the Christmas decorations.

(A) dangled               (B) evolved               (C) floated          (D) strolled

(   ) 3. Timothy _____ in sports and is expected to become the captain of the baseball team.

(A) involves              (B) recover                (C) excels           (D) squeezes

(   ) 4. The inventor showed great _____ in creating gadgets that improve the quality of life.

(A) ingenuity             (B) visibility                    (C) intimacy       (D) frequency

(   ) 5. As the candle burned, it gave off a pleasant, _____ smell.

(A) hearty                  (B) fruity                   (C) guilty            (D) faulty

(   ) 6. Unable to accustom herself to the hustle and bustle of the city, Jenny is _____ to be back in her hometown.

(A) yearning              (B) confessing           (C) flocking        (D) surrendering

(   ) 7. The restaurant has stayed _____ by providing tasty meals at the lowest prices in the neighborhood.

(A) behind the scenes                                 (B) beyond the scope

(C) on top of the world                               (D) ahead of the game

(   ) 8. We were worried that the disease would soon be found in the city, but luckily nothing _____ to pass.

(A) went                    (B) ran                      (C) came             (D) stood

(   ) 9. The company was ripe _____ change when its president suddenly quit.

(A) in                        (B) for                       (C) at                  (D) on


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (32%)

(A) high-quality (B) goodies        (C) caramel         (D) potential       (E) confection

(F) alcoholic       (G) guidelines     (H) scents           (I) disregarded    (J) artisan

(   ) 10. The spa's soft sounds and pleasant _____ create a relaxing atmosphere.

(   ) 11. Both beer and wine are _____ drinks that one can't drink before or while driving.

(   ) 12. This experienced _____ can cut stones into a variety of vivid animals.

(   ) 13. On Easter Sunday, the kids awoke to find chocolates and other _____ in their Easter baskets.

(   ) 14. Scientists have discovered a(n) _____ cure for the disease, but it needs more tests.

(   ) 15. The president _____ the protesters and sent the troops to war.

(   ) 16. Company _____ state that you must be a citizen or have a work permit to be employed here.

(   ) 17. This company releases _____ headphones that can last for ages.


Part III. Cloze Test (32%)

A new gene-editing technology, CRISPR, may make it possible to alter the DNA of human beings. It will now be _(18)_ to make humans who are stronger and more resistant to disease than others. This is _(19)_ technology with some serious consequences, and not everyone thinks editing human DNA is a good idea.

Gene editing has been _(20) _ for a long time, but older methods of gene engineering were imprecise. They involved using bacteria or viruses to carry genes or firing DNA into a cell at high speeds. CRISPR uses a special protein to carry the genes to the right point on the DNA strand and cut it out like a _(21)_. Then, the new fragment of DNA can be inserted.

Clinical applications for CRISPR are broad. It could be used to remove harmful genes that cause diseases, but it could also improve any attribute of human genetics. In the future, everyone could have _(22)_ muscles and healthier hearts. Some people worry about possible negative effects of editing our genomes. CRISPR may become only _(23)_ by the very rich. This would _(24)_ dual classes of edited and unedited humans. _(25)_, many countries have restricted gene editing of human embryos.

(   ) 18. (A) signatory           (B) dubious               (C) extinct                 (D) feasible

(   ) 19. (A) coastal               (B) potent                  (C) creamy                (D) narcissistic

(   ) 20. (A) along                (B) about                   (C) around                 (D) among

(   ) 21. (A) rodent               (B) truffle                  (C) scalpel                 (D) praline

(   ) 22. (A) rumbling           (B) speculating          (C) vomiting              (D) bulging

(   ) 23. (A) affordable         (B) remarkable          (C) renewable            (D) memorable

(   ) 24. (A) result from        (B) lead to                 (C) bring down          (D) take over

(   ) 25. (A) On occasion      (B) By contrast          (C) In response          (D) For instance

