
2021年8月29日 星期日



Unit 29

(   )1. The address on the envelope is incomplete; it has the _____ and the lane, but it does not have the name of the street.

(A) alley                    (B) belly               (C) nanny                  (D) avenue

(   ) 2 The damage caused by the explosion was beyond repair so the captain had no choice but to _____ the ship.

(A) sink                  (B) lower               (C) abandon              (D) breed

(   ) 3. Michael is very competent. We have _____ confidence in him.

(A) stale                    (B) steady            (C)absolute                (D) tricky

(   ) 4. Jack is not a good friend of mine; he is just a casual _____.

(A) familiarity           (B) acquaintance    (C) variety          (D) submarine

(   ) 5 By saving a small portion of what she earns each month, Jenny has _____ a fortune at the age of forty.

(A)  prescribed          (B) acquired            (C) requested         (D) peaked

(   ) 6. Although I like golfing, I am not a professional golfer; I am just a(n) _____.

(A)amateur                (B) palace                  (C) passport              (D) angle

(   ) 7. My paper is due next week. Because I have been sick, I am afraid I cannot meet the _____.

(A) postage               (B) poverty        (C) deadline               (D) record

(   ) 8.Though the twin sisters have the same appearance, they _____ greatly in personality.

(A) suffer                  (B) differ                   (C) matter                (D) refer

(   ) 9. It is easy to _____ a poem; it is not as easy to create one.

(A) manage               (B) melt                    (C) bear                     (D) criticize

(   ) 10. The performance of the dancers delighted the audience; they applauded _____.

(A) loudly                 (B) noisily                 (C) coldly                  (D) coolly

(   ) 11. We are _____ to our parents for bringing us up; they sacrificed a lot for our sake.

(A) playful                 (B) lawful                  (C) thankful               (D) eventful

(   ) 12. Our apartment is _____ because it has been raining for days. I wish it would clear up soon.

(A) damp                  (B) empty                  (C) void                     (D) hollow

(   ) 13. People living in a _____ country enjoy freedom of speech and have the right to choose their leaders.

(A) traditional           (B) conventional        (C) democratic          (D) unique

(   ) 14. At the bottom of the ninth inning, the home team was still two runs behind. They then _____ hit three home runs in a row and won the game.

(A) superbly              (B) tragically             (C) ironically           (D) dramatically

(   ) 15. I don’t know Claire very well; I’m only _____ acquainted with her.

(A) differently           (B) amazingly            (C) slightly                (D) lightly

Unit 30

(   )1. The government conducts _____ to gather information before it implements a policy.

(A) statues                 (B)  herds                  (C) helmets             (D) surveys

(   ) 2   Global warming is _____ the existence of many species. If it continues, they will probably die out.

(A) tightening        (B) starving              (C) threatening        (D) sparkling

(   ) 3. Students are encouraged to _____ in extracurricular activities such as clubs or societies so that they will learn things not teach in classes.

(A) participate       (B) transport         (C)tumble                (D) unite

(   ) 4. _____ traits such as selfishness and a hot temper are believed by many to be inborn.

(A) Technician          (B) Perfume         (C) Personality    (D) Surgeon

(   ) 5. The department store will celebrate its 50th anniversary by offering a 30% _____ on everything it sells. If you need to shop, this is the time.

(A) discount        (B)  trend                  (C) grace                   (D) tray

(   ) 6. It Is a(n) _____ to call someone an idiot.

(A) compliment         (B) insult                   (C) praise               (D) virtue

(   ) 7. My mom _____ me for not taking good care of my sister while she was out.

(A) reminded             (B) warned                (C) blamed            (D) convinced

(   ) 8. Many Chinese people sweep their ancestors’ tombs _____; they do it on Tomb Sweeping Day, which comes in early April.

(A) socially               (B) respectfully       (C) annually             (D) perfectly

(   ) 9. My anger disappeared after Ned _____ to me for having been rude.

(A) polished              (B) retained               (C) revised         (D) apologized

(   ) 10. Jenny's report of the accident was _____; she described what had actually happened.

(A) loudly                 (B) noisily                 (C) revolutionary      (D) accurate

(   ) 11. Mr. Chang seldom loses his temper, but he was _____ when his son drove his car without his permission and crashed it.

(A) furious                (B) homesick            (C) fearful                 (D) redundant

(   ) 12. To succeed in life, we need to be good at something; _____, we need to work hard.

(A) however             (B) therefore             (C) furthermore     (D) nevertheless

(   ) 13. Rather than being _____, my math teacher is very rigid about us meeting the deadline.

(A) flexible              (B) deductible           (C) excusable          (D) detectable

(   ) 14. The expression "long time no see" is _____ incorrect, but it has been accepted by speakers of English as an informal greeting.

(A) culturally         (B) traditionally          (C) practically      (D) grammatically

(   ) 15. We are behind our schedule now, but if we work overtime, _____, we may be able to meet the deadline.

             (A) surprisingly        (B) interestingly        (C) hopefully            (D) reasonably

Unit 31

(   ) 1. This fashion magazine is published _____ ;we get twelve copies a year.

(A) yearly                 (B) weekly             (C) daily                  (D) monthly

(   ) 2. To write well, you need to have something to say; _____, you need that means to say it.

(A) moreover          (B) still                   (C) continually          (D) convincingly

(   ) 3. The company warmed all its employees not to be late for work; _____ they would be responsible for the consequences.

(A) otherwise            (B) likewise               (C) clockwise            (D) counterclockwise

(   ) 4. The speaker did not make a long speech; instead, he only_____ talked about what he saw and how he felt while he was in Taipei.

(A) briefly                 (B) concisely            (C) precisely          (D) scarcely

(   ) 5 The robbery suspect tried to convince the court of his _____, but the judge did not believe him.

       (A) honesty           (B) sincerity             (C) innocence          (D) patience

(   ) 6. Earthquakes and typhoons are natural _____ that can cause great damage.

(A) disasters       (B) victims                (C) themes                (D) rivals

(   ) 7. The officer's new _____ is to try to find out who poured the pollutant into the river.

(A) adjustment          (B) alcohol                 (C) assignment          (D) abstract

(   ) 8. Your stomach is in your _____, the front part of your body above your waist.

(A) kidney                (B) spleen                 (C) intestine             (D) abdomen

(   ) 9. Some people who don't eat meat choose a _____ diet for religious reasons; others do so for reasons of health.

(A) critical                 (B) radical                 (C) humanitarian       (D) vegetarian

(   ) 10. The earthquake _____ several people, but fortunately it didn't kill anyone.

(A) shook                 (B) trembled       (C) suppressed          (D) injured

(   ) 11. With radar detectors everywhere, it is hard for drivers to _____ the traffic regulations without being caught.

(A) attach                  (B) sue                      (C) violate                 (D) volunteer

(   ) 12. John is very good at saying things that make us laugh; we consider him to be very_____.

(A) serious                (B) decent                 (C) humorous           (D) hazardous

(   ) 13. Sam is a _____ captain; he won't take advice from his men.

(A) sympathetic         (B) considerate          (C) dedicated         (D) stubborn

(   ) 14. Judy is extremely shy. We could not _____ her to go to the party with us.

(A) persist                 (B) resist                    (C) persuade      (D) dissuade

(   ) 15. Larry's pet fish died He dug a hole in the garden, _____ it and prayed that it would rest in peace.

(A) laid                     (B) left                      (C) buried                 (D) kept

Unit 32

(   )1. The problem of pollution is not limited to a specific area or a particular country; it is a _____ one.

(A) local                    (B) partial              (C) regional             (D) global

(   ) 2. We need a map or GPS to give us directions when we drive; we need _____ from our elders to help us tell right from wrong.

(A) guard                 (B) guidance          (C) provision             (D) diligence

(   ) 3. The law now forbids people from smoking _____ in public places.

(A) affairs                 (B) agents                 (C) cigarettes             (D) cabinets

(   ) 4. A _____ is ten years while a century is 100 years.

(A) decade                (B) calorie                 (C) chamber         (D) chapter

(   ) 5. My low scores on the midterm _____ my mom. In order not to let her down again, I will have to work harder for the final.  

(A) cheered           (B) cherished            (C) appointed           (D) disappointed

(   ) 6. My parents have high _____ of me. They want me to be somebody.

(A) expectations        (B) determinations    (C) developments      (D) resolutions

(   ) 7. Using a computer continuously may be _____ to your eyes; you should take a rest every half an hour or so.

(A) beneficial            (B) shameful             (C) harmful               (D) youthful

(   ) 8. Our teacher rewarded us because we had _____ completed our mission.

(A) satisfactorily        (B) necessarily          (C) insignificantly    (D) persistently

(   ) 9. A new teacher will _____ the one who is retiring.

(A) relate                   (B) report                  (C) replace                 (D) regain

(   ) 10. When I saw my kindergarten playmate the other day, I could hardly _____ her---she had turned into such a nice lady.

(A) recognize            (B) identify                (C) extinguish           (D) occupy

(   ) 11. Owing to the rain, the children were not allowed to play _____.

(A) indoors               (B) indoor                 (C) outdoor               (D) outdoors

(   ) 12. One of the best things in life is to have our dreams _____. When our dreams come true, we feel happy and satisfied.    

(A) fortified              (B) electrified            (C) satisfied               (D) fulfilled

(   ) 13. J.K. Rowling must be considered a very _____ writer; she finished the Harry Potter series in just seven years.

(A) productive          (B) seductive             (C) conductive       (D) suggestive

(   ) 14. The fans were _____ and thought that their team might lose since most of the players had been injured.

(A) characteristic       (B) realistic               (C) optimistic           (D) pessimistic

(   ) 15. I can't think _____ now because I had only two hours of sleep last night.

             (A) clearly                (B) evidently             (C) obviously           (D) apparently

