教育部受託辦理110學年度 公立高級中等學校教師甄選 英文科 試題
Ⅰ. Vocabulary & Idioms
( C )
1. After George Floyd’s incident, a black young man in suburban Minnesota was
fatally shot by a police officer, sparking _____ “Black Lives Matter” protests
and further tensions over police violence across the United States of America.
(A) recumbent (B)
judicious (C) subsequent (D) frigid
recumbent [rɪˋkʌmbənt] [CUMB lie down] adj. 斜倚的;橫臥的;休息的 n. 座位斜靠式自行車
judicious [dʒuˋdɪʃəs] [JUDIC
judge] adj. 有見識的;明斷的;明智而審慎的
subsequent [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] [SEQU follow] adj. 後來的,其後的,隨後的;(作為結果而)接著發生的
frigid [ˋfrɪdʒɪd] [FRIG
cold] adj. 寒冷的,嚴寒的;冷淡的;呆板的
( A )
2. Smiles communicate confidence and build trust between the speaker and the
audience. But it doesn’t mean that the speaker should smile all the time. The
focal point lies on that the facial expressions should _____ with the message.
(A) synchronize (B)
gainsay (C) probate (D) jeopardize
synchronize [ˋsɪŋkrənaɪz] [SYN same + CHRON time] vi. 同時發生;畫面和聲音一致 vt. 使同時;使聲音和畫面一致
[genˋse] vt.(通常用於否定句或疑問句中)否認;反駁;反對
probate [ˋprobet] [PROB
test] n. 遺囑的認證[U];經認證的遺囑[C] adj. 遺囑認證的;遺囑認證法庭的 vt. 認證(遺囑);處(犯人)以緩刑
jeopardize [ˋdʒɛpɚd͵aɪz] [JEO joke + PARD part] vt. 使瀕於危險境地;冒…的危險;危及
( B )
3. According to Leo Tolstoy, “art” in our modern society has become so _____ that
not only has bad art come to be considered good, but even the very perception
of what art really is has lost.
(A) germane (B)
perverted (C) benevolent (D) rebarbative
germane [dʒɝˋmen] [GERM
seed] adj. 有密切關係的;適當的
pervert [pɚˋvɝt] [PER
away + VERT turn] vt. 使走上邪路,使變壞;腐蝕;歪曲,曲解
benevolent [bəˋnɛvələnt] [BENE good + VOL will] adj. 仁慈的,厚道的,有愛心的;親切的,善意的
rebarbative [rɪˋbɑrbətɪv] [BARB beard] adj. 討厭的;難看的
( C )
4. After the dinner, Don sat around and _____ the new tax law enforced by the
government; he was upset and let everyone know it.
(A) exemplified (B)
propagated (C) condemned (D) proliferated
exemplify [ɪgˋzɛmplə͵faɪ] [EMPL take; procure] vt. 例示;作為…的例子;【律】製作經公章證明的(文件)的謄本
propagate [ˋprɑpə͵get] [PAG fastened] vt. vi. 繁殖,增殖;使遺傳
condemn [kənˋdɛm] [DEMN
harm] vt. 責難,責備,譴責[(+as)];宣告…有罪,判…刑[(+to)][O2]
proliferate [prəˋlɪfə͵ret] [PROLI offspring + FER bring; carry] vi.【生】(使)增殖;(使)激增;(使)擴散
( A )
5. The man was consistently _____ and concise, choosing to speak with fewer
words than his colleagues.
(A) laconic (B)
obsolete (C) tenuous (D) verbose
laconic [ləˋkɑnɪk] [LACON
Laconia] adj. 簡潔的,簡明的(源自地名Laconia)
obsolete [ˋɑbsə͵lit] [OB
before; against + SOL accustomed] adj. 廢棄的,淘汰的;過時的,老式的 vt. 廢棄,淘汰
tenuous [ˋtɛnjʊəs] [TENU
thin, stretch] adj. 纖細的;稀薄的
verbose [vɚˋbos] [VERB
word] adj. 囉嗦的;冗長的
( C )
6. The CEO of the multinational enterprise is always even-tempered; all of his
employees are often amazed by his _____ in a quandary or pressure-filled
(A) penitence (B)
exquisiteness (C) equanimity (D) belligerence
penitence [ˋpɛnətəns] [PENIT
regret] n. 懺悔;贖罪
exquisiteness [ˋɛkskwɪzɪtnɪs] [QUIS seek; search] n. 絕妙;精巧
equanimity [͵ikwəˋnɪmətɪ] [EQU equal + ANIM life; spirit] n. 平靜;鎮定
belligerence [bəˋlɪdʒərəns] [BELL war; fight +
I + GER bear; carry] n. [U]好戰性,好鬥性;交戰狀態;戰鬥
( D )
7. Tomorrow’s meeting between the two leaders is expected to break a diplomatic
_____ that has lasted for ten years.
(A) acolyte (B)
divination (C) plebeian (D) stalemate
acolyte [ˋækə͵laɪt] [A
together + COLYTE road; way; path; course; journey] n.【宗】(天主教)侍祭;侍僧;沙彌;助手;隨從;新手
divination [dɪvəˋneʃən]
[DIVUS god] n. 占卜;預測
plebeian [plɪˋbiən] [PLEBE
the people] n. [C](古羅馬的)平民,庶民;百姓,普通人 adj. 平民的,庶民的;百姓的,普通的;粗俗的
stalemate [ˋstel͵met] [STALE
stand + MATE friend; companion; fellow] n.【棋】無子可動;僵持狀態 vt.【棋】使無法動棋子;使陷入困境
( A )
8. These children were excited to watch _____, a number of smaller enclosed
cabins seating two or four persons each, moving across the mountain.
(A) gondolas (B)
grenades (C) jacuzzis (D) enigmas
gondola [ˋgɑndələ] n. [C](用於義大利威尼斯運河的)平底狹長小船;(鐵路上的)敞篷貨車;(空中作業時用的或汽球、飛艇、空中纜車等的)吊籃,吊艙
grenade [grɪˋned] [GREN
grain] n. 手榴彈;滅火彈(源自石榴pomegranate)
jacuzzi [dʒəˋkuzɪ] n. 佳骨肌浴缸(周邊可噴水按摩的小浴池,源自商標名Jacuzzi)
enigma [ɪˋnɪgmə] n. 謎;難以理解的事物(源自希臘語ainos)
( B )
9. The Native Americans treated those European immigrants with every
consideration and insisted upon their remaining in the camp until they had
fully _____ from their hardships.
(A) estimated (B)
recuperated (C) assimilated (D) tambourinated
estimate [ˋɛstə͵met] [ESTIM
value] vt. 估計,估量[(+at)][O2][+(that)];評價;判斷 vi. 估計;估價[(+for)]
n. [C]估計;估價;估計數;(承包人的)估價單
recuperate [rɪˋkjupə͵ret] [CUPER take; hold; seize] vi. 恢復;挽回
assimilate [əˋsɪm!͵et] [SIMIL
same; alike] vt. 消化吸收(食物);吸收(知識等);理解 vi. 被吸收;被消化;被同化[(+into)]
??? N/A
( C )
10. Undergraduate students often ______ among various majors before deciding
which degree to pursue.
(A) validate (B)
vaporate (C) vacillate (D) venerate
validate [ˋvælə͵det] [VAL
strong; worth] vt. 使有效;使生效;承認…為正當;確認;證實
??? N/A
vacillate [ˋvæs!͵et]
[VAC wink] vi. 動搖;猶豫;躊躇[(+between)];搖擺;波動
venerate [ˋvɛnə͵ret] [VENER
charm; love] vt. 尊敬;崇敬
( A )
11. No answers could ______ the suffering of victims as encompassed by the
poliovirus as she was in the acute stages of illness.
(A) mitigate (B)
indict (C) adulterate (D) infiltrate
mitigate [ˋmɪtə͵get] [MIT
soft + IG do; act] vt. 使緩和;減輕 vi. 緩和下來;減輕
indict [ɪnˋdaɪt] [IN
in + DICT say; speak] vt. 控告,告發;(尤指大陪審團)對…起訴[(+for/with)]
adulterate [əˋdʌltə͵ret] [ULTER other; to change] vt. 攙雜,攙假 adj. 通姦的;攙雜的,攙假的
infiltrate [ɪnˋfɪltret] [FILTR filter] vt. 使(液體等)透過,滲入;使(思想、人員等)滲透 vi. 透入,滲透
( B )
12. In order to make his film about gangsters’ life more ______, the writer of
the film tried to consult real gangsters.
(A) nascent (B)
plausible (C) precarious (D) transient
nascent [ˋnæsnt] [NASC
born] adj. 發生中的;開始存在的;初期的;未成熟的
plausible [ˋplɔzəb!] [PLAUS
big noise] adj. 貌似真實的,貌似有理的;貌似可信的;花言巧語的
precarious [prɪˋkɛrɪəs]
[PREC pray] adj. 不穩的;危險的;碰機會的,說不定的
transient [ˋtrænʃənt]
[TRANS across; through; over; beyond]
adj. 短暫的;一時的;瞬間的;【美】暫住的,路過的 n.【美】短暫居住者;過往旅客[C];候鳥[C]
( B )
13. Officials in South Korea have withdrawn recently published guidelines for
pregnant women, following a public ______ for their use of outdated sexist
(A) hyperbole (B)
censure (C) maverick (D) torpor
hyperbole [haɪˋpɝbəlɪ] [HYPER overmuch + BOL to throw]
n. 修辭的誇張法;誇張的語句
censure [ˋsɛnʃɚ] [CENS
judge] vt. vi. 責備;譴責 n. 責備;譴責[U][C]
maverick [ˋmævərɪk] n.【美】未烙印的小牛(或其他牲口);【口】不服從的人;持不同意見的人 adj.【美】未烙印的;【口】持不同意見的;特立獨行的 (源自美國19世紀德克薩斯農場主Samuel Maverick)
torpor [ˋtɔrpɚ] [TORP
numb] n. 不活潑;遲鈍;懶散;(動物的)冬眠
( C )
14. At the beginning of 2020, billions of desert locusts crossed the borders
from the Arabian Peninsula, ______ farmland and fields of crops and placing the
food security of 32 million people in danger.
(A) disparaging (B)
duping (C) ravaging (D) explicating
disparaging [dɪsˋpærɪdʒɪŋ]
[PAR equal] adj. 輕蔑的;毀謗的 (disparage的動詞現在分詞、動名詞)
duping [ˋdjupɪŋ]
dupe的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 (dupe [djup] vt. 欺騙,詐騙,愚弄[(+into)] n. 容易受騙的人;容易被愚弄的人[C][(+of)])
ravage [ˋrævɪdʒ] [RAV
to snatch; seize] vt. 使荒蕪;毀滅,毀壞;蹂躪;劫掠 vi. 毀滅;蹂躪;劫掠 n. 大破壞,毀滅;蹂躪;劫掠;荒蕪[U];劫掠後的殘跡;災害,災難[the P][(+of)]
explicate [ˋɛksplɪ͵ket] [PLIC to fold] vt.
( D )
15. Management and labor are learning to work _____, as has been evidenced by
the sharp drop in strikes.
(A) per se (B) once in a blue
moon (C) between Scylla and Charybdis
(D) in tandem
per se [ˌpɝˈse] 【拉】就其本身而言(= in or by itself)
once in a blue moon phr. 【口】千載難逢地; 幾乎未曾有過; 特別少地
between Scylla and Charybdis phr. 【文】進退維谷
in tandem phr. 一前一後地; 排成縱列 (tandem [ˋtændəm] n. 兩匹馬前後縱列拉的雙輪馬車;串座雙人自行車 adv. 一前一後地 adj. 一前一後的;串聯的;前後有座位的)