
2021年8月29日 星期日



Unit 29

(  ) 1. Whether there are aliens still remains _____, but there seem to be reports about aliens visiting our planet.

(A) imaginary             (B) mysterious          (C) indispensable   (D) inevitable

(  ) 2. What caused Jason to fail the school year is crystal clear. Laziness and lack of confidence are the _____ factors.

(A) responsible            (B) indifferent           (C) fluent               (D) considerate

(  ) 3. Sherry's latest book is a bestseller, but her _____ one didn't even reach the Top 20 Best-selling List.

(A) hostile                   (B) realistic               (C) occasional        (D) previous

(  ) 4. People who can easily _____ to the new environment can survive and live well.

(A) oppose                  (B) invade                 (C) adapt                (D) expand

(  ) 5. The anti-virus campaign spreads quickly around the world; it is not _____ to a certain area.

(A) interfered              (B) restricted             (C) explored          (D) dominated

(  ) 6. The minister _____. For one thing, the prime minister was not supportive of him; for another, his policies were under severe attack by the legislators.

(A) resigned                (B) disguised             (C) revealed           (D) designated

(  ) 7. Although living in the school _____ is inexpensive, a lot of college students prefer to live off campus to enjoy high degree of freedom.

(A) experiment            (B) dormitory            (C) adventure         (D) administration

(  ) 8. It is always believed that there has been equality between men and women politically. Actually, women are in the _____ in the top ranks of government.

(A) formation              (B) consideration      (C) minority           (D) democracy

(  ) 9. I got stuck on the highway for 8 hours last New Year's Day. It was every driver's _____.

(A) exhibition              (B) nightmare            (C) permission       (D) separation

(  ) 10. It was not all Tina's fault. Wilson admitted that he was _____ to blame.

(A) partly                    (B) distantly              (C) enviously         (D) respectably

Unit 30

(  ) 1. Megan is so _____ that I believe she can talk her father into buying her a MP4 player.

(A) expressive             (B) cautious              (C) fragile              (D) destructive

(  ) 2. Andy's failure in the entrance exam was a great blow to him, but he never felt _____.

(A) indulged                (B) satisfied               (C) discouraged     (D) impressed

(  ) 3. In times of economic recession, _____ sometimes give people a bad impression of doing nothing but eating at a fancy restaurant and buying luxurious goods.

(A) guardians              (B) celebrities            (C) messengers      (D) vegetarians

(  ) 4. When we refer to a person who is always in the media _____, we mean that he/she draws much media attention.

(A) spotlight                (B) inspection           (C) commission     (D) corporation

(  ) 5. Some said that the man in the picture _____ my father. In fact, he's my uncle, my father's twin brother.

(A) resembled             (B) revenged             (C) proceeded        (D) resolved

(  ) 6. On week days, there were quite a few _____ at the hotels of the tourist spots; we really didn't need to make any reservations.

(A) pickpockets           (B) mountaineers      (C) negotiators       (D) vacancies

(  ) 7. At the airport, some trained dogs are used to _____ luggage or suitcases to find illegal drugs.

(A) snore                     (B) sneeze                 (C) sniff                 (D) snooze

(  ) 8. For me, taking drugs is _____ with committing suicide. It causes great harm to health.

(A) infectious              (B) synonymous       (C) suspicious        (D) gorgeous

(  ) 9. Over the past few years, Johnny has done successfully in international trade and _____ a great deal of money.

(A) generated              (B) concealed            (C) compelled        (D) abolished

(  ) 10. _____, hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger in Africa every year due to the lack of food.

(A) Formally               (B) Tragically            (C) Emotionally     (D) Heartily

Unit 31

(  ) 1. Members of the Green Party protested against the illegal _____ of migratory birds on Monday, aiming to put an end to selling and buying those birds.

(A) trafficking             (B) sacrificing           (C) registering        (D) confronting

(  ) 2. Our government urged that all _____ should remove an energy drink imported from Austria from shelves after cocaine had been found in this product.

(A) interpreters            (B) retailers               (C) generators        (D) entertainers

(  ) 3. World leaders from around the world attended the _____ of the president-elect, who won a landslide victory in the presidential election.

(A) expedition             (B) indignation          (C) inauguration    (D) subscription

(  ) 4. Pay a visit to Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, and then you will have a better understanding of the _____ of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan.

(A) superstitions          (B) transmissions      (C) lifestyles          (D) resolutions

(  ) 5. Taipei Metro ___ for the inconvenience, for the Mucha Line would be closed for a week.

(A) apologized            (B) inhabited             (C) exploited          (D) discharged

(  ) 6. Stanley _____ scolded her daughter for knocking over a cup of coffee, which spilled onto his suit.

(A) truthfully               (B) harshly                (C) ultimately         (D) considerably

(  ) 7. Due to the rising temperature and heat waves, the beautiful homes for various _____ animals---coral reefs---are endangered.

(A) marine                   (B) productive           (C) miraculous       (D) implicit

(  ) 8. Although Jerry led his team to win the world championship, yet he was so _____ and stressed that team work was the only key to success.

(A) profound               (B) timid                   (C) humble            (D) stubborn

(  ) 9. Some automobile companies in the United States are no longer _____ because their cars are more expensive and consume much more gasoline than others.

(A) charitable              (B) formidable          (C) marginal          (D) competitive

(  ) 10. Some countries vowed to _____ diplomatic relations with Taiwan, while some were trying to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

(A) maintain                (B) consist                 (C) disperse           (D) govern

Unit 32

(  ) 1. According to a new research, a volcanic _____ caused a massive species extinction some 260 million years ago.

(A) dictation                (B) liberation             (C) tournament      (D) outbreak

(  ) 2. Tzu Chỉ, a humanitarian _____, raises funds to help the poor around the world, especially those in the poverty-stricken areas.

(A) amateur                 (B) delegation           (C) conference       (D) foundation

(  ) 3. All men are created equal, particularly before the laws. No one should enjoy any bit of _____.

(A) accusation             (B) privilege              (C) coincidence      (D) competence

(  ) 4. Joe took a pain-killer to _____ his toothache, but it upset his stomach subsequently.

(A) relieve                   (B) advocate              (C) concede           (D) dispatch

(  ) 5. In some countries, asking how much money one earns per month or what religion one believes in is considered _____.

(A) sufficient               (B) slender                (C) offensive          (D) punctual

(  ) 6. The United States plays a _____ role in the world economically. It's not exaggerated that once America sneezes, the whole world will catch a cold.

(A) professional          (B) dominant             (C) neutral             (D) monotonous

(  ) 7. Taipei 101 has a _____ design, whose bamboo-shaped structure is nowhere else to be found.

(A) unique                   (B) heroic                  (C) magnetic          (D) flexible

(  ) 8. Rick _____ lost his cell phone in order that his father would buy him a new one.

(A) originally              (B) deliberately         (C) necessarily       (D) honorably

(  ) 9. John had been caught for speeding three times by the traffic policeman; as a result, his driver's license had to be _____.

(A) adjusted                (B) compromised      (C) suspended        (D) compensated

(  ) 10. Johnny didn't do well in his schoolwork, but he scored the highest in the college entrance exam. Everyone _____ his performance at school.

(A) certified                 (B) underestimated    (C) evaluated         (D) irritated

Reading Smart HI: Test 19

Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (36)

(   ) 1. A _____ storm hit the village caused a lot of damage last night.

(A) stressful              (B) joyful                  (C) graceful              (D) dreadful

(   ) 2. Finishing the marathon was a difficult _____ that Jason was nevertheless able to do.

(A) kick                    (B) feat                      (C) hue                     (D) pod

(   ) 3. This liquid is very _____, so it shouldn't be used near an open fire.

(A) flammable          (B) affordable           (C) acceptable           (D) predictable

(   ) 4. The child fell asleep on her _____ pillow in no time.

(A) prolific               (B) vicious                (C) fluffy                  (D) molten

(   ) 5. Diana has a very _____ accent that everyone notices right away.

(A) primitive             (B) imaginative         (C) respective           (D) distinctive

(   ) 6. Mrs. Stewart is a beloved teacher, and her students simply _____ her.

(A) adore                  (B) discard                (C) explode              (D) repress

(   ) 7. Although there were many _____ in our schedule, we were still able to get our project finished on time.

(A) resorts                (B) delicacies            (C) setbacks              (D) fragments

(   ) 8. The Greek city Athens is credited _____ the creation of democracy.

(A) to                        (B) with                    (C) by                       (D) as

(   ) 9. _____ his appointment as CEO, Mr. Moore had worked as a manager for twelve years.

(A) Beforehand        (B) Not until             (C) Throughout        (D) Prior to


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (32%)

(A) raved about         (B) publicized     (C) hail               (D) devastated       (E) embark

(F) consisting of        (G) combustion  (H) fit                 (I) rumor            (J) workshop

(   ) 10. The fire _____ the building and left almost twenty families homeless.

(   ) 11. Before calling it quits, the band will _____ on a short farewell tour.

(   ) 12. The organizers _____ the event in the newspaper and online to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking.

(   ) 13. Sammi _____ this film and said it was the best one she has seen this year.

(   ) 14. _____ has it that the company is being sold to a Japanese firm.

(   ) 15. Sandra jumped on the chair in a(n) _____ of panic when she saw the rat.

(   ) 16. I keep all of my tools inside my _____ at my house.

(   ) 17. The landlady showed me around the apartment _____ one small bedroom, a bathroom, and no kitchen.


Part III. Cloze Test (32%)

Cake is popular around the world and cakes from different countries often have unique origins. Fans of cake can be fictional characters like Doraemon, or famous royalty like Queen Victoria.

The favorite cake of cartoon character Doraemon is a traditional Japanese cake called dorayaki, which means "gong." According to legend, a Japanese _(18)_ accidentally left his gong behind, and the elderly couple who found it put it to good use to make cakes. Also from Asia is pandan cake, a cake with a bright green color. The neon color comes from pandan leaf _(19)_, a common part of Southeast Asian cooking. It is similar to European cakes, _(20)_ may have come to Malaysia when the country was colonized by Great Britain.

Cake is an important part of the tradition of _(21)_ in Great Britain. The Victoria sponge was supposedly one of Queen Victoria's favorites, _(22)_ the name. It is _(23)_ two layers of sponge cake with raspberry jam. Another popular European cake is tiramisu, the _(24)_ Italian cake. The espresso, chocolate, and sugar in this cake are supposed _(25)_ you feel more energetic. The name means “pick me up" in Italian, reflecting the revitalizing effect of the dessert.

(   ) 18. (A) interior              (B) spectator             (D) ancestor               (C) warrior

(   ) 19. (A) contract             (B) extract                 (C) abstract                (D) tract

(   ) 20. (A) when                 (B) that                      (C) what                    (D) which no

(   ) 21. (A) pastime             (B) naptime               (C) teatime                 (D) meantime

(   ) 22. (A) so                      (B) for                       (C) therefore              (D) hence

(   ) 23. (A) made of            (B) consisted of        (C) thought of           (D) accused of

(   ) 24. (A) presidential       (B) substantial           (C) quintessential       (D) potential

(   ) 25. (A) making             (B) to make               (C) being made          (D) to be made



Unit 29

(   )1. The address on the envelope is incomplete; it has the _____ and the lane, but it does not have the name of the street.

(A) alley                    (B) belly               (C) nanny                  (D) avenue

(   ) 2 The damage caused by the explosion was beyond repair so the captain had no choice but to _____ the ship.

(A) sink                  (B) lower               (C) abandon              (D) breed

(   ) 3. Michael is very competent. We have _____ confidence in him.

(A) stale                    (B) steady            (C)absolute                (D) tricky

(   ) 4. Jack is not a good friend of mine; he is just a casual _____.

(A) familiarity           (B) acquaintance    (C) variety          (D) submarine

(   ) 5 By saving a small portion of what she earns each month, Jenny has _____ a fortune at the age of forty.

(A)  prescribed          (B) acquired            (C) requested         (D) peaked

(   ) 6. Although I like golfing, I am not a professional golfer; I am just a(n) _____.

(A)amateur                (B) palace                  (C) passport              (D) angle

(   ) 7. My paper is due next week. Because I have been sick, I am afraid I cannot meet the _____.

(A) postage               (B) poverty        (C) deadline               (D) record

(   ) 8.Though the twin sisters have the same appearance, they _____ greatly in personality.

(A) suffer                  (B) differ                   (C) matter                (D) refer

(   ) 9. It is easy to _____ a poem; it is not as easy to create one.

(A) manage               (B) melt                    (C) bear                     (D) criticize

(   ) 10. The performance of the dancers delighted the audience; they applauded _____.

(A) loudly                 (B) noisily                 (C) coldly                  (D) coolly

(   ) 11. We are _____ to our parents for bringing us up; they sacrificed a lot for our sake.

(A) playful                 (B) lawful                  (C) thankful               (D) eventful

(   ) 12. Our apartment is _____ because it has been raining for days. I wish it would clear up soon.

(A) damp                  (B) empty                  (C) void                     (D) hollow

(   ) 13. People living in a _____ country enjoy freedom of speech and have the right to choose their leaders.

(A) traditional           (B) conventional        (C) democratic          (D) unique

(   ) 14. At the bottom of the ninth inning, the home team was still two runs behind. They then _____ hit three home runs in a row and won the game.

(A) superbly              (B) tragically             (C) ironically           (D) dramatically

(   ) 15. I don’t know Claire very well; I’m only _____ acquainted with her.

(A) differently           (B) amazingly            (C) slightly                (D) lightly

Unit 30

(   )1. The government conducts _____ to gather information before it implements a policy.

(A) statues                 (B)  herds                  (C) helmets             (D) surveys

(   ) 2   Global warming is _____ the existence of many species. If it continues, they will probably die out.

(A) tightening        (B) starving              (C) threatening        (D) sparkling

(   ) 3. Students are encouraged to _____ in extracurricular activities such as clubs or societies so that they will learn things not teach in classes.

(A) participate       (B) transport         (C)tumble                (D) unite

(   ) 4. _____ traits such as selfishness and a hot temper are believed by many to be inborn.

(A) Technician          (B) Perfume         (C) Personality    (D) Surgeon

(   ) 5. The department store will celebrate its 50th anniversary by offering a 30% _____ on everything it sells. If you need to shop, this is the time.

(A) discount        (B)  trend                  (C) grace                   (D) tray

(   ) 6. It Is a(n) _____ to call someone an idiot.

(A) compliment         (B) insult                   (C) praise               (D) virtue

(   ) 7. My mom _____ me for not taking good care of my sister while she was out.

(A) reminded             (B) warned                (C) blamed            (D) convinced

(   ) 8. Many Chinese people sweep their ancestors’ tombs _____; they do it on Tomb Sweeping Day, which comes in early April.

(A) socially               (B) respectfully       (C) annually             (D) perfectly

(   ) 9. My anger disappeared after Ned _____ to me for having been rude.

(A) polished              (B) retained               (C) revised         (D) apologized

(   ) 10. Jenny's report of the accident was _____; she described what had actually happened.

(A) loudly                 (B) noisily                 (C) revolutionary      (D) accurate

(   ) 11. Mr. Chang seldom loses his temper, but he was _____ when his son drove his car without his permission and crashed it.

(A) furious                (B) homesick            (C) fearful                 (D) redundant

(   ) 12. To succeed in life, we need to be good at something; _____, we need to work hard.

(A) however             (B) therefore             (C) furthermore     (D) nevertheless

(   ) 13. Rather than being _____, my math teacher is very rigid about us meeting the deadline.

(A) flexible              (B) deductible           (C) excusable          (D) detectable

(   ) 14. The expression "long time no see" is _____ incorrect, but it has been accepted by speakers of English as an informal greeting.

(A) culturally         (B) traditionally          (C) practically      (D) grammatically

(   ) 15. We are behind our schedule now, but if we work overtime, _____, we may be able to meet the deadline.

             (A) surprisingly        (B) interestingly        (C) hopefully            (D) reasonably

Unit 31

(   ) 1. This fashion magazine is published _____ ;we get twelve copies a year.

(A) yearly                 (B) weekly             (C) daily                  (D) monthly

(   ) 2. To write well, you need to have something to say; _____, you need that means to say it.

(A) moreover          (B) still                   (C) continually          (D) convincingly

(   ) 3. The company warmed all its employees not to be late for work; _____ they would be responsible for the consequences.

(A) otherwise            (B) likewise               (C) clockwise            (D) counterclockwise

(   ) 4. The speaker did not make a long speech; instead, he only_____ talked about what he saw and how he felt while he was in Taipei.

(A) briefly                 (B) concisely            (C) precisely          (D) scarcely

(   ) 5 The robbery suspect tried to convince the court of his _____, but the judge did not believe him.

       (A) honesty           (B) sincerity             (C) innocence          (D) patience

(   ) 6. Earthquakes and typhoons are natural _____ that can cause great damage.

(A) disasters       (B) victims                (C) themes                (D) rivals

(   ) 7. The officer's new _____ is to try to find out who poured the pollutant into the river.

(A) adjustment          (B) alcohol                 (C) assignment          (D) abstract

(   ) 8. Your stomach is in your _____, the front part of your body above your waist.

(A) kidney                (B) spleen                 (C) intestine             (D) abdomen

(   ) 9. Some people who don't eat meat choose a _____ diet for religious reasons; others do so for reasons of health.

(A) critical                 (B) radical                 (C) humanitarian       (D) vegetarian

(   ) 10. The earthquake _____ several people, but fortunately it didn't kill anyone.

(A) shook                 (B) trembled       (C) suppressed          (D) injured

(   ) 11. With radar detectors everywhere, it is hard for drivers to _____ the traffic regulations without being caught.

(A) attach                  (B) sue                      (C) violate                 (D) volunteer

(   ) 12. John is very good at saying things that make us laugh; we consider him to be very_____.

(A) serious                (B) decent                 (C) humorous           (D) hazardous

(   ) 13. Sam is a _____ captain; he won't take advice from his men.

(A) sympathetic         (B) considerate          (C) dedicated         (D) stubborn

(   ) 14. Judy is extremely shy. We could not _____ her to go to the party with us.

(A) persist                 (B) resist                    (C) persuade      (D) dissuade

(   ) 15. Larry's pet fish died He dug a hole in the garden, _____ it and prayed that it would rest in peace.

(A) laid                     (B) left                      (C) buried                 (D) kept

Unit 32

(   )1. The problem of pollution is not limited to a specific area or a particular country; it is a _____ one.

(A) local                    (B) partial              (C) regional             (D) global

(   ) 2. We need a map or GPS to give us directions when we drive; we need _____ from our elders to help us tell right from wrong.

(A) guard                 (B) guidance          (C) provision             (D) diligence

(   ) 3. The law now forbids people from smoking _____ in public places.

(A) affairs                 (B) agents                 (C) cigarettes             (D) cabinets

(   ) 4. A _____ is ten years while a century is 100 years.

(A) decade                (B) calorie                 (C) chamber         (D) chapter

(   ) 5. My low scores on the midterm _____ my mom. In order not to let her down again, I will have to work harder for the final.  

(A) cheered           (B) cherished            (C) appointed           (D) disappointed

(   ) 6. My parents have high _____ of me. They want me to be somebody.

(A) expectations        (B) determinations    (C) developments      (D) resolutions

(   ) 7. Using a computer continuously may be _____ to your eyes; you should take a rest every half an hour or so.

(A) beneficial            (B) shameful             (C) harmful               (D) youthful

(   ) 8. Our teacher rewarded us because we had _____ completed our mission.

(A) satisfactorily        (B) necessarily          (C) insignificantly    (D) persistently

(   ) 9. A new teacher will _____ the one who is retiring.

(A) relate                   (B) report                  (C) replace                 (D) regain

(   ) 10. When I saw my kindergarten playmate the other day, I could hardly _____ her---she had turned into such a nice lady.

(A) recognize            (B) identify                (C) extinguish           (D) occupy

(   ) 11. Owing to the rain, the children were not allowed to play _____.

(A) indoors               (B) indoor                 (C) outdoor               (D) outdoors

(   ) 12. One of the best things in life is to have our dreams _____. When our dreams come true, we feel happy and satisfied.    

(A) fortified              (B) electrified            (C) satisfied               (D) fulfilled

(   ) 13. J.K. Rowling must be considered a very _____ writer; she finished the Harry Potter series in just seven years.

(A) productive          (B) seductive             (C) conductive       (D) suggestive

(   ) 14. The fans were _____ and thought that their team might lose since most of the players had been injured.

(A) characteristic       (B) realistic               (C) optimistic           (D) pessimistic

(   ) 15. I can't think _____ now because I had only two hours of sleep last night.

             (A) clearly                (B) evidently             (C) obviously           (D) apparently