
2018年12月23日 星期日

Answers to Homework on Translation & Writing

Letter Writing 簡函寫作

A. Develop an Approach
1. 簡函寫作應該注意的格式重點包括稱謂,日期,結尾語和署名等。本文是一封告白信,所以結尾可使用較親切的字詞,如All my loveAlways yoursEver yoursYours truly等等,稱謂可用Dear +名字。
2. 由於本文是一封告白信,所以第一段就開門見山地說明寫信目的:表達愛意,並具體說明心儀對方的理由,這部分應該真誠而具體。第二段提出希望能和對方交往,並表示無論對方是否接受,都希望兩人永遠是朋友。
3. 寫給告白對象的信件,語氣必須真誠感性,訴諸情感,以打動對方的心,但仍須注意對方反應,表達會尊重對方的決定。
4. 告白信件通常以第一人稱來敘述。

Make an Outline
主題句1 There's something I've been meaning to tell you.
(a) I've adored you ever since we met in Ms. Huang's class.
(b) The first thing I noticed about you was your kindness.
(c) I also love your sense of humor and your curiosity.
主題句2 I can't help wondering what life would be like for us as a couple.
(a) I hope that you feel the same.
(b) I will understand if you'd prefer to remain friends.
(c) I'm sure you'll reply with kindness.
結論句I await your response with anticipation.

How is it written?
1. 說明寫這封信的原因和心儀對方的理由。
2. 希望能和對方成為情侶,否則希望還能維持友誼。

B. Sample 1Explanation
Writing Sample 1
February 2, 2018
Dearest Avery,
There's something I've been meaning to tell you, and the more I think about it, the harder it becomes to say. That's why I’m writing this letter; it's easier to express myself in writing. Here goes nothing---I've adored you ever since we met in Ms. Huang's class. The first thing I noticed about you was your kindness. You stuck up for me when no one else would. My admiration for you has only grown from there. I also love your wonderful sense of humor and your curiosity about the world.
I know we've been friends for years, but I can't help wondering what life would be like for us as a couple. More than anything, I hope that you feel the same. Though I can no longer hide my true feelings for you, I will understand if you'd prefer to remain friends. Losing you as a friend would be unbearable. Knowing you as I do, I'm sure you'll reply with kindness whatever your thoughts are. With that, I await your response with anticipation.
Always yours,

Grammar Tips
1. …the more l think about it, the harder it becomes to say. …我越去想,就越難説出口。
説明:當要比較兩件事的關聯性,並強調兩件事相互消長的關係時,可使用句型「The +比較级+S1 + V1, the +比較級+ S2 + V2」來表示,意指「越就越」。
o The more anxious you are, the more likely it is that you'll make a mistake.
o The greater the challenges Jim faces, the more determined he is to overcome them.

2. …, but I can't help wondering what life would be like for us as a couple. …但是我不禁想知道如果我們是情侶的話,我們的生活將會是如何。
説明:can't help + V-ing表示「不禁:忍不住」,亦可用can't help but + Vcan't help itcan't help oneself
The kitten was so cute that Helen couldn't help stopping to play with it.
After real zing that they had won the game, the players couldn't help but scream in excitement.

3. I'm sure you'll reply with kindness, whatever your thoughts are. …,我相信無論你的想法是什麼,你都會以善意回應。
説明:whatever表示「無論什麼」,在此引導副詞子句,連接兩個句子,此時可替換為no matter what。常見的類似用法有whoever = no matter who),whenever= no matter when)等。
I'll always support you, whatever you choose to do.
Whenever you need my help, I'll be there to assist you.

Writing Sample 2
February 2, 2018
Dear Kate,
I'm going to come right out and say it---or at least write it, as I'm too shy to speak to you in person. I've admired you for a long time, and although we've been friends for a few years, I really wish we could be something more.
I've been thinking about saying this for a long time, but I was worried that if I told you how truly felt, it would damage our friendship. However, I've decided that I don't want to regret staying silent, keeping my passion locked away in my heart like a fierce beast in a cage.
I would really like to go on a date with you, even if it's just to a coffee shop where we can chat. I really like spending time with you, and I would like to know if there's any potential for romance between us.
I'm prepared to accept that you might not feel the same way about me. If that is the case please don't let this letter spoil our friendship. No matter how you feel, I hope you write me back.
Ever yours,
Part A 單句翻譯
1. 如果你早上略過早餐,這不僅會使你飢餓,而且還會影響你的心情。
2. 根據一項研究,有吃早餐的人往往比那些沒吃的人有更好的心情。

PART B 連貫式翻譯
沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)是世界上唯一一個女性不被允許駕駛的國家。然而,政府已經宣布今年六月將解除對女性駕駛的禁令。這對女性駕駛來説很重要,因為她們終於將能不用冒著被逮捕或罰款的風險去駕駛。

PART C 克漏式翻譯
Morgan's Wonderland is an amusement park in San Antonio, Texas, US. It's unlike any other amusement park in the world, as it was designed specifically for people with disabilities. All of the rides and attractions are designed to be wheelchair-accessible, including the Ferris wheel and the miniature train. 除了摩根仙境(the Wonderland)之外,還有摩根的靈感島(the Morgan’s Inspiration Island),這是一座使遊客能在炎熱夏季份裡玩水的水上樂園。The park grants anyone with a disability free entry. The whole complex was the creation of Gordon Hartman, who built the park for his daughter Morgan.
Morgan suffers from both physical and mental disabilities, and the Hartmans struggled to find amusement parks and other places where she could feel comfortable and interact with others. Since there didn't seem to be one anywhere, Gordon built one himself. 建造麈根仙境和靈感島花費了五千一百萬美元,但戈登知道這一切都是值得的。Parents of disabled children constantly tell him how much his work has meant to them. Gordon says he will happily work with other organizations who want to build similar parks elsewhere.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

1. 如果士兵們根據我的命令行動,我們一定會贏得這場戰鬥。
2. 花時間去造訪臺灣東海岸的人將會發現那絕對是值得的。
3. 我媽媽讓我和我的朋友外出,但是她不會允許我午夜過後還待在外面。
4. 如果你花所有的空閒時間在玩電腦遊戲,你會冒著在學校取得很差的成績的風險。
5. 所有的學生都按時繳交作業,除了湯瑪斯(Thomas)之外,他不僅忘了這件事,而且還編了一個很爛的藉口。
Sentence 1.
中文 如果你早上略過早餐,這不僅會使你飢餓,而且還會影響你的心情。
英譯 If you skip breakfast in the morning, it can not only make you hungry but also affect your mood.
※本句以直述法的條件句預測未來可能發生的事,If引導的條件句(if you skip breakfast in the)用現在簡單式,表示在該條件成立之下,事情會在未來發生。表示未來可能成真的if條件句:If + S + V, S + can / will / shall / may... + Vif引導的條件句亦可置於主要句子之後。
If you try putting out an oil fire with water, you will only make things worse.
Emily will forgive you if you apologize to her in a sincere manner.
※對等連接詞not only A but also B表示「不僅A而且B」,所連接的AB必須是同一詞性或兩個結構對等的片語或子句。此用法在語意上強調B,若置於主詞位置時,其勤詞的變化依B而定。此用法亦可變換成倒裝句型:將not only提到句首,並將該句倒裝成為Not only + be動詞/助動詞 + S + V, but + S (+ also) + V.
Harry not only missed the school bus, but also got soaked as he walked to school in the rain.
Not only is Gareth a talented singer, but he (also) writes all of his own songs.

Sentence 2.
中文 根據一項研究,有吃早餐的人往往比那些沒吃的人有更好的心情。
英譯 According to one study, people who have breakfast tend to be in a better mood than those who don’t.
※本句以現在簡單式說明目前存在的一項研究結果。according to為介系詞片語,其後接名詞。表「根據」之意。其他表相同之意的介系詞片語有in accordance withon the basis of等。動詞片語base A (up)on B也有「以為根據/基礎」之意,常以被動語態A be based (up)on B表示。
Alice acted in accordance with her friend's advice and made an appointment with a doctor.
Our decision is based (up)on the most recent information we have.
※本句後半部分使用形容詞子句句型,以先行詞those搭配關係代名詞who,表示「的人」,此用法亦可代換成people who,使用時皆須搭使用時搭配複數動詞;anyone who / whoever則表示「任何...的人」,使用時搭配單數動詞。
Those who enjoy action movies will definitely want to check out the new Bond film.
Anyone who has any information about the man in this picture should contact the police at once.

Sentence 1
中文 沙烏地阿拉伯是世界上唯一一個女性不被允許駕駛的國家。
英譯 Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive.
This is the restaurant where (= at which) Mandy and I had our first date.
The boss wanted to know the reason why (= for which) I was late for work.
※動詞allow表「允許」之意,常見用法如下:(1) allow sb / sth to V (允許;使能夠)(2) allow + N / V-ing (允許);(3) allow sb sth (准許某人得到某事物);(4) allow me to V (請允許我…)(用於提供服務或引言)。動詞permitlet也可表「允許」之意,其常見用法有:permit + N / V-ingpermit sb to Vlet sb / sth + V等。
Adrian's parents allow him to stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights.
Cinderella's wicked stepmother would not permit her to go to Prince Charming's ball.

Sentence 2.3.
中文 然而,政府已經宣布今年六月將解除對女性駕駛的禁令。這對女性駕駛來説很重要,因為她們終於將能不用冒著被逮捕或罰款的風險去駕駛。
英譯 However, the government has announced that it will lift the ban on female drivers this June. This is important for female drivers because they will finally be able to drive without risking being arrested or fined.
※第一句以現在完成式說明沙烏地阿拉伯政府已經宣布的事實,第二句則以現在簡單式說明政府宣布的事對女性駕駛很重要。ban當名詞表「禁止;禁令」之意,常見的搭配用法有lift the ban on sth(解除對的禁令),put / place / impose a ban on sth(對頒布禁令)等。ban當動詞亦表「禁止」之意,可以直接加上事物做為受詞,其同義字為prohibitforbid。表示「禁止某人某物/做某事」的常見用法有ban / prohibit / forbid sb from + N / V-ingforbid + sb + to V等。
The local meat industry protested the decision to lift the ban on foreign beer imports.
In 2017, China imposed a ban on importing coal and other products from North Korea.
risk作動詞時表「冒著的風險」之意,用法為risk + N / V-ing。另外risk作名詞時表「風險;冒險」之意,常見用法有run / take the risk of + N / V-ing(冒著的風險),put sb / sth at risk(使陷入風險之中),run a risk(冒風險),at one's own risk(某人自行承擔風險),at risk of + N / V-ing(有的風險/危險)等。
If you invest all your money in the stock market, you risk losing everything.
By leaving all your work until the last minute, you run the risk of being unable to finish it all.

Sentence 1
中文 除了摩根仙境之外,還有摩根的靈感島,這是一座使遊客能在炎熱夏季月分裡玩水的水上樂園。
英譯 In addition to the Wonderland, there's also Morgan's Inspiration Island, a waterpark that lets visitors play in water during the hot summer months.
※本句以現在簡單式說明除了摩根仙境之外,還有水上樂園摩根的靈感島。片語in addition to表示「除了…之外(還有),等同於besidesas well as等,其後接名詞或V-ing。注意不可和表示「除了之外(沒有);排除在外」的用法混淆:exceptfor+ N / Vingwith the exception of + N / Vingexcept that + S + V等。有些片語則兼具包含與排除之意,須依句意而定:apart / aside from + N / V-ingother than + N / V-ing等。
Besides playing basketball, Tony also enjoys swimming and jogging.
All of my friends came to my birthday party, apart from (= except) Melissa, who was sick.
※動詞letmakehaveget等皆有「使;讓」之意,其用法區別如下:(1)受詞(O)主動做動作:let / make / have + O + Vget + O + to V;(2)受詞(O)被動地接受動作:let + O + be + V-p.pmake / have / get + O + V-p.p.
The mother doesn't let her children play video games on the family computer; she only lets them use it for homework.
After the wedding, Frank got his suit dry-cleaned.

Sentence 2
中文 建造摩根仙境和靈感島花費了五千一百萬美元,但戈登知道這一切都是值得的。
英譯 It cost US $ 51 million to build Morgan's Wonderland and Inspiration Island, but Gordon knows it was all worth it.
※本句前半部分(It cost…Inspiration Island)以過去簡單式說明當初建造摩根仙境和靈感島的花費,後半部分(but Gordon knows it was all worth it)則以現在簡單式描述戈登認為過去做的事很值得。表示「花費(時間或金錢)」,有以下三個常見動詞,區分如下:(1) cost只能用於花費金錢,主詞必須為事物用法為「It costs ++金錢+ to V」,「事物+ cost ++金錢」;(2) spend用於花費時間或金錢主詞必須為人,用法為「A + spend +時間 /金錢+ on N / V-ing;(3) take只能用於花費時間,主詞可以是人或事物,用法為「A + take +時間+ to V」,「事物+ take ++時間」,「It takes + + 時間 + to V」。
The new MRT line to Taoyuan Airport cost the government over NT $ 2 billion to construct.
Dolly spent several hours working on her research project last night.
worth當形容詞時表示:(1)「值得(做)」,用法是be worth + N / V-ing;(2)「值;有…的價值」,用法是be worth +N。常見的搭配用法有be worth it (…是值得的)be worth one's while (值得某人花時間/精力/金錢的)等。
This book is definitely worth reading; I'll lend it to you as soon as l finish it.
Since I seldom use public transportation, it's not worth my while to get a monthly pass.

1. If the soldiers act in accordance with my commands, we will certainly win this battle.
2. Those who take the time to visit Taiwan's east coast will find it's definitely worth their while.
3. My mom lets me go out with my friends, but she won't permit me to stay out after midnight.
4. If you spend all your free time playing computer games, you will risk getting bad grades in school.
5. All the students handed in the assignment on time apart from Thomas, who not only forgot about it but also made up a poor excuse.

