
2018年12月23日 星期日

Topic Translation & Writing 6-1: Social Problems

6-1 Social problems
1. global warming 全球暖化  global citizen 世界公民  globalization 全球化
2. climate change 氣候變遷  disaster 災難  catastrophe 浩劫
3. financial crisis 金融危機  energy crisis 能源危機
4. the law of the jungle 叢林法則
5. loss of lives and property 生命財産損失
6. heavy casualties 傷亡慘重
7. serious pollution by industrial wastes 遭受工業廢棄物嚴重汙染
8. the immeasurable space of the universe 浩瀚無垠的宇宙
9. greed and selfishness 貪婪與自私
10. lottery winner 彩券得獎人
11. a total nightmare 簡直是一場惡夢
12. the Great Depression of the 1930s  1930年代經濟大蕭條
13. unemployment rate 失業率
14. pedestrian crossing zebra crossing 行人穿越道
15. footbridge 人行橋  underpass 地下通道  intersection 十字路口
16. commit a crime 犯罪
17. live in a plight 活在困境
18. in a blaze 熊熊燃燒
19. claim dozens of lives 奪去了幾十條人命
20. affect = influence = have an effect on = have an influence on 影響
21. surge to 激增
22. A benefit B = B benefit from A  AB有益
23. declare bankruptcy 宣告破産  go bankrupt 破産
24. be supposed to. V ..應該
25. reduce speed 降低速度  reduce expenses 減少開支

1. 全球糧食危機已經在世界許多地區造成嚴重的社會問題。
2. 專家警告我們不應該再將食物價格低廉視爲理所當然。【97指考】

1. 處在貪婪自私的時代,我們受夠了犯罪的報導。
2. 我們似乎活在叢林法則所統治的苦境。

1. 火災往往導致傷亡及難以估計的財產損失。
2. 曾經有一家餐廳的大火奪走了六十條人命。

1. 不是每個彩券得獎人都會由成堆的鈔票中得到好處,反而實際情形比較像惡夢。
2. 其中一些結局是宣布破產,而另外一些甚至冒著被親近的朋友或親戚殺死的危險。

1. 20072009的金融危機被稱爲自經濟大蕭條以來最嚴重的,它影響了全球人們的生活。
2. 例如,臺灣的失業率已衝到了5.81%的新高。

1. 駕駛人和行人多半都要承擔車禍的責任。
2. 行人應該多利用天橋和地下道,然而駕駛人應在十字路口減速慢行。

「視為理所當然」→ take something for granted / take it for granted + that 子句。
1. Global food crisis has caused serious social problems in many regions around the world.
2. The experts warn that we should not take the low prices of food for granted.

「受夠了」→ be fed up with
「似乎」→ It seems that S + V = S + seem(s) to V
1. In times of greed and selfishness, we have been fed up with stories about crime.
2. It seems that we are living in a plight ruled by the law of the

「導致」→ cause = result in = lead to = bring about = give rise to
1. The fire often results in casualties and immeasurable losses of property.
2. The blaze in a restaurant once claimed sixty lives.

「反而」→; instead,
「其中一些…而另外一些」→ some…, others…
「結局是」→ end up + V-ing
『冒著…的危險」→ run the risk of…
1. Not every lottery winner benefit from piles of cash; instead, the reality is more like a nightmare.
2. Some of them ended up declaring bankruptcy, while others even ran the risk of being killed by close friends or relatives.

「自…以來」→ S + have / has V-en + since + 過去的時間或名詞
「例如」→ for example / for instance
1. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 has been called the most serious one since the Great Depression, which has affected the lives of people around the world.
2. For example, Taiwan's unemployment rate has surged to a new high of 5.81 percent.

「多半」→ more often than not / frequently
「要承擔的責任」→ be to blame for
「利用」→ take advantage / make use of
「然而」→,while (對等連接詞) / ; however, (副詞)
1. More often than not, both the driver and the pedestrian are to blame for an accident.
2. Pedestrians are supposed to take advantage of footbridges and underpasses, while drivers should reduce their speed at intersections.

On National Health Insurance
In the past, quite a few poor people would die for lack of proper medical treatment. It was a tragedy as well as a loss to the whole society. Now we realize that people's access to good health care should not depend on social factors, such as their level of income or social status. In a democratic country, every single individual's life should be equally respected and cherished. Manpower is the most valuable assets of a country. Therefore, there is no excuse for the government to evade the responsibility of taking care of its people. Only when its people are physically and mentally healthy can a country stay strong and prosperous.
Equality, cooperation and harmony are supposed to be the foundations of a developed country. Several years ago our country started to implement the health insurance system. Under this system, all the citizens have equal access to good medical care as long as they pay a certain portion of their income as premiums each month. As far as I know, many low-income families benefit from it. A lot of needy people no longer worry about the unaffordable doctor' bills. Nevertheless, some problems arise. The most serious one is that the Health Insurance Bureau is in enormous deficit, which may lead to its bankruptcy. Therefore, every citizen should do their best to prevent that from happening by not wasting our medical resources.
for lack of 因缺乏  access  n. 使用  status  n. 地位  asset  n. 資產
evade  v. 逃避  prosperous  adj. 富足的  implement  v. 實施
premium  n. 保險費  benefit from  v. 得益於  unaffordable  adj. 負擔不起的
deficit  n. 赤字  bankruptcy  n. 破產

