
2018年12月30日 星期日

Topic Translation & Writing 6-5: Future Plans

6-5 Future Plans
1. prepare for the test 爲考試準備  prepare against fire 預防火災
2. a meaningful life 有意義的人生
3. unfortunate 不幸的  Misfortunes never come singly. 禍不單行。
4. guidance from an expert 專家的指導
5. a road system 道路系統  systematically = with system 有條不紊
6. enrich my knowledge 豐富我的知識
7. narrowly 狹窄地  a narrow escape 千鈞一髮
8. specialized 專業的  special education 特殊教育
9. in modern society 現代社會  in the society of books 與書作伴
10. bridge over obstacles 跨越障礙
11. in the field of medicine 醫學領域  in the cotton fields 在棉田
12. admire 欽佩;羨慕  truly admirable 確實值得讚美
13. realize = come to the realization 意識到
14. abuse power 權力  power of judgment 判斷力  electric power 電力
15. handle the machine 操作機器  handle the guy 對付那個人
16. outstanding 傑出的  stand out 脫穎而出
17. energy crisis 能源危機  crisis management 危機管理
18. environment pollution 環境汙染  environmentalist = conservationist 環保人士
19. green building 綠色建築  eco-friendly construction 不損壞生態環境的建築
20. be promoted to the next grade 升到高一個年級  promote cooperation 促進合作
21. emphasize = put emphasis on 強調
22. renewable resources 再生資源  trash recycling 垃圾回收
23. glacier 冰川  glacial period 冰河時期
24. global warming 全球暖化  climate shift 氣候變遷

1. 學習如何決定和準備好一個人的未來對一個有意義的人生很重要。
2. 不幸,臺灣的學生在這些事項上幾乎得不到來自學校系統的指點。

1. 我想在大學豐富我的知識,而非狹窄地集中在一個專業的領域。
2. 我們社會最需要的不是更多專家,而是那些可以跨越不同領域的人。

1. 或許聽起來奇怪,但我的確羨慕成爲明星的感覺。
2. 我意識到站在舞臺的聚光燈下是我所追尋的。

1. 長久以來我很欽佩父親經營事業的魄力。
2. 我盼望著像他一樣成爲傑出的實業家。

1. 由於能源危機和環境汙染,在過去數十年來提倡綠色建築運動。
2. 它常強調利用再生資源,像陽光、風、雨水。

1. 不要認爲你還年輕就禁得起浪費時間。
2. 一旦延宕的習慣養成,你的才能將淪落成平庸。

「如何…」→ how to V(名詞片語當主詞、受詞、補語)
「對...重要」→ be important to + N
1. Learning how to decide and prepare for one's future is important to a meaningful life.
2. Unfortunately, the students in Taiwan get very little guidance in these regards from the school system.

「而非」→ instead of + N / V-ing = rather than-N / V
「集中」→ focus on = center on = concentrate on
「…所最需要的」→ what… need most (名詞子句當主詞、受詞、補語)
1. I want to enrich my knowledge in the university instead of narrowly focusing on a specialized area.
2. What our society needs most is not more experts, but those who can bridge over different fields.

「聽起來…」→ sound + adj. e.g. sound familiar 聽起來熟悉
「在舞臺的聚光燈下」→ in the spotlight
「我所追尋的」→ what I pursue / seek for
1. It may sound strange but I do admire the feeling of being a star.
2. I have realized that standing in the spotlight is what I pursue.

「長久以來」→ have long V-en (副詞long搭配現在完成式)
「盼望」→ look forward to + V-ing (to是介系詞)
1. I have long admired my father for his power to handle the business.
2. I'm looking forward to becoming an outstanding businessman like him.

「由於」→ owing to = because of = thanks to = on account of = as a result of
「在過去數十年來」→ in / for / over the past few decades + 現在完成式
「利用」→ take advantages = make use of
1. Owing to the energy crisis and environmental pollution, green building campaign has been promoted in the past few decades.
2. It often puts emphasis on taking advantage of renewable resources like sunlight, wind, and rain.

「禁得起」→ can afford to
「習慣養成」→ form a habit of
「淪落成」→ be degraded to
1. Don't think that you are still so young that you can afford to waste your time.
2. Once the habit of procrastination is formed, your talent will be degraded to mediocrity.

What I Pursue
As a teenager, am I supposed to lead a carefree life or set a life goal to strive for? On one hand, I enjoy surfing the Internet, playing on-line games and chatting with friends through MSN like average teenagers. On the other hand, the image of an outstanding businessman has been rooted in my mind since young. In fact, it is my father that has strongly influenced me. He is running a successful printing factory and expecting to have his business expanded. I have long admired my father for his power to handle his business. I'm looking forward to becoming an outstanding businessman like him. Likewise, my father wishes me to take over his factory in the future. In order to equip me for this task, my father places great emphasis on my education, especially language learning. Besides English, I am encouraged to learn more foreign languages, such as French or Spanish. After all, multilingual ability will be a great advantage to a global businessman. Under my father's instruction, I have developed a keen observation of business news. For example, the rise of the PRC in economy and the crisis of the US caused by subprime leading attract my attention.
It is no easy job to take charge of a factory. Powerful leadership is essential. Therefore, I avail myself of every opportunity to conduct various school activities, such as singing contest, cadre member-service team and economy discussion club. From them, I have learned how to get along with others how to organize a program. Most important of all, I have realized what features a leader should have. I know there is still a long way to go before I am competent enough to start my business. At least, I have set my goal to which I am sure to commit myself.

carefree  adj. 無憂無慮的  strive for  努力  surf  v. 網路上搜索資料
expand  v. 擴張  take over 接管  equip  v. 使有能力
multilingual  adj. 多種語言的  instruction  n. 教導  observation  n. 觀察
subprime  adj. 次級  take charge of 負責  avail oneself of  利用
cadre  n. 幹部  feature  n. 特徵  commit oneself  投入

