
2020年2月10日 星期一

KW 14. flow

flow [flo]

1 - 來自 PIE*pleu,浮動,流動,詞源同 float,fleet,pluvial.

vi. (flowed) 
① 流;流動 
The oil is flowing out. 油流出來了。 
Years flow away. 年華流逝。
Tears flowed from her eyes. 淚水從她的眼裡流出。
After World War I, gold flowed into America. 第一次世界大戰後,黃金流入美國。
The river flows into the lake. 那條河流入該湖。
Foreign scientists, engineers and technicians are flowing into the United States. 外國的科學家、工程師和技術人員正流入美國。
The river flows through the city. 那條河流經該市。 

② (潮)漲(←→ebb)

③ 溢出;氾濫;充滿
The river began to flow over its banks. 河水開始氾濫。 
The streets flowed with cars. 街充滿了車輛。 

④ (血)流出 
Blood will flow. 會發生流血事件。 

⑤ (血液、電等)流通

⑥ (人、車等)川流不息;(頭髮等)飄垂;(旗等迎風)招展;(口才等)流利 
Traffic flows along the highway all day. 沿這條公路交通整天川流不息。 
Orders are flowing in. 訂單不斷流進來。
Her long hair flowed down her shoulders. 她的長髮飄垂到肩上。 

⑦ 來(自),源(自) 
Knowledge flows from learning. 知識來自學習。 

① [用單數形]
⑴ 流;流水;流動 
the flow of a river 河的流動 
the flow of traffic 交通的流動 
⑵ (電、瓦斯的)供給(量)<of>

② [用單數形]暢流;滔滔 
a flow of information 資訊的暢流 

③ [the flow]漲潮(←→ebb)

④ [U] 氾濫

⑤ [U] (衣服、頭髮等的)飄垂 
on [at] the flow 漲潮的(←→ at the ebb) 
The tide was on [at] the flow. 潮水上漲。

單數: flow
複數: flows

現在式: flow
現在式(第三人稱單數): flows
現在分詞: flowing
過去式: flowed
過去分詞: flowed

flow: 為表水[液體]不斷地流
The river flows into the sea.
pour: 指以相當的量向低處流下
The river pours into the lake.
stream: 指由水源流出
water streaming through the gutter

rise, arise: 均指某事物發生、產生或出現; arise亦可表因果關係
Many empires rose and fell in China.
Several problems arose from the mishap.
spring: 指突然(強有力地)出現或發生
Towns sprang where oil was discovered.
originate: 指產生或開始;強調起點、起源
The story originated from a Greek legend.
derive: 指由某一起源發達、發展、變化
The word "width" derives from "wide."
flow: 指如流水般不斷地出來
Words flowed easily from his lips.
issue: 指如由出口處出來那樣地出現、出來、流出
Blood issued from the wound.
a profit issuing from business

current  n.  水流
stream  n.  水流
flood  n.  漲潮
tide  n.  潮水

ebb  n.  退潮

